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1 changed files with 10 additions and 141 deletions
@ -144,6 +144,16 @@ with TRedSN {n} : PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
Derive Dependent Inversion tred_inv with (forall n (a b : PTm n), TRedSN a b) Sort Prop.
Inductive SNe' {n} : PTm n -> Prop :=
| N_Var' i :
SNe' (VarPTm i)
| N_App' a b :
SNe a ->
SNe' (PApp a b)
| N_Proj' p a :
SNe a ->
SNe' (PProj p a).
Lemma PProjAbs_imp n p (a : PTm (S n)) :
~ SN (PProj p (PAbs a)).
@ -885,12 +895,6 @@ Module NeERed.
move => h. elim : n a b /h=>//=; hauto lq:on ctrs:R_nonelim.
Lemma ToERed : forall n, (forall (a b : PTm n), R_elim a b -> ERed.R a b) /\
(forall (a b : PTm n), R_nonelim a b -> ERed.R a b).
apply ered_mutual; qauto l:on ctrs:ERed.R.
End NeERed.
Module Type NoForbid.
@ -1087,141 +1091,6 @@ Module UniqueNF (M : NoForbid) (MFacts : NoForbid_FactSig M).
- hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc, NeERed.R_nonelim.
Lemma eta_postponement n a b c :
@P n a ->
ERed.R a b ->
RRed.R b c ->
exists d, rtc RRed.R a d /\ ERed.R d c.
move => + h.
move : c.
elim : n a b /h => //=.
- move => n a0 a1 ha iha c /[dup] hP /P_AbsInv /P_AppInv [/P_renaming hP' _] hc.
move : iha (hP') (hc); repeat move/[apply].
move => [d [h0 h1]].
exists (PAbs (PApp (ren_PTm shift d) (VarPTm var_zero))).
split. hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:rtc use:RReds.AbsCong, RReds.AppCong, RReds.renaming.
hauto lq:on ctrs:ERed.R.
- move => n a0 a1 ha iha c /P_PairInv [/P_ProjInv + _].
move /iha => /[apply].
move => [d [h0 h1]].
exists (PPair (PProj PL d) (PProj PR d)).
hauto lq:on ctrs:ERed.R use:RReds.PairCong, RReds.ProjCong.
- move => n a0 a1 ha iha c /P_AbsInv /[swap].
elim /RRed.inv => //=_.
move => a2 a3 + [? ?]. subst.
move : iha; repeat move/[apply].
hauto lq:on use:RReds.AbsCong ctrs:ERed.R.
- move => n a0 a1 b0 b1 ha iha hb ihb c hP.
elim /RRed.inv => //= _.
+ move => a2 b2 [*]. subst.
have [hP' hP''] : P a0 /\ P b0 by sfirstorder use:P_AppInv.
move {iha ihb}.
move /η_split /(_ hP') : ha.
move => [b [h0 h1]].
inversion h1; subst.
* inversion H0; subst.
exists (subst_PTm (scons b0 VarPTm) a3).
split; last by scongruence use:ERed.morphing.
apply : relations.rtc_transitive.
apply RReds.AppCong.
apply rtc_refl.
apply : rtc_l.
apply RRed.AppCong0. apply RRed.AbsCong. simpl. apply RRed.AppAbs.
apply rtc_once.
apply RRed.AppAbs.
* exfalso.
move : hP h0. clear => hP h0.
have : rtc RRed.R (PApp a0 b0) (PApp (PPair (PProj PL a1) (PProj PR a1)) b0)
by qauto l:on ctrs:rtc use:RReds.AppCong.
move : P_RReds hP. repeat move/[apply].
sfirstorder use:P_AppPair.
* exists (subst_PTm (scons b0 VarPTm) a1).
apply : rtc_r; last by apply RRed.AppAbs.
hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc use:RReds.AppCong.
hauto l:on inv:option use:ERed.morphing,NeERed.ToERed.
+ move => a2 a3 b2 ha2 [*]. subst.
move : iha (ha2) {ihb} => /[apply].
have : P a0 by sfirstorder use:P_AppInv.
move /[swap]/[apply].
move => [d [h0 h1]].
exists (PApp d b0).
hauto lq:on ctrs:ERed.R, rtc use:RReds.AppCong.
+ move => a2 b2 b3 hb2 [*]. subst.
move {iha}.
have : P b0 by sfirstorder use:P_AppInv.
move : ihb hb2; repeat move /[apply].
hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:ERed.R, rtc use:RReds.AppCong.
- move => n a0 a1 b0 b1 ha iha hb ihb c /P_PairInv [hP hP'].
elim /RRed.inv => //=_;
hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:ERed.R, rtc use:RReds.PairCong.
- move => n p a0 a1 ha iha c /[dup] hP /P_ProjInv hP'.
elim / RRed.inv => //= _.
+ move => p0 a2 b0 [*]. subst.
move : η_split hP' ha; repeat move/[apply].
move => [a1 [h0 h1]].
inversion h1; subst.
* qauto l:on ctrs:rtc use:RReds.ProjCong, P_ProjAbs, P_RReds.
* inversion H0; subst.
exists (if p is PL then a1 else b1).
split; last by scongruence use:NeERed.ToERed.
apply : relations.rtc_transitive.
apply RReds.ProjCong; eauto.
apply : rtc_l.
apply RRed.ProjCong.
apply RRed.PairCong0.
apply RRed.ProjPair.
apply : rtc_l.
apply RRed.ProjCong.
apply RRed.PairCong1.
apply RRed.ProjPair.
apply rtc_once. apply RRed.ProjPair.
* exists (if p is PL then a3 else b1).
split; last by hauto lq:on use:NeERed.ToERed.
apply : relations.rtc_transitive.
eauto using RReds.ProjCong.
apply rtc_once.
apply RRed.ProjPair.
+ move => p0 a2 a3 h0 [*]. subst.
move : iha hP' h0;repeat move/[apply].
hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc, ERed.R use:RReds.ProjCong.
- hauto lq:on inv:RRed.R.
Lemma η_postponement_star n a b c :
@P n a ->
ERed.R a b ->
rtc RRed.R b c ->
exists d, rtc RRed.R a d /\ ERed.R d c.
move => + + h. move : a.
elim : b c / h.
- sfirstorder.
- move => a0 a1 a2 ha ha' iha u hu hu'.
move : eta_postponement (hu) ha hu'; repeat move/[apply].
move => [d [h0 h1]].
have : P d by sfirstorder use:P_RReds.
move : iha h1; repeat move/[apply].
sfirstorder use:@relations.rtc_transitive.
Lemma η_postponement_star' n a b c :
@P n a ->
ERed.R a b ->
rtc RRed.R b c ->
exists d, rtc RRed.R a d /\ NeERed.R_nonelim d c.
move => h0 h1 h2.
have : exists d, rtc RRed.R a d /\ ERed.R d c by eauto using η_postponement_star.
move => [d [h3 /η_split]].
move /(_ ltac:(eauto using P_RReds)).
sfirstorder use:@relations.rtc_transitive.
End UniqueNF.
Lemma η_nf_to_ne n (a0 a1 : PTm n) :
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