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No commits in common. "master" and "logrelnew" have entirely different histories.

9 changed files with 183 additions and 4273 deletions

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@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
Require Import Autosubst2.core Autosubst2.fintype Autosubst2.syntax common typing structural.
From Hammer Require Import Tactics.
Require Import ssreflect.
Require Import Psatz.
Require Import Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
Derive Dependent Inversion wff_inv with (forall n (Γ : fin n -> PTm n), Γ) Sort Prop.
Lemma Wff_Cons_Inv n Γ (A : PTm n) :
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) ->
Γ /\ exists i, Γ A PUniv i.
elim /wff_inv => //= _.
move => n0 Γ0 A0 i0 hΓ0 hA0 [? _]. subst.
have h : forall i, (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A0 Γ0)) i = (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ)) i by scongruence.
move /(_ var_zero) : (h).
rewrite /funcomp. asimpl.
move /ren_injective. move /(_ ltac:(hauto lq:on rew:off inv:option)).
move => ?. subst.
have : Γ0 = Γ. extensionality i.
move /(_ (Some i)) : h.
rewrite /funcomp. asimpl.
move /ren_injective. move /(_ ltac:(hauto lq:on rew:off inv:option)).
move => ?. subst. sfirstorder.
Lemma T_Abs n Γ (a : PTm (S n)) A B :
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) a B ->
Γ PAbs a PBind PPi A B.
move => ha.
have [i hB] : exists i, funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) B PUniv i by sfirstorder use:regularity.
have : funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) by sfirstorder use:wff_mutual.
move /Wff_Cons_Inv : => [][j]hA.
hauto lq:on rew:off use:T_Bind', typing.T_Abs.
Lemma E_Bind n Γ i p (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
Γ A0 A1 PUniv i ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A0 Γ) B0 B1 PUniv i ->
Γ PBind p A0 B0 PBind p A1 B1 PUniv i.
move => h0 h1.
have : Γ A0 PUniv i by hauto l:on use:regularity.
have : Γ by sfirstorder use:wff_mutual.
move : E_Bind h0 h1; repeat move/[apply].
Lemma E_App n Γ (b0 b1 a0 a1 : PTm n) A B :
Γ b0 b1 PBind PPi A B ->
Γ a0 a1 A ->
Γ PApp b0 a0 PApp b1 a1 subst_PTm (scons a0 VarPTm) B.
move => h.
have [i] : exists i, Γ PBind PPi A B PUniv i by hauto l:on use:regularity.
move : E_App h. by repeat move/[apply].
Lemma E_Proj2 n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B :
Γ a b PBind PSig A B ->
Γ PProj PR a PProj PR b subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL a) VarPTm) B.
move => h.
have [i] : exists i, Γ PBind PSig A B PUniv i by hauto l:on use:regularity.
move : E_Proj2 h; by repeat move/[apply].

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@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
Require Import Autosubst2.fintype Autosubst2.syntax ssreflect.
From Ltac2 Require Ltac2.
Import Ltac2.Notations.
Import Ltac2.Control.
From Hammer Require Import Tactics.
Definition renaming_ok {n m} (Γ : fin n -> PTm n) (Δ : fin m -> PTm m) (ξ : fin m -> fin n) :=
forall (i : fin m), ren_PTm ξ (Δ i) = Γ (ξ i).
Local Ltac2 rec solve_anti_ren () :=
let x := Fresh.in_goal (Option.get (Ident.of_string "x")) in
intro $x;
lazy_match! Constr.type (Control.hyp x) with
| fin _ -> _ _ => (ltac1:(case;hauto q:on depth:2))
| _ => solve_anti_ren ()
Local Ltac solve_anti_ren := ltac2:(Control.enter solve_anti_ren).
Lemma up_injective n m (ξ : fin n -> fin m) :
(forall i j, ξ i = ξ j -> i = j) ->
forall i j, (upRen_PTm_PTm ξ) i = (upRen_PTm_PTm ξ) j -> i = j.
sblast inv:option.
Lemma ren_injective n m (a b : PTm n) (ξ : fin n -> fin m) :
(forall i j, ξ i = ξ j -> i = j) ->
ren_PTm ξ a = ren_PTm ξ b ->
a = b.
move : m ξ b.
elim : n / a => //; try solve_anti_ren.
move => n a iha m ξ []//=.
move => u [h].
apply iha in h. by subst.
destruct i, j=>//=.
hauto l:on.
move => n p A ihA B ihB m ξ []//=.
move => b A0 B0 [?]. subst.
move => ?. have ? : A0 = A by firstorder. subst.
move => ?. have : B = B0. apply : ihB; eauto.
Definition ishf {n} (a : PTm n) :=
match a with
| PPair _ _ => true
| PAbs _ => true
| PUniv _ => true
| PBind _ _ _ => true
| _ => false
Fixpoint ishne {n} (a : PTm n) :=
match a with
| VarPTm _ => true
| PApp a _ => ishne a
| PProj _ a => ishne a
| PBot => true
| _ => false
Definition isbind {n} (a : PTm n) := if a is PBind _ _ _ then true else false.
Definition isuniv {n} (a : PTm n) := if a is PUniv _ then true else false.
Definition ispair {n} (a : PTm n) :=
match a with
| PPair _ _ => true
| _ => false
Definition isabs {n} (a : PTm n) :=
match a with
| PAbs _ => true
| _ => false
Definition ishf_ren n m (a : PTm n) (ξ : fin n -> fin m) :
ishf (ren_PTm ξ a) = ishf a.
Proof. case : a => //=. Qed.
Definition isabs_ren n m (a : PTm n) (ξ : fin n -> fin m) :
isabs (ren_PTm ξ a) = isabs a.
Proof. case : a => //=. Qed.
Definition ispair_ren n m (a : PTm n) (ξ : fin n -> fin m) :
ispair (ren_PTm ξ a) = ispair a.
Proof. case : a => //=. Qed.
Definition ishne_ren n m (a : PTm n) (ξ : fin n -> fin m) :
ishne (ren_PTm ξ a) = ishne a.
Proof. move : m ξ. elim : n / a => //=. Qed.

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Require Import Arith.Wf_nat (well_founded_lt_compat).
Require Import Psatz. Require Import Psatz.
From stdpp Require Import relations (rtc (..), rtc_once, rtc_r, sn). From stdpp Require Import relations (rtc (..), rtc_once, rtc_r, sn).
From Hammer Require Import Tactics. From Hammer Require Import Tactics.
Require Import Autosubst2.core Autosubst2.fintype Autosubst2.syntax common. Require Import Autosubst2.core Autosubst2.fintype Autosubst2.syntax.
Require Import Btauto. Require Import Btauto.
Require Import Cdcl.Itauto. Require Import Cdcl.Itauto.
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Ltac2 spec_refl () :=
try (specialize $h with (1 := eq_refl)) try (specialize $h with (1 := eq_refl))
end) (Control.hyps ()). end) (Control.hyps ()).
Ltac spec_refl := ltac2:(Control.enter spec_refl). Ltac spec_refl := ltac2:(spec_refl ()).
Module EPar. Module EPar.
Inductive R {n} : PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop := Inductive R {n} : PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
@ -166,6 +166,41 @@ with TRedSN {n} : PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
Derive Dependent Inversion tred_inv with (forall n (a b : PTm n), TRedSN a b) Sort Prop. Derive Dependent Inversion tred_inv with (forall n (a b : PTm n), TRedSN a b) Sort Prop.
Definition ishf {n} (a : PTm n) :=
match a with
| PPair _ _ => true
| PAbs _ => true
| PUniv _ => true
| PBind _ _ _ => true
| _ => false
Definition isbind {n} (a : PTm n) := if a is PBind _ _ _ then true else false.
Definition isuniv {n} (a : PTm n) := if a is PUniv _ then true else false.
