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Require Import Autosubst2.core Autosubst2.fintype Autosubst2.syntax.
Require Import fp_red.
From Hammer Require Import Tactics.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool.
Require Import Logic.PropExtensionality (propositional_extensionality).
From stdpp Require Import relations (rtc(..), rtc_subrel).
Import Psatz.
Definition ProdSpace (PA : Tm 0 -> Prop)
(PF : Tm 0 -> (Tm 0 -> Prop) -> Prop) b : Prop :=
forall a PB, PA a -> PF a PB -> PB (App b a).
Definition SumSpace (PA : Tm 0 -> Prop)
(PF : Tm 0 -> (Tm 0 -> Prop) -> Prop) t : Prop :=
exists a b, rtc RPar.R t (Pair a b) /\ PA a /\ (forall PB, PF a PB -> PB b).
Definition BindSpace p := if p is TPi then ProdSpace else SumSpace.
Reserved Notation "⟦ A ⟧ i ;; I ↘ S" (at level 70).
Inductive InterpExt i (I : nat -> Tm 0 -> Prop) : Tm 0 -> (Tm 0 -> Prop) -> Prop :=
| InterpExt_Bind p A B PA PF :
A i ;; I PA ->
(forall a, PA a -> exists PB, PF a PB) ->
(forall a PB, PF a PB -> subst_Tm (scons a VarTm) B i ;; I PB) ->
TBind p A B i ;; I BindSpace p PA PF
| InterpExt_Univ j :
j < i ->
Univ j i ;; I (I j)
| InterpExt_Step A A0 PA :
RPar.R A A0 ->
A0 i ;; I PA ->
A i ;; I PA
where "⟦ A ⟧ i ;; I ↘ S" := (InterpExt i I A S).
Lemma InterpExt_Univ' i I j (PF : Tm 0 -> Prop) :
PF = I j ->
j < i ->
Univ j i ;; I PF.
Proof. hauto lq:on ctrs:InterpExt. Qed.
Infix "<?" := Compare_dec.lt_dec (at level 60).
Equations InterpUnivN (i : nat) : Tm 0 -> (Tm 0 -> Prop) -> Prop by wf i lt :=
InterpUnivN i := @InterpExt i
(fun j A =>
match j <? i with
| left _ => exists PA, InterpUnivN j A PA
| right _ => False
Arguments InterpUnivN .
Lemma InterpExt_lt_impl i I I' A (PA : Tm 0 -> Prop) :
(forall j, j < i -> I j = I' j) ->
A i ;; I PA ->
A i ;; I' PA.
move => hI h.
elim : A PA /h.
- hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:InterpExt.
- hauto q:on ctrs:InterpExt.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:InterpExt.
Lemma InterpExt_lt_eq i I I' A (PA : Tm 0 -> Prop) :
(forall j, j < i -> I j = I' j) ->
A i ;; I PA =
A i ;; I' PA.
move => hI. apply propositional_extensionality.
have : forall j, j < i -> I' j = I j by sfirstorder.
firstorder using InterpExt_lt_impl.
Notation "⟦ A ⟧ i ↘ S" := (InterpUnivN i A S) (at level 70).
Lemma InterpUnivN_nolt i :
InterpUnivN i = InterpExt i (fun j (A : Tm 0) => exists PA, A j PA).
simp InterpUnivN.
extensionality A. extensionality PA.
set I0 := (fun _ => _).
set I1 := (fun _ => _).
apply InterpExt_lt_eq.
hauto q:on.
#[export]Hint Rewrite @InterpUnivN_nolt : InterpUniv.
Lemma RPar_substone n (a b : Tm (S n)) (c : Tm n):
RPar.R a b -> RPar.R (subst_Tm (scons c VarTm) a) (subst_Tm (scons c VarTm) b).
Proof. hauto l:on inv:option use:RPar.substing, RPar.refl. Qed.
Lemma InterpExt_Bind_inv p i I (A : Tm 0) B P
(h : TBind p A B i ;; I P) :
exists (PA : Tm 0 -> Prop) (PF : Tm 0 -> (Tm 0 -> Prop) -> Prop),
A i ;; I PA /\
(forall a, PA a -> exists PB, PF a PB) /\
(forall a PB, PF a PB -> subst_Tm (scons a VarTm) B i ;; I PB) /\
P = BindSpace p PA PF.
move E : (TBind p A B) h => T h.
move : A B E.
elim : T P / h => //.
- hauto l:on.
- move => A A0 PA hA hA0 hPi A1 B ?. subst.
elim /RPar.inv : hA => //= _ p0 A2 A3 B0 B1 hA1 hB0 [*]. subst.
hauto lq:on ctrs:InterpExt use:RPar_substone.
