Finish the var base case

This commit is contained in:
Yiyun Liu 2025-02-14 19:08:41 -05:00
parent 8fd6919538
commit 186f2138e6
2 changed files with 55 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -550,6 +550,13 @@ Proof.
hauto lq:on use:Sub.bind_univ_noconf.
Lemma T_Bot_Imp n Γ (A : PTm n) :
Γ PBot A -> False.
move E : PBot => u hu.
move : E.
induction hu => //=.
Lemma lored_nsteps_abs_inv k n (a : PTm (S n)) b :
nsteps LoRed.R k (PAbs a) b -> exists b', nsteps LoRed.R k a b' /\ b = PAbs b'.
@ -560,6 +567,19 @@ Proof.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:nsteps inv:LoRed.R.
Lemma algo_metric_join n k (a b : PTm n) :
algo_metric k a b ->
DJoin.R a b.
rewrite /algo_metric.
move => [i][j][va][vb][v][h0][h1][h2][h3]h4.
have {}h0 : rtc LoRed.R a va by hauto lq:on use:@relations.rtc_nsteps.
have {}h1 : rtc LoRed.R b vb by hauto lq:on use:@relations.rtc_nsteps.
apply REReds.FromEReds in h2,h3.
apply LoReds.ToRReds in h0,h1.
apply REReds.FromRReds in h0,h1.
rewrite /DJoin.R. exists v. sfirstorder use:@relations.rtc_transitive.
Lemma coqeq_complete n k (a b : PTm n) :
algo_metric k a b ->
(forall Γ A, Γ a A -> Γ b A -> a b) /\
@ -630,5 +650,27 @@ Proof.
case : a h fb fa => //=.
+ case : b => //=.
move => i j hi _ _.
* rewrite /algo_metric in hi.
* have ? : j = i by hauto lq:on use:algo_metric_join, DJoin.var_inj. subst.
move => Γ A B hA hB.
split. apply CE_VarCong.
exists (Γ i). hauto l:on use:Var_Inv.
* admit.
* admit.
* sfirstorder use:T_Bot_Imp.
+ case : b => //=.
* admit.
(* real case *)
* move => b1 a1 b0 a0 halg hne1 hne0 Γ A B wtA wtB.
move /App_Inv : wtA => [A0][B0][hb0][ha0]hS0.
move /App_Inv : wtB => [A1][B1][hb1][ha1]hS1.
* admit.
* sfirstorder use:T_Bot_Imp.
+ case : b => //=.
* admit.
* admit.
(* real case *)
* admit.
* sfirstorder use:T_Bot_Imp.
+ sfirstorder use:T_Bot_Imp.

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@ -1686,6 +1686,14 @@ Module REReds.
hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:rtc inv:RERed.R.
Lemma var_inv n (i : fin n) C :
rtc RERed.R (VarPTm i) C ->
C = VarPTm i.
move E : (VarPTm i) => u hu.
move : i E. elim : u C /hu; hauto lq:on rew:off inv:RERed.R.
Lemma substing n m (a b : PTm n) (ρ : fin n -> PTm m) :
rtc RERed.R a b -> rtc RERed.R (subst_PTm ρ a) (subst_PTm ρ b).
@ -2188,6 +2196,10 @@ Module DJoin.
hauto lq:on rew:off use:REReds.bind_inv.
Lemma var_inj n (i j : fin n) :
R (VarPTm i) (VarPTm j) -> i = j.
Proof. sauto lq:on rew:off use:REReds.var_inv unfold:R. Qed.
Lemma univ_inj n i j :
@R n (PUniv i) (PUniv j) -> i = j.