Add some more injection lemmas for neutrals
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@ -567,6 +567,53 @@ Proof.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:nsteps inv:LoRed.R.
Lemma lored_hne_preservation n (a b : PTm n) :
LoRed.R a b -> ishne a -> ishne b.
Proof. induction 1; sfirstorder. Qed.
Lemma lored_nsteps_app_inv k n (a0 b0 C : PTm n) :
nsteps LoRed.R k (PApp a0 b0) C ->
ishne a0 ->
exists i j a1 b1,
i <= k /\ j <= k /\
C = PApp a1 b1 /\
nsteps LoRed.R i a0 a1 /\
nsteps LoRed.R j b0 b1.
move E : (PApp a0 b0) => u hu. move : a0 b0 E.
elim : k u C / hu.
- sauto lq:on.
- move => k a0 a1 a2 ha01 ha12 ih a3 b0 ?. subst.
inversion ha01; subst => //=.
move => h.
have : ishne a4 by sfirstorder use:lored_hne_preservation.
move : ih => /[apply]. move => [i][j][a1][b1][?][?][?][h0]h1.
subst. exists (S i),j,a1,b1. sauto lq:on solve+:lia.
spec_refl. move : ih => /[apply].
move => [i][j][a1][b1][?][?][?][h0]h1. subst.
exists i, (S j), a1, b1. sauto lq:on solve+:lia.
Lemma algo_metric_app n k (a0 b0 a1 b1 : PTm n) :
algo_metric k (PApp a0 b0) (PApp a1 b1) ->
ishne a0 ->
ishne a1 ->
exists j, j < k /\ algo_metric j a0 a1 /\ algo_metric j b0 b1.
move => [i][j][va][vb][v][h0][h1][h2][h3][h4][h5]h6.
move => hne0 hne1.
move : lored_nsteps_app_inv h0 (hne0);repeat move/[apply].
move => [i0][i1][a2][b2][?][?][?][ha02]hb02. subst.
move : lored_nsteps_app_inv h1 (hne1);repeat move/[apply].
move => [j0][j1][a3][b3][?][?][?][ha13]hb13. subst.
simpl in *. exists (k - 1).
split. lia.
+ rewrite /algo_metric.
have : exists a4 b4, rtc ERed.R a2 a4 /\ ERed.R
exists i0,i1,a2,b2.
Lemma algo_metric_join n k (a b : PTm n) :
algo_metric k a b ->
DJoin.R a b.
@ -663,6 +710,12 @@ Proof.
* move => b1 a1 b0 a0 halg hne1 hne0 Γ A B wtA wtB.
move /App_Inv : wtA => [A0][B0][hb0][ha0]hS0.
move /App_Inv : wtB => [A1][B1][hb1][ha1]hS1.
have : DJoin.R (PApp b0 a0) (PApp b1 a1)
by hauto l:on use:algo_metric_join.
move : DJoin.hne_app_inj (hne0) (hne1). repeat move/[apply].
move => [hjb hja].
split. apply CE_AppCong => //=.
eapply ih; eauto.
* admit.
* sfirstorder use:T_Bot_Imp.
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Ltac2 spec_refl () :=
try (specialize $h with (1 := eq_refl))
end) (Control.hyps ()).
Ltac spec_refl := ltac2:(spec_refl ()).
Ltac spec_refl := ltac2:(Control.enter spec_refl).
Module EPar.
Inductive R {n} : PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
@ -1510,10 +1510,45 @@ Module EReds.
induction 1; hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc use:ERed.substing.
Lemma app_inv n (a0 b0 C : PTm n) :
rtc ERed.R (PApp a0 b0) C ->
exists a1 b1, C = PApp a1 b1 /\
rtc ERed.R a0 a1 /\
rtc ERed.R b0 b1.
move E : (PApp a0 b0) => u hu.
move : a0 b0 E.
elim : u C / hu.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc.
- move => a b c ha ha' iha a0 b0 ?. subst.
hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:rtc, ERed.R inv:ERed.R.
Lemma proj_inv n p (a C : PTm n) :
rtc ERed.R (PProj p a) C ->
exists c, C = PProj p c /\ rtc ERed.R a c.
move E : (PProj p a) => u hu.
move : p a E.
elim : u C /hu;
hauto q:on ctrs:rtc,ERed.R inv:ERed.R.
End EReds.
#[export]Hint Constructors ERed.R RRed.R EPar.R : red.
Module EJoin.
Definition R {n} (a b : PTm n) := exists c, rtc ERed.R a c /\ rtc ERed.R b c.
Lemma hne_app_inj n (a0 b0 a1 b1 : PTm n) :
R (PApp a0 b0) (PApp a1 b1) ->
R a0 a1 /\ R b0 b1.
hauto lq:on use:EReds.app_inv.
End EJoin.
Module RERed.
Inductive R {n} : PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
@ -1602,6 +1637,10 @@ Module RERed.
hauto q:on use:ToBetaEta, FromBeta, FromEta, RRed.substing, ERed.substing.
Lemma hne_preservation n (a b : PTm n) :
RERed.R a b -> ishne a -> ishne b.
Proof. induction 1; sfirstorder. Qed.
End RERed.
Module REReds.
@ -1694,6 +1733,32 @@ Module REReds.
move : i E. elim : u C /hu; hauto lq:on rew:off inv:RERed.R.
Lemma hne_app_inv n (a0 b0 C : PTm n) :
rtc RERed.R (PApp a0 b0) C ->
ishne a0 ->
exists a1 b1, C = PApp a1 b1 /\
rtc RERed.R a0 a1 /\
rtc RERed.R b0 b1.
move E : (PApp a0 b0) => u hu.
move : a0 b0 E.
elim : u C / hu.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc.
- move => a b c ha ha' iha a0 b0 ?. subst.
hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:rtc, RERed.R use:RERed.hne_preservation inv:RERed.R.
Lemma hne_proj_inv n p (a C : PTm n) :
rtc RERed.R (PProj p a) C ->
ishne a ->
exists c, C = PProj p c /\ rtc RERed.R a c.
move E : (PProj p a) => u hu.
move : p a E.
elim : u C /hu;
hauto q:on ctrs:rtc,RERed.R use:RERed.hne_preservation inv:RERed.R.
Lemma substing n m (a b : PTm n) (ρ : fin n -> PTm m) :
rtc RERed.R a b -> rtc RERed.R (subst_PTm ρ a) (subst_PTm ρ b).
@ -2206,6 +2271,24 @@ Module DJoin.
sauto lq:on rew:off use:REReds.univ_inv.
Lemma hne_app_inj n (a0 b0 a1 b1 : PTm n) :
R (PApp a0 b0) (PApp a1 b1) ->
ishne a0 ->
ishne a1 ->
R a0 a1 /\ R b0 b1.
hauto lq:on use:REReds.hne_app_inv.
Lemma hne_proj_inj n p0 p1 (a0 a1 : PTm n) :
R (PProj p0 a0) (PProj p1 a1) ->
ishne a0 ->
ishne a1 ->
p0 = p1 /\ R a0 a1.
sauto lq:on use:REReds.hne_proj_inv.
Lemma FromRRed0 n (a b : PTm n) :
RRed.R a b -> R a b.
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