Definition ispair {n} (a : PTm n) :=
match a with
| PPair _ _ => true
| _ => false
Definition isabs {n} (a : PTm n) :=
match a with
| PAbs _ => true
| _ => false
Definition ishf_ren n m (a : PTm n) (ξ : fin n -> fin m) :
ishf (ren_PTm ξ a) = ishf a.
Proof. case : a => //=. Qed.
Definition isabs_ren n m (a : PTm n) (ξ : fin n -> fin m) :
isabs (ren_PTm ξ a) = isabs a.
Proof. case : a => //=. Qed.
Definition ispair_ren n m (a : PTm n) (ξ : fin n -> fin m) :
ispair (ren_PTm ξ a) = ispair a.
Proof. case : a => //=. Qed.
Lemma PProj_imp n p a : Lemma PProj_imp n p a :
@ishf n a -> @ishf n a ->
@ -262,12 +297,6 @@ end.
Lemma ne_nf n a : @ne n a -> nf a. Lemma ne_nf n a : @ne n a -> nf a.
Proof. elim : a => //=. Qed. Proof. elim : a => //=. Qed.
Lemma ne_nf_ren n m (a : PTm n) (ξ : fin n -> fin m) :
(ne a <-> ne (ren_PTm ξ a)) /\ (nf a <-> nf (ren_PTm ξ a)).
move : m ξ. elim : n / a => //=; solve [hauto b:on].
Inductive TRedSN' {n} (a : PTm n) : PTm n -> Prop := Inductive TRedSN' {n} (a : PTm n) : PTm n -> Prop :=
| T_Refl : | T_Refl :
TRedSN' a a TRedSN' a a
@ -299,12 +328,6 @@ Proof.
apply N_β'. by asimpl. eauto. apply N_β'. by asimpl. eauto.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma ne_nf_embed n (a : PTm n) :
(ne a -> SNe a) /\ (nf a -> SN a).
elim : n / a => //=; hauto qb:on ctrs:SNe, SN.
#[export]Hint Constructors SN SNe TRedSN : sn. #[export]Hint Constructors SN SNe TRedSN : sn.
Ltac2 rec solve_anti_ren () := Ltac2 rec solve_anti_ren () :=
@ -848,6 +871,12 @@ Module RReds.
End RReds. End RReds.
Lemma ne_nf_ren n m (a : PTm n) (ξ : fin n -> fin m) :
(ne a <-> ne (ren_PTm ξ a)) /\ (nf a <-> nf (ren_PTm ξ a)).
move : m ξ. elim : n / a => //=; solve [hauto b:on].
Module NeEPar. Module NeEPar.
Inductive R_nonelim {n} : PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop := Inductive R_nonelim {n} : PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
(****************** Eta ***********************) (****************** Eta ***********************)
@ -1379,6 +1408,35 @@ Module ERed.
(* destruct a. *) (* destruct a. *)
(* exact (ξ f). *) (* exact (ξ f). *)
Lemma up_injective n m (ξ : fin n -> fin m) :
(forall i j, ξ i = ξ j -> i = j) ->
forall i j, (upRen_PTm_PTm ξ) i = (upRen_PTm_PTm ξ) j -> i = j.
sblast inv:option.
Lemma ren_injective n m (a b : PTm n) (ξ : fin n -> fin m) :
(forall i j, ξ i = ξ j -> i = j) ->
ren_PTm ξ a = ren_PTm ξ b ->
a = b.
move : m ξ b.
elim : n / a => //; try solve_anti_ren.
move => n a iha m ξ []//=.
move => u [h].
apply iha in h. by subst.
destruct i, j=>//=.
hauto l:on.
move => n p A ihA B ihB m ξ []//=.
move => b A0 B0 [?]. subst.
move => ?. have ? : A0 = A by firstorder. subst.
move => ?. have : B = B0. apply : ihB; eauto.
Lemma AppEta' n a u : Lemma AppEta' n a u :
u = (@PApp (S n) (ren_PTm shift a) (VarPTm var_zero)) -> u = (@PApp (S n) (ren_PTm shift a) (VarPTm var_zero)) ->
R (PAbs u) a. R (PAbs u) a.
@ -1446,14 +1504,6 @@ Module ERed.
all : hauto lq:on ctrs:R. all : hauto lq:on ctrs:R.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma nf_preservation n (a b : PTm n) :
ERed.R a b -> (nf a -> nf b) /\ (ne a -> ne b).
move => h.
elim : n a b /h => //=;
hauto lqb:on use:ne_nf_ren,ne_nf.
End ERed. End ERed.
Module EReds. Module EReds.
@ -1524,70 +1574,10 @@ Module EReds.
induction 1; hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc use:ERed.substing. induction 1; hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc use:ERed.substing.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma app_inv n (a0 b0 C : PTm n) :
rtc ERed.R (PApp a0 b0) C ->
exists a1 b1, C = PApp a1 b1 /\
rtc ERed.R a0 a1 /\
rtc ERed.R b0 b1.
move E : (PApp a0 b0) => u hu.
move : a0 b0 E.
elim : u C / hu.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc.
- move => a b c ha ha' iha a0 b0 ?. subst.
hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:rtc, ERed.R inv:ERed.R.
Lemma proj_inv n p (a C : PTm n) :
rtc ERed.R (PProj p a) C ->
exists c, C = PProj p c /\ rtc ERed.R a c.
move E : (PProj p a) => u hu.
move : p a E.
elim : u C /hu;
hauto q:on ctrs:rtc,ERed.R inv:ERed.R.
Lemma bind_inv n p (A : PTm n) B C :
rtc ERed.R (PBind p A B) C ->
exists A0 B0, C = PBind p A0 B0 /\ rtc ERed.R A A0 /\ rtc ERed.R B B0.
move E : (PBind p A B) => u hu.
move : p A B E.
elim : u C / hu.
hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc.
hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:rtc, ERed.R inv:ERed.R, rtc.
End EReds. End EReds.
#[export]Hint Constructors ERed.R RRed.R EPar.R : red. #[export]Hint Constructors ERed.R RRed.R EPar.R : red.
Module EJoin.
Definition R {n} (a b : PTm n) := exists c, rtc ERed.R a c /\ rtc ERed.R b c.
Lemma hne_app_inj n (a0 b0 a1 b1 : PTm n) :
R (PApp a0 b0) (PApp a1 b1) ->
R a0 a1 /\ R b0 b1.
hauto lq:on use:EReds.app_inv.
Lemma hne_proj_inj n p0 p1 (a0 a1 : PTm n) :
R (PProj p0 a0) (PProj p1 a1) ->
p0 = p1 /\ R a0 a1.
hauto lq:on rew:off use:EReds.proj_inv.
Lemma bind_inj n p0 p1 (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
R (PBind p0 A0 B0) (PBind p1 A1 B1) ->
p0 = p1 /\ R A0 A1 /\ R B0 B1.
hauto lq:on rew:off use:EReds.bind_inv.
End EJoin.
Module RERed. Module RERed.
Inductive R {n} : PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop := Inductive R {n} : PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
@ -1676,17 +1666,9 @@ Module RERed.
hauto q:on use:ToBetaEta, FromBeta, FromEta, RRed.substing, ERed.substing. hauto q:on use:ToBetaEta, FromBeta, FromEta, RRed.substing, ERed.substing.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma hne_preservation n (a b : PTm n) :
RERed.R a b -> ishne a -> ishne b.
Proof. induction 1; sfirstorder. Qed.
End RERed. End RERed.
Module REReds. Module REReds.
Lemma hne_preservation n (a b : PTm n) :
rtc RERed.R a b -> ishne a -> ishne b.
Proof. induction 1; eauto using RERed.hne_preservation, rtc_refl, rtc. Qed.
Lemma sn_preservation n (a b : PTm n) : Lemma sn_preservation n (a b : PTm n) :
rtc RERed.R a b -> rtc RERed.R a b ->
SN a -> SN a ->
@ -1768,83 +1750,12 @@ Module REReds.
hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:rtc inv:RERed.R. hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:rtc inv:RERed.R.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma var_inv n (i : fin n) C :
rtc RERed.R (VarPTm i) C ->
C = VarPTm i.
move E : (VarPTm i) => u hu.
move : i E. elim : u C /hu; hauto lq:on rew:off inv:RERed.R.
