logrelnew #1
2 changed files with 224 additions and 2 deletions
@ -2066,7 +2066,36 @@ Proof.
move /REReds.FromRReds : hc0. move /REReds.FromEReds : hv'. eauto using relations.rtc_transitive.
(* "Declarative" Joinability *)
(* Beta joinability *)
Module BJoin.
Definition R {n} (a b : PTm n) := exists c, rtc RRed.R a c /\ rtc RRed.R b c.
Lemma refl n (a : PTm n) : R a a.
Proof. sfirstorder use:@rtc_refl unfold:R. Qed.
Lemma symmetric n (a b : PTm n) : R a b -> R b a.
Proof. sfirstorder unfold:R. Qed.
Lemma transitive n (a b c : PTm n) : R a b -> R b c -> R a c.
rewrite /R.
move => [ab [ha +]] [bc [+ hc]].
move : red_confluence; repeat move/[apply].
move => [v [h0 h1]].
exists v. sfirstorder use:@relations.rtc_transitive.
Lemma AbsCong n (a b : PTm (S n)) :
R a b ->
R (PAbs a) (PAbs b).
Proof. hauto lq:on use:RReds.AbsCong unfold:R. Qed.
Lemma AppCong n (a0 a1 b0 b1 : PTm n) :
R a0 a1 ->
R b0 b1 ->
R (PApp a0 b0) (PApp a1 b1).
Proof. hauto lq:on use:RReds.AppCong unfold:R. Qed.
End BJoin.
Module DJoin.
Definition R {n} (a b : PTm n) := exists c, rtc RERed.R a c /\ rtc RERed.R b c.
@ -2166,6 +2195,16 @@ Module DJoin.
hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc use:RERed.FromBeta unfold:R.
Lemma FromRReds n (a b : PTm n) :
rtc RRed.R b a -> R a b.
hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc use:REReds.FromRReds unfold:R.
Lemma FromBJoin n (a b : PTm n) :
BJoin.R a b -> R a b.
hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc use:REReds.FromRReds unfold:R.
End DJoin.
@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ Proof.
hauto lq:on inv:option unfold:renaming_ok.
Lemma SemWt_Wn n Γ (a : PTm n) A :
Lemma SemWt_SN n Γ (a : PTm n) A :
Γ ⊨ a ∈ A ->
SN a /\ SN A.
@ -552,3 +552,186 @@ Proof.
eauto using weakening_Sem.
- hauto q:on use:weakening_Sem.
(* Semantic typing rules *)
Lemma ST_Var n Γ (i : fin n) :
⊨ Γ ->
Γ ⊨ VarPTm i ∈ Γ i.
move /(_ i) => [j /SemWt_Univ h].
rewrite /SemWt => ρ /[dup] hρ {}/h [S hS].
exists j, S.
asimpl. firstorder.
Lemma InterpUniv_Bind_nopf n p i (A : PTm n) B PA :
⟦ A ⟧ i ↘ PA ->
(forall a, PA a -> exists PB, ⟦ subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B ⟧ i ↘ PB) ->
⟦ PBind p A B ⟧ i ↘ (BindSpace p PA (fun a PB => ⟦ subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B ⟧ i ↘ PB)).
move => h0 h1. apply InterpUniv_Bind => //=.
Lemma ST_Bind n Γ i j p (A : PTm n) (B : PTm (S n)) :
Γ ⊨ A ∈ PUniv i ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) ⊨ B ∈ PUniv j ->
Γ ⊨ PBind p A B ∈ PUniv (max i j).
move => /SemWt_Univ h0 /SemWt_Univ h1.
apply SemWt_Univ => ρ hρ.
move /h0 : (hρ){h0} => [S hS].
eexists => /=.
have ? : i <= Nat.max i j by lia.
apply InterpUniv_Bind_nopf; eauto.
- eauto using InterpUniv_cumulative.
- move => *. asimpl. hauto l:on use:InterpUniv_cumulative, ρ_ok_cons.