Lemma InterpExt_Univ_inv i I j P
(h : Univ j i ;; I P) :
P = I j /\ j < i.
move : h.
move E : (Univ j) => T h. move : j E.
elim : T P /h => //.
- hauto l:on.
- hauto lq:on rew:off inv:RPar.R.
Lemma InterpExt_Bind_nopf p i I (A : Tm 0) B PA :
A i ;; I PA ->
(forall a, PA a -> exists PB, subst_Tm (scons a VarTm) B i ;; I PB) ->
TBind p A B i ;; I (BindSpace p PA (fun a PB => subst_Tm (scons a VarTm) B i ;; I PB)).
move => h0 h1. apply InterpExt_Bind =>//.
Lemma InterpUnivN_Fun_nopf p i (A : Tm 0) B PA :
A i PA ->
(forall a, PA a -> exists PB, subst_Tm (scons a VarTm) B i PB) ->
TBind p A B i (BindSpace p PA (fun a PB => subst_Tm (scons a VarTm) B i PB)).
hauto l:on use:InterpExt_Bind_nopf rew:db:InterpUniv.
Lemma InterpExt_cumulative i j I (A : Tm 0) PA :
i < j ->
A i ;; I PA ->
A j ;; I PA.
move => h h0.
elim : A PA /h0;
hauto l:on ctrs:InterpExt use:PeanoNat.Nat.lt_trans.
Lemma InterpUnivN_cumulative i (A : Tm 0) PA :
A i PA -> forall j, i < j ->
A j PA.
hauto l:on rew:db:InterpUniv use:InterpExt_cumulative.
Lemma InterpExt_preservation i I (A : Tm 0) B P (h : InterpExt i I A P) :
RPar.R A B ->
B i ;; I P.
move : B.
elim : A P / h; auto.
- move => p A B PA PF hPA ihPA hPB hPB' ihPB T hT.
elim /RPar.inv : hT => //.
move => hPar p0 A0 A1 B0 B1 h0 h1 [? ?] ? ?; subst.
apply InterpExt_Bind; auto => a PB hPB0.
apply : ihPB; eauto.
sfirstorder use:RPar.cong, RPar.refl.
- hauto lq:on inv:RPar.R ctrs:InterpExt.
- move => A B P h0 h1 ih1 C hC.
have [D [h2 h3]] := RPar_diamond _ _ _ _ h0 hC.
hauto lq:on ctrs:InterpExt.
Lemma InterpUnivN_preservation i (A : Tm 0) B P (h : A i P) :
RPar.R A B ->
B i P.
Proof. hauto l:on rew:db:InterpUnivN use: InterpExt_preservation. Qed.
Lemma InterpExt_back_preservation_star i I (A : Tm 0) B P (h : B i ;; I P) :
rtc RPar.R A B ->
A i ;; I P.
Proof. induction 1; hauto l:on ctrs:InterpExt. Qed.
Lemma InterpExt_preservation_star i I (A : Tm 0) B P (h : A i ;; I P) :
rtc RPar.R A B ->
B i ;; I P.
Proof. induction 1; hauto l:on use:InterpExt_preservation. Qed.
Lemma InterpUnivN_preservation_star i (A : Tm 0) B P (h : A i P) :
rtc RPar.R A B ->
B i P.
Proof. hauto l:on rew:db:InterpUnivN use:InterpExt_preservation_star. Qed.
Lemma InterpUnivN_back_preservation_star i (A : Tm 0) B P (h : B i P) :
rtc RPar.R A B ->
A i P.
Proof. hauto l:on rew:db:InterpUnivN use:InterpExt_back_preservation_star. Qed.
Lemma InterpExtInv i I (A : Tm 0) PA :
A i ;; I PA ->
exists B, hfb B /\ rtc RPar.R A B /\ B i ;; I PA.
move => h. elim : A PA /h.
- move => p A B PA PF hPA _ hPF hPF0 _.
exists (TBind p A B). repeat split => //=.
apply rtc_refl.
hauto l:on ctrs:InterpExt.
- move => j ?. exists (Univ j).
hauto l:on ctrs:InterpExt.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc.
Lemma RPars_Pars (A B : Tm 0) :
rtc RPar.R A B ->
rtc Par.R A B.
Proof. hauto lq:on use:RPar_Par, rtc_subrel. Qed.
Lemma RPars_join (A B : Tm 0) :
rtc RPar.R A B -> join A B.
Proof. hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc use:RPars_Pars. Qed.
Lemma bindspace_iff p (PA : Tm 0 -> Prop) PF PF0 b :
(forall (a : Tm 0) (PB PB0 : Tm 0 -> Prop), PF a PB -> PF0 a PB0 -> PB = PB0) ->
(forall a, PA a -> exists PB, PF a PB) ->
(forall a, PA a -> exists PB0, PF0 a PB0) ->
(BindSpace p PA PF b <-> BindSpace p PA PF0 b).
rewrite /BindSpace => h hPF hPF0.
case : p => /=.