Lemma hne_app_inv n (a0 b0 C : PTm n) :
rtc RERed.R (PApp a0 b0) C ->
ishne a0 ->
exists a1 b1, C = PApp a1 b1 /\
rtc RERed.R a0 a1 /\
rtc RERed.R b0 b1.
move E : (PApp a0 b0) => u hu.
move : a0 b0 E.
elim : u C / hu.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc.
- move => a b c ha ha' iha a0 b0 ?. subst.
hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:rtc, RERed.R use:RERed.hne_preservation inv:RERed.R.
Lemma hne_proj_inv n p (a C : PTm n) :
rtc RERed.R (PProj p a) C ->
ishne a ->
exists c, C = PProj p c /\ rtc RERed.R a c.
move E : (PProj p a) => u hu.
move : p a E.
elim : u C /hu;
hauto q:on ctrs:rtc,RERed.R use:RERed.hne_preservation inv:RERed.R.
Lemma substing n m (a b : PTm n) (ρ : fin n -> PTm m) : Lemma substing n m (a b : PTm n) (ρ : fin n -> PTm m) :
rtc RERed.R a b -> rtc RERed.R (subst_PTm ρ a) (subst_PTm ρ b). rtc RERed.R a b -> rtc RERed.R (subst_PTm ρ a) (subst_PTm ρ b).
Proof. Proof.
induction 1; hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc use:RERed.substing. induction 1; hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc use:RERed.substing.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma cong_up n m (ρ0 ρ1 : fin n -> PTm m) :
(forall i, rtc RERed.R (ρ0 i) (ρ1 i)) ->
(forall i, rtc RERed.R (up_PTm_PTm ρ0 i) (up_PTm_PTm ρ1 i)).
Proof. move => h i. destruct i as [i|].
simpl. rewrite /funcomp.
substify. by apply substing.
apply rtc_refl.
Lemma cong n m (a : PTm n) (ρ0 ρ1 : fin n -> PTm m) :
(forall i, rtc RERed.R (ρ0 i) (ρ1 i)) ->
rtc RERed.R (subst_PTm ρ0 a) (subst_PTm ρ1 a).
move : m ρ0 ρ1. elim : n / a;
eauto using AppCong, AbsCong, BindCong, ProjCong, PairCong, cong_up, rtc_refl.
Lemma cong' n m (a b : PTm n) (ρ0 ρ1 : fin n -> PTm m) :
rtc RERed.R a b ->
(forall i, rtc RERed.R (ρ0 i) (ρ1 i)) ->
rtc RERed.R (subst_PTm ρ0 a) (subst_PTm ρ1 b).
move => h0 h1.
have : rtc RERed.R (subst_PTm ρ0 a) (subst_PTm ρ1 a) by eauto using cong.
move => ?. apply : relations.rtc_transitive; eauto.
hauto l:on use:substing.
Lemma ToEReds n (a b : PTm n) :
nf a ->
rtc RERed.R a b -> rtc ERed.R a b.
move => + h.
induction h; hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:rtc use:RERed.ToBetaEta, RReds.nf_refl, @rtc_once, ERed.nf_preservation.
End REReds. End REReds.
Module LoRed. Module LoRed.
@ -1900,22 +1811,6 @@ Module LoRed.
RRed.R a b. RRed.R a b.
Proof. induction 1; hauto lq:on ctrs:RRed.R. Qed. Proof. induction 1; hauto lq:on ctrs:RRed.R. Qed.
Lemma AppAbs' n a (b : PTm n) u :
u = (subst_PTm (scons b VarPTm) a) ->
R (PApp (PAbs a) b) u.
Proof. move => ->. apply AppAbs. Qed.
Lemma renaming n m (a b : PTm n) (ξ : fin n -> fin m) :
R a b -> R (ren_PTm ξ a) (ren_PTm ξ b).
move => h. move : m ξ.
elim : n a b /h.
move => n a b m ξ /=.
apply AppAbs'. by asimpl.
all : try qauto ctrs:R use:ne_nf_ren, ishf_ren.
End LoRed. End LoRed.
Module LoReds. Module LoReds.
@ -2247,12 +2142,6 @@ Module DJoin.
Lemma refl n (a : PTm n) : R a a. Lemma refl n (a : PTm n) : R a a.
Proof. sfirstorder use:@rtc_refl unfold:R. Qed. Proof. sfirstorder use:@rtc_refl unfold:R. Qed.
Lemma FromEJoin n (a b : PTm n) : EJoin.R a b -> DJoin.R a b.
Proof. hauto q:on use:REReds.FromEReds. Qed.
Lemma ToEJoin n (a b : PTm n) : nf a -> nf b -> DJoin.R a b -> EJoin.R a b.
Proof. hauto q:on use:REReds.ToEReds. Qed.
Lemma symmetric n (a b : PTm n) : R a b -> R b a. Lemma symmetric n (a b : PTm n) : R a b -> R b a.
Proof. sfirstorder unfold:R. Qed. Proof. sfirstorder unfold:R. Qed.
@ -2287,12 +2176,6 @@ Module DJoin.
R (PProj p a0) (PProj p a1). R (PProj p a0) (PProj p a1).
Proof. hauto q:on use:REReds.ProjCong. Qed. Proof. hauto q:on use:REReds.ProjCong. Qed.
Lemma BindCong n p (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
R A0 A1 ->
R B0 B1 ->
R (PBind p A0 B0) (PBind p A1 B1).
Proof. hauto q:on use:REReds.BindCong. Qed.
Lemma FromRedSNs n (a b : PTm n) : Lemma FromRedSNs n (a b : PTm n) :
rtc TRedSN a b -> rtc TRedSN a b ->
R a b. R a b.
@ -2326,28 +2209,6 @@ Module DJoin.
case : c => //=; itauto. case : c => //=; itauto.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma hne_univ_noconf n (a b : PTm n) :
R a b -> ishne a -> isuniv b -> False.
move => [c [h0 h1]] h2 h3.
have {h0 h1 h2 h3} : ishne c /\ isuniv c by
hauto l:on use:REReds.hne_preservation,
move => [].
case : c => //=.
Lemma hne_bind_noconf n (a b : PTm n) :
R a b -> ishne a -> isbind b -> False.
move => [c [h0 h1]] h2 h3.
have {h0 h1 h2 h3} : ishne c /\ isbind c by
hauto l:on use:REReds.hne_preservation,
move => [].
case : c => //=.
Lemma bind_inj n p0 p1 (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 : Lemma bind_inj n p0 p1 (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
DJoin.R (PBind p0 A0 B0) (PBind p1 A1 B1) -> DJoin.R (PBind p0 A0 B0) (PBind p1 A1 B1) ->
p0 = p1 /\ DJoin.R A0 A1 /\ DJoin.R B0 B1. p0 = p1 /\ DJoin.R A0 A1 /\ DJoin.R B0 B1.
@ -2356,34 +2217,12 @@ Module DJoin.
hauto lq:on rew:off use:REReds.bind_inv. hauto lq:on rew:off use:REReds.bind_inv.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma var_inj n (i j : fin n) :
R (VarPTm i) (VarPTm j) -> i = j.
Proof. sauto lq:on rew:off use:REReds.var_inv unfold:R. Qed.
Lemma univ_inj n i j : Lemma univ_inj n i j :
@R n (PUniv i) (PUniv j) -> i = j. @R n (PUniv i) (PUniv j) -> i = j.
Proof. Proof.
sauto lq:on rew:off use:REReds.univ_inv. sauto lq:on rew:off use:REReds.univ_inv.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma hne_app_inj n (a0 b0 a1 b1 : PTm n) :
R (PApp a0 b0) (PApp a1 b1) ->
ishne a0 ->
ishne a1 ->
R a0 a1 /\ R b0 b1.
hauto lq:on use:REReds.hne_app_inv.