Lemma ST_Abs n Γ (a : PTm (S n)) A B i :
Γ ⊨ PBind PPi A B ∈ (PUniv i) ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) ⊨ a ∈ B ->
Γ ⊨ PAbs a ∈ PBind PPi A B.
rename a into b.
move /SemWt_Univ => + hb ρ hρ.
move /(_ _ hρ) => [PPi hPPi].
exists i, PPi. split => //.
simpl in hPPi.
move /InterpUniv_Bind_inv_nopf : hPPi.
move => [PA [hPA [hTot ?]]]. subst=>/=.
move => a PB ha. asimpl => hPB.
move : ρ_ok_cons (hPA) (hρ) (ha). repeat move/[apply].
move /hb.
intros (m & PB0 & hPB0 & hPB0').
replace PB0 with PB in * by hauto l:on use:InterpUniv_Functional'.
apply : InterpUniv_back_clos; eauto.
apply N_β'. by asimpl.
move : ha hPA. clear. hauto q:on use:adequacy.
Lemma ST_App n Γ (b a : PTm n) A B :
Γ ⊨ b ∈ PBind PPi A B ->
Γ ⊨ a ∈ A ->
Γ ⊨ PApp b a ∈ subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B.
move => hf hb ρ hρ.
move /(_ ρ hρ) : hf; intros (i & PPi & hPi & hf).
move /(_ ρ hρ) : hb; intros (j & PA & hPA & hb).
simpl in hPi.
move /InterpUniv_Bind_inv_nopf : hPi. intros (PA0 & hPA0 & hTot & ?). subst.
have ? : PA0 = PA by eauto using InterpUniv_Functional'. subst.
move : hf (hb). move/[apply].
move : hTot hb. move/[apply].
asimpl. hauto lq:on.
Lemma ST_Pair n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B i :
Γ ⊨ PBind PSig A B ∈ (PUniv i) ->
Γ ⊨ a ∈ A ->
Γ ⊨ b ∈ subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B ->
Γ ⊨ PPair a b ∈ PBind PSig A B.
move /SemWt_Univ => + ha hb ρ hρ.
move /(_ _ hρ) => [PPi hPPi].
exists i, PPi. split => //.
simpl in hPPi.
move /InterpUniv_Bind_inv_nopf : hPPi.
move => [PA [hPA [hTot ?]]]. subst=>/=.
rewrite /SumSpace. right.
exists (subst_PTm ρ a), (subst_PTm ρ b).
- apply rtc_refl.
- move /ha : (hρ){ha}.
move => [m][PA0][h0]h1.
move /hb : (hρ){hb}.
move => [k][PB][h2]h3.
have ? : PA0 = PA by eauto using InterpUniv_Functional'. subst.
split => // PB0.
move : h2. asimpl => *.
have ? : PB0 = PB by eauto using InterpUniv_Functional'. by subst.
Lemma N_Projs n p (a b : PTm n) :
rtc TRedSN a b ->
rtc TRedSN (PProj p a) (PProj p b).
Proof. induction 1; hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc, TRedSN. Qed.
Lemma ST_Proj1 n Γ (a : PTm n) A B :
Γ ⊨ a ∈ PBind PSig A B ->
Γ ⊨ PProj PL a ∈ A.
move => h ρ /[dup]hρ {}/h [m][PA][/= /InterpUniv_Bind_inv_nopf h0]h1.
move : h0 => [S][h2][h3]?. subst.
move : h1 => /=.
rewrite /SumSpace.
- move => [v [h0 h1]].
have {}h0 : rtc TRedSN (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)) (PProj PL v) by hauto lq:on use:N_Projs.
have {}h1 : SNe (PProj PL v) by hauto lq:on ctrs:SNe.
hauto q:on use:InterpUniv_back_closs,adequacy.