- rewrite /ProdSpace.
move => h1 a PB ha hPF'.
specialize hPF with (1 := ha).
specialize hPF0 with (1 := ha).
move => ? a PB ha.
specialize hPF with (1 := ha).
specialize hPF0 with (1 := ha).
- rewrite /SumSpace.
hauto lq:on rew:off.
Lemma InterpExt_Join i I (A B : Tm 0) PA PB :
A i ;; I PA ->
B i ;; I PB ->
join A B ->
PA = PB.
move => h. move : B PB. elim : A PA /h.
- move => p A B PA PF hPA ihPA hTot hRes ihPF U PU /InterpExtInv.
move => [B0 []].
case : B0 => //=.
+ move => p0 A0 B0 _ [hr hPi].
move /InterpExt_Bind_inv : hPi.
move => [PA0][PF0][hPA0][hTot0][hRes0]?. subst.
move => hjoin.
have{}hr : join U (TBind p0 A0 B0) by auto using RPars_join.
have hj : join (TBind p A B) (TBind p0 A0 B0) by eauto using join_transitive.
have {hj} : p0 = p /\ join A A0 /\ join B B0 by hauto l:on use:join_pi_inj.
move => [? [h0 h1]]. subst.
have ? : PA0 = PA by hauto l:on. subst.
rewrite /ProdSpace.
extensionality b.
apply propositional_extensionality.
apply bindspace_iff; eauto.
move => a PB PB0 hPB hPB0.
apply : ihPF; eauto.
by apply join_substing.
+ move => j _.
move => [h0 h1] h.
have ? : join U (Univ j) by eauto using RPars_join.
have : join (TBind p A B) (Univ j) by eauto using join_transitive.
move => ?. exfalso.
eauto using join_univ_pi_contra.
- move => j ? B PB /InterpExtInv.
move => [+ []]. case => //=.
+ move => p A0 B0 _ [].
move /RPars_join => *.
have ? : join (TBind p A0 B0) (Univ j) by eauto using join_symmetric, join_transitive.
eauto using join_univ_pi_contra.
+ move => m _ [/RPars_join h0 + h1].
have /join_univ_inj {h0 h1} ? : join (Univ j : Tm 0) (Univ m) by eauto using join_transitive.
move /InterpExt_Univ_inv. firstorder.
- move => A A0 PA h.
have /join_symmetric {}h : join A A0 by hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc use:RPar_Par, relations.rtc_once.
eauto using join_transitive.
Lemma InterpUniv_Bind_inv p i (A : Tm 0) B P
(h : TBind p A B i P) :
exists (PA : Tm 0 -> Prop) (PF : Tm 0 -> (Tm 0 -> Prop) -> Prop),
A i PA /\
(forall a, PA a -> exists PB, PF a PB) /\
(forall a PB, PF a PB -> subst_Tm (scons a VarTm) B i PB) /\
P = BindSpace p PA PF.
Proof. hauto l:on use:InterpExt_Bind_inv rew:db:InterpUniv. Qed.
Lemma InterpUniv_Univ_inv i j P
(h : Univ j i P) :
P = (fun (A : Tm 0) => exists PA, A j PA) /\ j < i.
Proof. hauto l:on use:InterpExt_Univ_inv rew:db:InterpUniv. Qed.
Lemma InterpExt_Functional i I (A B : Tm 0) PA PB :
A i ;; I PA ->
A i ;; I PB ->
PA = PB.
Proof. hauto use:InterpExt_Join, join_refl. Qed.
Lemma InterpUniv_Functional i (A : Tm 0) PA PB :
A i PA ->
A i PB ->
PA = PB.
Proof. hauto use:InterpExt_Functional rew:db:InterpUniv. Qed.
Lemma InterpUniv_Functional' i j A PA PB :
A i PA ->
A j PB ->
PA = PB.
have : i = j \/ i < j \/ j < i by lia.
qauto l:on use:InterpUnivN_cumulative, InterpUniv_Functional.
Lemma InterpExt_Bind_inv_nopf i I p A B P (h : TBind p A B i ;; I P) :
exists (PA : Tm 0 -> Prop),
A i ;; I PA /\
(forall a, PA a -> exists PB, subst_Tm (scons a VarTm) B i ;; I PB) /\
P = BindSpace p PA (fun a PB => subst_Tm (scons a VarTm) B i ;; I PB).
move /InterpExt_Bind_inv : h. intros (PA & PF & hPA & hPF & hPF' & ?); subst.
exists PA. repeat split => //.