Lemma hne_proj_inj n p0 p1 (a0 a1 : PTm n) :
R (PProj p0 a0) (PProj p1 a1) ->
ishne a0 ->
ishne a1 ->
p0 = p1 /\ R a0 a1.
sauto lq:on use:REReds.hne_proj_inv.
Lemma FromRRed0 n (a b : PTm n) : Lemma FromRRed0 n (a b : PTm n) :
RRed.R a b -> R a b. RRed.R a b -> R a b.
Proof. Proof.
@ -2414,456 +2253,4 @@ Module DJoin.
hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:rtc unfold:R use:REReds.substing. hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:rtc unfold:R use:REReds.substing.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma renaming n m (a b : PTm n) (ρ : fin n -> fin m) :
R a b -> R (ren_PTm ρ a) (ren_PTm ρ b).
Proof. substify. apply substing. Qed.
Lemma weakening n (a b : PTm n) :
R a b -> R (ren_PTm shift a) (ren_PTm shift b).
Proof. apply renaming. Qed.
Lemma cong n m (a : PTm (S n)) c d (ρ : fin n -> PTm m) :
R c d -> R (subst_PTm (scons c ρ) a) (subst_PTm (scons d ρ) a).
rewrite /R. move => [cd [h0 h1]].
exists (subst_PTm (scons cd ρ) a).
hauto q:on ctrs:rtc inv:option use:REReds.cong.
Lemma pair_inj n (a0 a1 b0 b1 : PTm n) :
SN (PPair a0 b0) ->
SN (PPair a1 b1) ->
R (PPair a0 b0) (PPair a1 b1) ->
R a0 a1 /\ R b0 b1.
move => sn0 sn1.
have [? [? [? ?]]] : SN a0 /\ SN b0 /\ SN a1 /\ SN b1 by sfirstorder use:SN_NoForbid.P_PairInv.
have ? : SN (PProj PL (PPair a0 b0)) by hauto lq:on db:sn.
have ? : SN (PProj PR (PPair a0 b0)) by hauto lq:on db:sn.
have ? : SN (PProj PL (PPair a1 b1)) by hauto lq:on db:sn.
have ? : SN (PProj PR (PPair a1 b1)) by hauto lq:on db:sn.
have h0L : RRed.R (PProj PL (PPair a0 b0)) a0 by eauto with red.
have h0R : RRed.R (PProj PR (PPair a0 b0)) b0 by eauto with red.
have h1L : RRed.R (PProj PL (PPair a1 b1)) a1 by eauto with red.
have h1R : RRed.R (PProj PR (PPair a1 b1)) b1 by eauto with red.
move => h2.
move /ProjCong in h2.
have h2L := h2 PL.
have {h2}h2R := h2 PR.
move /FromRRed1 in h0L.
move /FromRRed0 in h1L.
move /FromRRed1 in h0R.
move /FromRRed0 in h1R.
split; eauto using transitive.
Lemma ejoin_pair_inj n (a0 a1 b0 b1 : PTm n) :
nf a0 -> nf b0 -> nf a1 -> nf b1 ->
EJoin.R (PPair a0 b0) (PPair a1 b1) ->
EJoin.R a0 a1 /\ EJoin.R b0 b1.
move => h0 h1 h2 h3 /FromEJoin.
have [? ?] : SN (PPair a0 b0) /\ SN (PPair a1 b1) by sauto lqb:on rew:off use:ne_nf_embed.
move => ?.
have : R a0 a1 /\ R b0 b1 by hauto l:on use:pair_inj.
hauto l:on use:ToEJoin.
Lemma abs_inj n (a0 a1 : PTm (S n)) :
SN a0 -> SN a1 ->
R (PAbs a0) (PAbs a1) ->
R a0 a1.
move => sn0 sn1.
move /weakening => /=.
move /AppCong. move /(_ (VarPTm var_zero) (VarPTm var_zero)).
move => /(_ ltac:(sfirstorder use:refl)).
move => h.
have /FromRRed1 h0 : RRed.R (PApp (PAbs (ren_PTm (upRen_PTm_PTm shift) a0)) (VarPTm var_zero)) a0 by apply RRed.AppAbs'; asimpl.
have /FromRRed0 h1 : RRed.R (PApp (PAbs (ren_PTm (upRen_PTm_PTm shift) a1)) (VarPTm var_zero)) a1 by apply RRed.AppAbs'; asimpl.
have sn0' := sn0.
have sn1' := sn1.
eapply sn_renaming with (ξ := (upRen_PTm_PTm shift)) in sn0.
eapply sn_renaming with (ξ := (upRen_PTm_PTm shift)) in sn1.
apply : transitive; try apply h0.
apply : N_Exp. apply N_β. sauto.
by asimpl.
apply : transitive; try apply h1.
apply : N_Exp. apply N_β. sauto.
by asimpl.
Lemma ejoin_abs_inj n (a0 a1 : PTm (S n)) :
nf a0 -> nf a1 ->
EJoin.R (PAbs a0) (PAbs a1) ->
EJoin.R a0 a1.
move => h0 h1.
have [? [? [? ?]]] : SN a0 /\ SN a1 /\ SN (PAbs a0) /\ SN (PAbs a1) by sauto lqb:on rew:off use:ne_nf_embed.
move /FromEJoin.
move /abs_inj.
hauto l:on use:ToEJoin.
Lemma standardization n (a b : PTm n) :
SN a -> SN b -> R a b ->
exists va vb, rtc RRed.R a va /\ rtc RRed.R b vb /\ nf va /\ nf vb /\ EJoin.R va vb.
move => h0 h1 [ab [hv0 hv1]].
have hv : SN ab by sfirstorder use:REReds.sn_preservation.
have : exists v, rtc RRed.R ab v /\ nf v by hauto q:on use:LoReds.FromSN, LoReds.ToRReds.
move => [v [hv2 hv3]].
have : rtc RERed.R a v by hauto q:on use:@relations.rtc_transitive, REReds.FromRReds.
have : rtc RERed.R b v by hauto q:on use:@relations.rtc_transitive, REReds.FromRReds.
move : h0 h1 hv3. clear.
move => h0 h1 hv hbv hav.
move : rered_standardization (h0) hav. repeat move/[apply].
move => [a1 [ha0 ha1]].
move : rered_standardization (h1) hbv. repeat move/[apply].
move => [b1 [hb0 hb1]].
have [*] : nf a1 /\ nf b1 by sfirstorder use:NeEPars.R_nonelim_nf.
hauto q:on use:NeEPars.ToEReds unfold:EJoin.R.
Lemma standardization_lo n (a b : PTm n) :
SN a -> SN b -> R a b ->
exists va vb, rtc LoRed.R a va /\ rtc LoRed.R b vb /\ nf va /\ nf vb /\ EJoin.R va vb.
move => /[dup] sna + /[dup] snb.
move : standardization; repeat move/[apply].
move => [va][vb][hva][hvb][nfva][nfvb]hj.
move /LoReds.FromSN : sna => [va' [hva' hva'0]].
move /LoReds.FromSN : snb => [vb' [hvb' hvb'0]].
exists va', vb'.
repeat split => //=.
have : va = va' /\ vb = vb' by sfirstorder use:red_uniquenf, LoReds.ToRReds.
case; congruence.
End DJoin. End DJoin.
Module Sub1.
Inductive R {n} : PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
| Refl a :
R a a
| Univ i j :
i <= j ->
R (PUniv i) (PUniv j)
| PiCong A0 A1 B0 B1 :
R A1 A0 ->
R B0 B1 ->
R (PBind PPi A0 B0) (PBind PPi A1 B1)
| SigCong A0 A1 B0 B1 :
R A0 A1 ->
R B0 B1 ->
R (PBind PSig A0 B0) (PBind PSig A1 B1).