- move => [a0 [b0 [h4 [h5 h6]]]].
exists m, S. split => //=.
have {}h4 : rtc TRedSN (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)) (PProj PL (PPair a0 b0)) by eauto using N_Projs.
have ? : rtc TRedSN (PProj PL (PPair a0 b0)) a0 by hauto q:on ctrs:rtc, TRedSN use:adequacy.
have : rtc TRedSN (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)) a0 by hauto q:on ctrs:rtc use:@relations.rtc_r.
move => h.
apply : InterpUniv_back_closs; eauto.
Lemma ST_Proj2 n Γ (a : PTm n) A B :
Γ ⊨ a ∈ PBind PSig A B ->
Γ ⊨ PProj PR a ∈ subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL a) VarPTm) B.
move => h ρ hρ.
move : (hρ) => {}/h [m][PA][/= /InterpUniv_Bind_inv_nopf h0]h1.
move : h0 => [S][h2][h3]?. subst.
move : h1 => /=.
rewrite /SumSpace.
- move => h.
move : h => [v [h0 h1]].
have hp : forall p, SNe (PProj p v) by hauto lq:on ctrs:SNe.
have hp' : forall p, rtc TRedSN (PProj p(subst_PTm ρ a)) (PProj p v) by eauto using N_Projs.
have hp0 := hp PL. have hp1 := hp PR => {hp}.
have hp0' := hp' PL. have hp1' := hp' PR => {hp'}.
have : S (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)). apply : InterpUniv_back_closs; eauto. hauto q:on use:adequacy.
move /h3 => [PB]. asimpl => hPB.
do 2 eexists. split; eauto.
apply : InterpUniv_back_closs; eauto. hauto q:on use:adequacy.
- move => [a0 [b0 [h4 [h5 h6]]]].
have h3_dup := h3.
specialize h3 with (1 := h5).
move : h3 => [PB hPB].
have hr : forall p, rtc TRedSN (PProj p (subst_PTm ρ a)) (PProj p (PPair a0 b0)) by hauto l:on use: N_Projs.
have hSN : SN a0 by move : h5 h2; clear; hauto q:on use:adequacy.
have hSN' : SN b0 by hauto q:on use:adequacy.
have hrl : TRedSN (PProj PL (PPair a0 b0)) a0 by hauto lq:on ctrs:TRedSN.
have hrr : TRedSN (PProj PR (PPair a0 b0)) b0 by hauto lq:on ctrs:TRedSN.
exists m, PB.
asimpl. split.
+ have hr' : rtc TRedSN (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)) a0 by hauto l:on use:@relations.rtc_r.
have : S (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)) by hauto lq:on use:InterpUniv_back_closs.
move => {}/h3_dup.
move => [PB0]. asimpl => hPB0.
suff : PB = PB0 by congruence.
move : hPB. asimpl => hPB.
suff : DJoin.R (subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)) ρ) B) (subst_PTm (scons a0 ρ) B).
move : InterpUniv_Join hPB0 hPB; repeat move/[apply]. done.
suff : BJoin.R (subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)) ρ) B) (subst_PTm (scons a0 ρ) B)
by hauto q:on use:DJoin.FromBJoin.
have : BJoin.R (PApp (PAbs (subst_PTm (up_PTm_PTm ρ) B)) (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)))
(subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)) ρ) B).
eexists. split. apply relations.rtc_once. apply RRed.AppAbs.
asimpl. apply rtc_refl.
have /BJoin.symmetric : BJoin.R (PApp (PAbs (subst_PTm (up_PTm_PTm ρ)B)) a0)
(subst_PTm (scons a0 ρ) B).
eexists. split. apply relations.rtc_once. apply RRed.AppAbs.
asimpl. apply rtc_refl.
suff : BJoin.R (PApp (PAbs (subst_PTm (up_PTm_PTm ρ) B)) (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)))
(PApp (PAbs (subst_PTm (up_PTm_PTm ρ)B)) a0) by eauto using BJoin.transitive, BJoin.symmetric.
apply BJoin.AppCong. apply BJoin.refl.
move /RReds.FromRedSNs : hr'.
hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc unfold:BJoin.R.
+ hauto lq:on use:@relations.rtc_r, InterpUniv_back_closs.
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