- sfirstorder.
- extensionality b.
case : p => /=.
+ extensionality a.
extensionality PB.
extensionality ha.
apply propositional_extensionality.
* hecrush use:InterpExt_Functional.
* sfirstorder.
+ rewrite /SumSpace. apply propositional_extensionality.
split; hauto q:on use:InterpExt_Functional.
Lemma InterpUniv_Bind_inv_nopf i p A B P (h : TBind p A B i P) :
exists (PA : Tm 0 -> Prop),
A i PA /\
(forall a, PA a -> exists PB, subst_Tm (scons a VarTm) B i PB) /\
P = BindSpace p PA (fun a PB => subst_Tm (scons a VarTm) B i PB).
Proof. hauto l:on use:InterpExt_Bind_inv_nopf rew:db:InterpUniv. Qed.
Lemma InterpExt_back_clos i I (A : Tm 0) PA :
(forall j, forall a b, (RPar.R a b) -> I j b -> I j a) ->
A i ;; I PA ->
forall a b, (RPar.R a b) ->
PA b -> PA a.
move => hI h.
elim : A PA /h.
- move => p A B PA PF hPA ihPA hTot hRes ihPF a b hr.
case : p => //=.
+ have : forall b0 b1 a, RPar.R b0 b1 -> RPar.R (App b0 a) (App b1 a)
by hauto lq:on ctrs:RPar.R use:RPar.refl.
hauto lq:on rew:off unfold:ProdSpace.
+ hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc unfold:SumSpace.
- eauto.
- eauto.
Lemma InterpUniv_back_clos i (A : Tm 0) PA :
A i PA ->
forall a b, (RPar.R a b) ->
PA b -> PA a.
simp InterpUniv.
apply InterpExt_back_clos.
hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc use:InterpUnivN_back_preservation_star.
Lemma InterpUniv_back_clos_star i (A : Tm 0) PA :
A i PA ->
forall a b, rtc RPar.R a b ->
PA b -> PA a.
move => h a b.
induction 1=> //.
hauto lq:on use:InterpUniv_back_clos.
Definition ρ_ok {n} Γ (ρ : fin n -> Tm 0) := forall i m PA,
subst_Tm ρ (Γ i) m PA -> PA (ρ i).
Definition SemWt {n} Γ (a A : Tm n) := forall ρ, ρ_ok Γ ρ -> exists m PA, subst_Tm ρ A m PA /\ PA (subst_Tm ρ a).
Notation "Γ ⊨ a ∈ A" := (SemWt Γ a A) (at level 70).
(* Semantic context wellformedness *)
Definition SemWff {n} Γ := forall (i : fin n), exists j, Γ Γ i Univ j.
Notation "⊨ Γ" := (SemWff Γ) (at level 70).
Lemma ρ_ok_nil ρ :
ρ_ok null ρ.
Proof. rewrite /ρ_ok. inversion i; subst. Qed.
Lemma ρ_ok_cons n i (Γ : fin n -> Tm n) ρ a PA A :
subst_Tm ρ A i PA -> PA a ->
ρ_ok Γ ρ ->
ρ_ok (funcomp (ren_Tm shift) (scons A Γ)) ((scons a ρ)).
move => h0 h1 h2.
rewrite /ρ_ok.
move => j.
destruct j as [j|].
- move => m PA0. asimpl => ?.
- move => m PA0. asimpl => h3.
have ? : PA0 = PA by eauto using InterpUniv_Functional'.
by subst.
Definition renaming_ok {n m} (Γ : fin n -> Tm n) (Δ : fin m -> Tm m) (ξ : fin m -> fin n) :=
forall (i : fin m), ren_Tm ξ (Δ i) = Γ (ξ i).
Lemma ρ_ok_renaming n m (Γ : fin n -> Tm n) ρ :
forall (Δ : fin m -> Tm m) ξ,
renaming_ok Γ Δ ξ ->
ρ_ok Γ ρ ->
ρ_ok Δ (funcomp ρ ξ).
move => Δ ξ hρ.
rewrite /ρ_ok => i m' PA.
rewrite /renaming_ok in .
rewrite /ρ_ok in hρ.
move => h.
rewrite /funcomp.
apply hρ with (m := m').
move : h. rewrite -.
by asimpl.
Lemma renaming_SemWt {n} Γ a A :
Γ a A ->
forall {m} Δ (ξ : fin n -> fin m),
renaming_ok Δ Γ ξ ->
Δ ren_Tm ξ a ren_Tm ξ A.
rewrite /SemWt => h m Δ ξ ρ hρ.
have /h hρ' : (ρ_ok Γ (funcomp ρ ξ)) by eauto using ρ_ok_renaming.
hauto q:on solve+:(by asimpl).