Lemma transitive0 n (A B C : PTm n) :
R A B -> (R B C -> R A C) /\ (R C A -> R C B).
move => h. move : C.
elim : n A B /h; hauto lq:on ctrs:R inv:R solve+:lia.
Lemma transitive n (A B C : PTm n) :
R A B -> R B C -> R A C.
Proof. hauto q:on use:transitive0. Qed.
Lemma refl n (A : PTm n) : R A A.
Proof. sfirstorder. Qed.
Lemma commutativity0 n (A B C : PTm n) :
R A B ->
(RERed.R A C ->
exists D, RERed.R B D /\ R C D) /\
(RERed.R B C ->
exists D, RERed.R A D /\ R D C).
move => h. move : C.
elim : n A B / h; hauto lq:on ctrs:RERed.R, R inv:RERed.R.
Lemma commutativity_Ls n (A B C : PTm n) :
R A B ->
rtc RERed.R A C ->
exists D, rtc RERed.R B D /\ R C D.
move => + h. move : B. induction h; sauto lq:on use:commutativity0.
Lemma commutativity_Rs n (A B C : PTm n) :
R A B ->
rtc RERed.R B C ->
exists D, rtc RERed.R A D /\ R D C.
move => + h. move : A. induction h; sauto lq:on use:commutativity0.
Lemma sn_preservation : forall n,
(forall (a : PTm n) (s : SNe a), forall b, R a b \/ R b a -> a = b) /\
(forall (a : PTm n) (s : SN a), forall b, R a b \/ R b a -> SN b) /\
(forall (a b : PTm n) (_ : TRedSN a b), forall c, R a c \/ R c a -> a = c).
apply sn_mutual; hauto lq:on inv:R ctrs:SN.
Lemma bind_preservation n (a b : PTm n) :
R a b -> isbind a = isbind b.
Proof. hauto q:on inv:R. Qed.
Lemma univ_preservation n (a b : PTm n) :
R a b -> isuniv a = isuniv b.
Proof. hauto q:on inv:R. Qed.
Lemma sne_preservation n (a b : PTm n) :
R a b -> SNe a <-> SNe b.
Proof. hfcrush use:sn_preservation. Qed.
Lemma renaming n m (a b : PTm n) (ξ : fin n -> fin m) :
R a b -> R (ren_PTm ξ a) (ren_PTm ξ b).
move => h. move : m ξ.
elim : n a b /h; hauto lq:on ctrs:R.
Lemma substing n m (a b : PTm n) (ρ : fin n -> PTm m) :
R a b -> R (subst_PTm ρ a) (subst_PTm ρ b).
Proof. move => h. move : m ρ. elim : n a b /h; hauto lq:on ctrs:R. Qed.
Lemma hne_refl n (a b : PTm n) :
ishne a \/ ishne b -> R a b -> a = b.
Proof. hauto q:on inv:R. Qed.
End Sub1.
Module ESub.
Definition R {n} (a b : PTm n) := exists c0 c1, rtc ERed.R a c0 /\ rtc ERed.R b c1 /\ Sub1.R c0 c1.
Lemma pi_inj n (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
R (PBind PPi A0 B0) (PBind PPi A1 B1) ->
R A1 A0 /\ R B0 B1.
move => [u0 [u1 [h0 [h1 h2]]]].
move /EReds.bind_inv : h0 => [A2][B2][?][h3]h4. subst.
move /EReds.bind_inv : h1 => [A3][B3][?][h5]h6. subst.
sauto lq:on rew:off inv:Sub1.R.
Lemma sig_inj n (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
R (PBind PSig A0 B0) (PBind PSig A1 B1) ->
R A0 A1 /\ R B0 B1.
move => [u0 [u1 [h0 [h1 h2]]]].
move /EReds.bind_inv : h0 => [A2][B2][?][h3]h4. subst.
move /EReds.bind_inv : h1 => [A3][B3][?][h5]h6. subst.
sauto lq:on rew:off inv:Sub1.R.
End ESub.
Module Sub.
Definition R {n} (a b : PTm n) := exists c d, rtc RERed.R a c /\ rtc RERed.R b d /\ Sub1.R c d.
Lemma refl n (a : PTm n) : R a a.
Proof. sfirstorder use:@rtc_refl unfold:R. Qed.
Lemma ToJoin n (a b : PTm n) :
ishne a \/ ishne b ->
R a b ->
DJoin.R a b.
move => h [c][d][h0][h1]h2.
have : ishne c \/ ishne d by hauto q:on use:REReds.hne_preservation.
hauto lq:on rew:off use:Sub1.hne_refl.
Lemma transitive n (a b c : PTm n) : SN b -> R a b -> R b c -> R a c.
rewrite /R.
move => h [a0][b0][ha][hb]ha0b0 [b1][c0][hb'][hc]hb1c0.
move : hb hb'.
move : rered_confluence h. repeat move/[apply].
move => [b'][hb0]hb1.
have [a' ?] : exists a', rtc RERed.R a0 a' /\ Sub1.R a' b' by hauto l:on use:Sub1.commutativity_Rs.
have [c' ?] : exists a', rtc RERed.R c0 a' /\ Sub1.R b' a' by hauto l:on use:Sub1.commutativity_Ls.
exists a',c'; hauto l:on use:Sub1.transitive, @relations.rtc_transitive.
Lemma FromJoin n (a b : PTm n) : DJoin.R a b -> R a b.
Proof. sfirstorder. Qed.
Lemma PiCong n (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
R A1 A0 ->
R B0 B1 ->
R (PBind PPi A0 B0) (PBind PPi A1 B1).
rewrite /R.
move => [A][A'][h0][h1]h2.
move => [B][B'][h3][h4]h5.
exists (PBind PPi A' B), (PBind PPi A B').
repeat split; eauto using REReds.BindCong, Sub1.PiCong.
Lemma SigCong n (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
R A0 A1 ->
R B0 B1 ->
R (PBind PSig A0 B0) (PBind PSig A1 B1).
rewrite /R.
move => [A][A'][h0][h1]h2.
move => [B][B'][h3][h4]h5.
exists (PBind PSig A B), (PBind PSig A' B').
repeat split; eauto using REReds.BindCong, Sub1.SigCong.
Lemma UnivCong n i j :
i <= j ->
@R n (PUniv i) (PUniv j).
Proof. hauto lq:on ctrs:Sub1.R, rtc. Qed.
Lemma sne_bind_noconf n (a b : PTm n) :
R a b -> SNe a -> isbind b -> False.
rewrite /R.
move => [c[d] [? []]] *.
have : SNe c /\ isbind c by
hauto l:on use:REReds.sne_preservation, REReds.bind_preservation, Sub1.sne_preservation, Sub1.bind_preservation.
qauto l:on inv:SNe.
Lemma hne_bind_noconf n (a b : PTm n) :
R a b -> ishne a -> isbind b -> False.
rewrite /R.
move => [c[d] [? []]] h0 h1 h2 h3.
have : ishne c by eauto using REReds.hne_preservation.
have : isbind d by eauto using REReds.bind_preservation.
move : h1. clear. inversion 1; subst => //=.
clear. case : d => //=.
Lemma bind_sne_noconf n (a b : PTm n) :
R a b -> SNe b -> isbind a -> False.
rewrite /R.
move => [c[d] [? []]] *.
have : SNe c /\ isbind c by
hauto l:on use:REReds.sne_preservation, REReds.bind_preservation, Sub1.sne_preservation, Sub1.bind_preservation.
qauto l:on inv:SNe.
Lemma sne_univ_noconf n (a b : PTm n) :
R a b -> SNe a -> isuniv b -> False.
hauto l:on use:REReds.sne_preservation,
REReds.univ_preservation, Sub1.sne_preservation, Sub1.univ_preservation inv:SNe.
Lemma univ_sne_noconf n (a b : PTm n) :
R a b -> SNe b -> isuniv a -> False.
move => [c[d] [? []]] *.
have ? : SNe d by eauto using REReds.sne_preservation.
have : SNe c by sfirstorder use:Sub1.sne_preservation.
have : isuniv c by sfirstorder use:REReds.univ_preservation.
clear. case : c => //=. inversion 2.
Lemma bind_univ_noconf n (a b : PTm n) :
R a b -> isbind a -> isuniv b -> False.
move => [c[d] [h0 [h1 h1']]] h2 h3.
have : isbind c /\ isuniv c by
hauto l:on use:REReds.bind_preservation,
REReds.univ_preservation, Sub1.bind_preservation, Sub1.univ_preservation.
move : h2 h3. clear.
case : c => //=; itauto.
Lemma univ_bind_noconf n (a b : PTm n) :
R a b -> isbind b -> isuniv a -> False.
move => [c[d] [h0 [h1 h1']]] h2 h3.
have : isbind c /\ isuniv c by
hauto l:on use:REReds.bind_preservation,
REReds.univ_preservation, Sub1.bind_preservation, Sub1.univ_preservation.
move : h2 h3. clear.
case : c => //=; itauto.
Lemma bind_inj n p0 p1 (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
R (PBind p0 A0 B0) (PBind p1 A1 B1) ->
p0 = p1 /\ (if p0 is PPi then R A1 A0 else R A0 A1) /\ R B0 B1.
rewrite /R.
move => [u][v][h0][h1]h.
move /REReds.bind_inv : h0 => [A2][B2][?][h00]h01. subst.
move /REReds.bind_inv : h1 => [A3][B3][?][h10]h11. subst.
inversion h; subst; sauto lq:on.
Lemma univ_inj n i j :
@R n (PUniv i) (PUniv j) -> i <= j.
sauto lq:on rew:off use:REReds.univ_inv.
Lemma cong n m (a b : PTm (S n)) c d (ρ : fin n -> PTm m) :
R a b -> DJoin.R c d -> R (subst_PTm (scons c ρ) a) (subst_PTm (scons d ρ) b).
rewrite /R.
move => [a0][b0][h0][h1]h2.
move => [cd][h3]h4.
exists (subst_PTm (scons cd ρ) a0), (subst_PTm (scons cd ρ) b0).
repeat split.
hauto l:on use:REReds.cong' inv:option.
hauto l:on use:REReds.cong' inv:option.
eauto using Sub1.substing.
Lemma substing n m (a b : PTm n) (ρ : fin n -> PTm m) :
R a b -> R (subst_PTm ρ a) (subst_PTm ρ b).
rewrite /R.
move => [a0][b0][h0][h1]h2.
hauto ctrs:rtc use:REReds.cong', Sub1.substing.
Lemma ToESub n (a b : PTm n) : nf a -> nf b -> R a b -> ESub.R a b.
Proof. hauto q:on use:REReds.ToEReds. Qed.
Lemma standardization n (a b : PTm n) :
SN a -> SN b -> R a b ->
exists va vb, rtc RRed.R a va /\ rtc RRed.R b vb /\ nf va /\ nf vb /\ ESub.R va vb.
move => h0 h1 hS.
have : exists v, rtc RRed.R a v /\ nf v by sfirstorder use:LoReds.FromSN, LoReds.ToRReds.
move => [v [hv2 hv3]].
have : exists v, rtc RRed.R b v /\ nf v by sfirstorder use:LoReds.FromSN, LoReds.ToRReds.
move => [v' [hv2' hv3']].
move : (hv2) (hv2') => *.
apply DJoin.FromRReds in hv2, hv2'.
move/DJoin.symmetric in hv2'.
apply FromJoin in hv2, hv2'.
have hv : R v v' by eauto using transitive.
have {}hv : ESub.R v v' by hauto l:on use:ToESub.
hauto lq:on.
Lemma standardization_lo n (a b : PTm n) :
SN a -> SN b -> R a b ->
exists va vb, rtc LoRed.R a va /\ rtc LoRed.R b vb /\ nf va /\ nf vb /\ ESub.R va vb.
move => /[dup] sna + /[dup] snb.
move : standardization; repeat move/[apply].
move => [va][vb][hva][hvb][nfva][nfvb]hj.
move /LoReds.FromSN : sna => [va' [hva' hva'0]].
move /LoReds.FromSN : snb => [vb' [hvb' hvb'0]].
exists va', vb'.
repeat split => //=.
have : va = va' /\ vb = vb' by sfirstorder use:red_uniquenf, LoReds.ToRReds.
case; congruence.
End Sub.

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Require Import Autosubst2.core Autosubst2.fintype Autosubst2.syntax. Require Import Autosubst2.core Autosubst2.fintype Autosubst2.syntax.
Require Import common fp_red. Require Import fp_red.
From Hammer Require Import Tactics. From Hammer Require Import Tactics.
From Equations Require Import Equations. From Equations Require Import Equations.
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool. Require Import ssreflect ssrbool.
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ Inductive InterpExt {n} i (I : nat -> PTm n -> Prop) : PTm n -> (PTm n -> Prop)
| InterpExt_Ne A : | InterpExt_Ne A :
SNe A -> SNe A ->
A i ;; I (fun a => exists v, rtc TRedSN a v /\ SNe v) A i ;; I (fun a => exists v, rtc TRedSN a v /\ SNe v)
| InterpExt_Bind p A B PA PF : | InterpExt_Bind p A B PA PF :
A i ;; I PA -> A i ;; I PA ->
(forall a, PA a -> exists PB, PF a PB) -> (forall a, PA a -> exists PB, PF a PB) ->
@ -41,6 +40,7 @@ Inductive InterpExt {n} i (I : nat -> PTm n -> Prop) : PTm n -> (PTm n -> Prop)
A i ;; I PA A i ;; I PA
where "⟦ A ⟧ i ;; I ↘ S" := (InterpExt i I A S). where "⟦ A ⟧ i ;; I ↘ S" := (InterpExt i I A S).
Lemma InterpExt_Univ' n i I j (PF : PTm n -> Prop) : Lemma InterpExt_Univ' n i I j (PF : PTm n -> Prop) :
PF = I j -> PF = I j ->
j < i -> j < i ->
@ -261,8 +261,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma redsns_preservation : forall n a b, @SN n a -> rtc TRedSN a b -> SN b. Lemma redsns_preservation : forall n a b, @SN n a -> rtc TRedSN a b -> SN b.
Proof. induction 2; sfirstorder use:redsn_preservation_mutual ctrs:rtc. Qed. Proof. induction 2; sfirstorder use:redsn_preservation_mutual ctrs:rtc. Qed.
#[export]Hint Resolve Sub.sne_bind_noconf Sub.sne_univ_noconf Sub.bind_univ_noconf #[export]Hint Resolve DJoin.sne_bind_noconf DJoin.sne_univ_noconf DJoin.bind_univ_noconf : noconf.
Sub.bind_sne_noconf Sub.univ_sne_noconf Sub.univ_bind_noconf: noconf.
Lemma InterpUniv_SNe_inv n i (A : PTm n) PA : Lemma InterpUniv_SNe_inv n i (A : PTm n) PA :
SNe A -> SNe A ->
@ -295,150 +294,26 @@ Proof.
subst. hauto lq:on inv:TRedSN. subst. hauto lq:on inv:TRedSN.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma bindspace_impl n p (PA PA0 : PTm n -> Prop) PF PF0 b : Lemma bindspace_iff n p (PA : PTm n -> Prop) PF PF0 b :
(forall x, if p is PPi then (PA0 x -> PA x) else (PA x -> PA0 x)) -> (forall (a : PTm n) (PB PB0 : PTm n -> Prop), PA a -> PF a PB -> PF0 a PB0 -> PB = PB0) ->
(forall (a : PTm n) (PB PB0 : PTm n -> Prop), PA0 a -> PF a PB -> PF0 a PB0 -> (forall x, PB x -> PB0 x)) ->
(forall a, PA a -> exists PB, PF a PB) -> (forall a, PA a -> exists PB, PF a PB) ->
(forall a, PA0 a -> exists PB0, PF0 a PB0) -> (forall a, PA a -> exists PB0, PF0 a PB0) ->
(BindSpace p PA PF b -> BindSpace p PA0 PF0 b). (BindSpace p PA PF b <-> BindSpace p PA PF0 b).
Proof. Proof.
rewrite /BindSpace => hSA h hPF hPF0. rewrite /BindSpace => h hPF hPF0.
case : p hSA => /= hSA. case : p => /=.
- rewrite /ProdSpace. - rewrite /ProdSpace.
move => h1 a PB ha hPF'.
have {}/hPF : PA a by sfirstorder.
specialize hPF0 with (1 := ha).
hauto lq:on.
- rewrite /SumSpace.
case. sfirstorder.
move => [a0][b0][h0][h1]h2. right.
hauto lq:on.
Lemma InterpUniv_Sub' n i (A B : PTm n) PA PB :
A i PA ->
B i PB ->
((Sub.R A B -> forall x, PA x -> PB x) /\
(Sub.R B A -> forall x, PB x -> PA x)).
move => hA.
move : i A PA hA B PB.
apply : InterpUniv_ind.
- move => i A hA B PB hPB. split.
+ move => hAB a ha.
have [? ?] : SN B /\ SN A by hauto l:on use:adequacy.
move /InterpUniv_case : hPB.
move => [H [/DJoin.FromRedSNs h [h1 h0]]].
have {h}{}hAB : Sub.R A H by qauto l:on use:Sub.FromJoin, DJoin.symmetric, Sub.transitive.
have {}h0 : SNe H.
suff : ~ isbind H /\ ~ isuniv H by itauto.
move : hA hAB. clear. hauto lq:on db:noconf.
move : InterpUniv_SNe_inv h1 h0. repeat move/[apply]. move => ?. subst.
+ move => hAB a ha.
have [? ?] : SN B /\ SN A by hauto l:on use:adequacy.
move /InterpUniv_case : hPB.
move => [H [/DJoin.FromRedSNs h [h1 h0]]].
have {h}{}hAB : Sub.R H A by qauto l:on use:Sub.FromJoin, DJoin.symmetric, Sub.transitive.
have {}h0 : SNe H.
suff : ~ isbind H /\ ~ isuniv H by itauto.
move : hAB hA h0. clear. hauto lq:on db:noconf.
move : InterpUniv_SNe_inv h1 h0. repeat move/[apply]. move => ?. subst.
- move => i p A B PA PF hPA ihPA hTot hRes ihPF U PU hU. split.
+ have hU' : SN U by hauto l:on use:adequacy.
move /InterpUniv_case : hU => [H [/DJoin.FromRedSNs h [h1 h0]]] hU.
have {hU} {}h : Sub.R (PBind p A B) H
by move : hU hU' h; clear; hauto q:on use:Sub.FromJoin, DJoin.symmetric, Sub.transitive.
have{h0} : isbind H.
suff : ~ SNe H /\ ~ isuniv H by itauto.
have : isbind (PBind p A B) by scongruence.
move : h. clear. hauto l:on db:noconf.
case : H h1 h => //=.
move => p0 A0 B0 h0 /Sub.bind_inj.
move => [? [hA hB]] _. subst.
move /InterpUniv_Bind_inv : h0.
move => [PA0][PF0][hPA0][hTot0][hRes0 ?]. subst.
move => x. apply bindspace_impl; eauto;[idtac|idtac]. hauto l:on.
move => a PB PB' ha hPB hPB'.
move : hRes0 hPB'. repeat move/[apply].
move : ihPF hPB. repeat move/[apply].
move => h. eapply h.
apply Sub.cong => //=; eauto using DJoin.refl.
+ have hU' : SN U by hauto l:on use:adequacy.
move /InterpUniv_case : hU => [H [/DJoin.FromRedSNs h [h1 h0]]] hU.
have {hU} {}h : Sub.R H (PBind p A B)
by move : hU hU' h; clear; hauto q:on use:Sub.FromJoin, DJoin.symmetric, Sub.transitive.
have{h0} : isbind H.
suff : ~ SNe H /\ ~ isuniv H by itauto.
have : isbind (PBind p A B) by scongruence.
move : h. clear. move : (PBind p A B). hauto lq:on db:noconf.
case : H h1 h => //=.
move => p0 A0 B0 h0 /Sub.bind_inj.
move => [? [hA hB]] _. subst.
move /InterpUniv_Bind_inv : h0.
move => [PA0][PF0][hPA0][hTot0][hRes0 ?]. subst.
move => x. apply bindspace_impl; eauto;[idtac|idtac]. hauto l:on.
move => a PB PB' ha hPB hPB'.
eapply ihPF; eauto.
apply Sub.cong => //=; eauto using DJoin.refl.
- move => i j jlti ih B PB hPB. split.
+ have ? : SN B by hauto l:on use:adequacy.
move /InterpUniv_case : hPB => [H [/DJoin.FromRedSNs h [h1 h0]]].
move => hj.
have {hj}{}h : Sub.R (PUniv j) H by eauto using Sub.transitive, Sub.FromJoin.
have {h0} : isuniv H.
suff : ~ SNe H /\ ~ isbind H by tauto. move : h. clear. hauto lq:on db:noconf.
case : H h1 h => //=.
move => j' hPB h _.
have {}h : j <= j' by hauto lq:on use: Sub.univ_inj. subst.
move /InterpUniv_Univ_inv : hPB => [? ?]. subst.
have ? : j <= i by lia.
move => A. hauto l:on use:InterpUniv_cumulative.
+ have ? : SN B by hauto l:on use:adequacy.
move /InterpUniv_case : hPB => [H [/DJoin.FromRedSNs h [h1 h0]]].
move => hj.
have {hj}{}h : Sub.R H (PUniv j) by eauto using Sub.transitive, Sub.FromJoin, DJoin.symmetric.
have {h0} : isuniv H.
suff : ~ SNe H /\ ~ isbind H by tauto. move : h. clear. hauto lq:on db:noconf.
case : H h1 h => //=.
move => j' hPB h _.
have {}h : j' <= j by hauto lq:on use: Sub.univ_inj.
move /InterpUniv_Univ_inv : hPB => [? ?]. subst.
move => A. hauto l:on use:InterpUniv_cumulative.
- move => i A A0 PA hr hPA ihPA B PB hPB.
have ? : SN A by sauto lq:on use:adequacy.
split. split.
+ move => ?. move => h1 a PB ha hPF'.
have {}hr : Sub.R A0 A by hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc use:DJoin.FromRedSNs, DJoin.symmetric, Sub.FromJoin. specialize hPF with (1 := ha).
have : Sub.R A0 B by eauto using Sub.transitive. specialize hPF0 with (1 := ha).
qauto l:on. sblast.
+ move => ?. move => ? a PB ha.
have {}hr : Sub.R A A0 by hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc use:DJoin.FromRedSNs, DJoin.symmetric, Sub.FromJoin. specialize hPF with (1 := ha).
have : Sub.R B A0 by eauto using Sub.transitive. specialize hPF0 with (1 := ha).
qauto l:on. sblast.
Qed. - rewrite /SumSpace.
hauto lq:on rew:off.
Lemma InterpUniv_Sub0 n i (A B : PTm n) PA PB :
A i PA ->
B i PB ->
Sub.R A B -> forall x, PA x -> PB x.
move : InterpUniv_Sub'. repeat move/[apply].
move => [+ _]. apply.
Lemma InterpUniv_Sub n i j (A B : PTm n) PA PB :
A i PA ->
B j PB ->
Sub.R A B -> forall x, PA x -> PB x.
have [? ?] : i <= max i j /\ j <= max i j by lia.
move => hPA hPB.
have : B (max i j) PB by eauto using InterpUniv_cumulative.
have : A (max i j) PA by eauto using InterpUniv_cumulative.
move : InterpUniv_Sub0. repeat move/[apply].
Qed. Qed.
Lemma InterpUniv_Join n i (A B : PTm n) PA PB : Lemma InterpUniv_Join n i (A B : PTm n) PA PB :
@ -447,19 +322,69 @@ Lemma InterpUniv_Join n i (A B : PTm n) PA PB :
DJoin.R A B -> DJoin.R A B ->
PA = PB. PA = PB.
Proof. Proof.
move => + + /[dup] /Sub.FromJoin + /DJoin.symmetric /Sub.FromJoin. move => hA.
move : InterpUniv_Sub'; repeat move/[apply]. move => h. move : i A PA hA B PB.
move => h1 h2. apply : InterpUniv_ind.
extensionality x. - move => i A hA B PB hPB hAB.
apply propositional_extensionality. have [*] : SN B /\ SN A by hauto l:on use:adequacy.
firstorder. move /InterpUniv_case : hPB.
move => [H [/DJoin.FromRedSNs h [h1 h0]]].
have {hAB} {}h : DJoin.R A H by eauto using DJoin.transitive.
have {}h0 : SNe H.
suff : ~ isbind H /\ ~ isuniv H by itauto.
move : h hA. clear. hauto lq:on db:noconf.
hauto lq:on use:InterpUniv_SNe_inv.
- move => i p A B PA PF hPA ihPA hTot hRes ihPF U PU hU.
have hU' : SN U by hauto l:on use:adequacy.
move /InterpUniv_case : hU => [H [/DJoin.FromRedSNs h [h1 h0]]] hU.
have {hU} {}h : DJoin.R (PBind p A B) H by eauto using DJoin.transitive.
have{h0} : isbind H.
suff : ~ SNe H /\ ~ isuniv H by itauto.
have : isbind (PBind p A B) by scongruence.
hauto l:on use: DJoin.sne_bind_noconf, DJoin.bind_univ_noconf, DJoin.symmetric.
case : H h1 h => //=.
move => p0 A0 B0 h0 /DJoin.bind_inj.
move => [? [hA hB]] _. subst.
move /InterpUniv_Bind_inv : h0.
move => [PA0][PF0][hPA0][hTot0][hRes0 ?]. subst.
have ? : PA0 = PA by qauto l:on. subst.
have : forall a PB PB', PA a -> PF a PB -> PF0 a PB' -> PB = PB'.
move => a PB PB' ha hPB hPB'. apply : ihPF; eauto.
have hj0 : DJoin.R (PAbs B) (PAbs B0) by eauto using DJoin.AbsCong.
have {}hj0 : DJoin.R (PApp (PAbs B) a) (PApp (PAbs B0) a) by eauto using DJoin.AppCong, DJoin.refl.
have [? ?] : SN (PApp (PAbs B) a) /\ SN (PApp (PAbs B0) a) by
hauto lq:on rew:off use:N_Exp, N_β, adequacy.
have [? ?] : DJoin.R (PApp (PAbs B0) a) (subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B0) /\
DJoin.R (subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B) (PApp (PAbs B) a)
by hauto lq:on ctrs:RRed.R use:DJoin.FromRRed0, DJoin.FromRRed1.
eauto using DJoin.transitive.
move => h. extensionality b. apply propositional_extensionality.
hauto l:on use:bindspace_iff.
- move => i j jlti ih B PB hPB.
have ? : SN B by hauto l:on use:adequacy.
move /InterpUniv_case : hPB => [H [/DJoin.FromRedSNs h [h1 h0]]].
move => hj.
have {hj}{}h : DJoin.R (PUniv j) H by eauto using DJoin.transitive.
have {h0} : isuniv H.
suff : ~ SNe H /\ ~ isbind H by tauto.
hauto l:on use: DJoin.sne_univ_noconf, DJoin.bind_univ_noconf, DJoin.symmetric.
case : H h1 h => //=.
move => j' hPB h _.
have {}h : j' = j by hauto lq:on use: DJoin.univ_inj. subst.
hauto lq:on use:InterpUniv_Univ_inv.
- move => i A A0 PA hr hPA ihPA B PB hPB hAB.
have /DJoin.symmetric ? : DJoin.R A A0 by hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:rtc use:DJoin.FromRedSNs.
have ? : SN A0 by hauto l:on use:adequacy.
have ? : SN A by eauto using N_Exp.
have : DJoin.R A0 B by eauto using DJoin.transitive.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma InterpUniv_Functional n i (A : PTm n) PA PB : Lemma InterpUniv_Functional n i (A : PTm n) PA PB :
A i PA -> A i PA ->
A i PB -> A i PB ->
PA = PB. PA = PB.
Proof. hauto l:on use:InterpUniv_Join, DJoin.refl. Qed. Proof. hauto use:InterpUniv_Join, DJoin.refl. Qed.
Lemma InterpUniv_Join' n i j (A B : PTm n) PA PB : Lemma InterpUniv_Join' n i j (A B : PTm n) PA PB :
A i PA -> A i PA ->
@ -516,61 +441,6 @@ Definition ρ_ok {n} (Γ : fin n -> PTm n) (ρ : fin n -> PTm 0) := forall i k P
Definition SemWt {n} Γ (a A : PTm n) := forall ρ, ρ_ok Γ ρ -> exists k PA, subst_PTm ρ A k PA /\ PA (subst_PTm ρ a). Definition SemWt {n} Γ (a A : PTm n) := forall ρ, ρ_ok Γ ρ -> exists k PA, subst_PTm ρ A k PA /\ PA (subst_PTm ρ a).
Notation "Γ ⊨ a ∈ A" := (SemWt Γ a A) (at level 70). Notation "Γ ⊨ a ∈ A" := (SemWt Γ a A) (at level 70).
Definition SemEq {n} Γ (a b A : PTm n) := DJoin.R a b /\ forall ρ, ρ_ok Γ ρ -> exists k PA, subst_PTm ρ A k PA /\ PA (subst_PTm ρ a) /\ PA (subst_PTm ρ b).
Notation "Γ ⊨ a ≡ b ∈ A" := (SemEq Γ a b A) (at level 70).
Definition SemLEq {n} Γ (A B : PTm n) := Sub.R A B /\ exists i, forall ρ, ρ_ok Γ ρ -> exists S0 S1, subst_PTm ρ A i S0 /\ subst_PTm ρ B i S1.
Notation "Γ ⊨ a ≲ b" := (SemLEq Γ a b) (at level 70).
Lemma SemWt_Univ n Γ (A : PTm n) i :
Γ A PUniv i <->
forall ρ, ρ_ok Γ ρ -> exists S, subst_PTm ρ A i S.
rewrite /SemWt.
- hauto lq:on rew:off use:InterpUniv_Univ_inv.
- move => /[swap] ρ /[apply].
move => [PA hPA].
exists (S i). eexists.
+ simp InterpUniv. apply InterpExt_Univ. lia.
+ simpl. eauto.
Lemma SemEq_SemWt n Γ (a b A : PTm n) : Γ a b A -> Γ a A /\ Γ b A /\ DJoin.R a b.
Proof. hauto lq:on rew:off unfold:SemEq, SemWt. Qed.
Lemma SemLEq_SemWt n Γ (A B : PTm n) : Γ A B -> Sub.R A B /\ exists i, Γ A PUniv i /\ Γ B PUniv i.
Proof. hauto q:on use:SemWt_Univ. Qed.
Lemma SemWt_SemEq n Γ (a b A : PTm n) : Γ a A -> Γ b A -> (DJoin.R a b) -> Γ a b A.
move => ha hb heq. split => //= ρ hρ.
have {}/ha := hρ.
have {}/hb := hρ.
move => [k][PA][hPA]hpb.
move => [k0][PA0][hPA0]hpa.
have : PA = PA0 by hauto l:on use:InterpUniv_Functional'.
hauto lq:on.
Lemma SemWt_SemLEq n Γ (A B : PTm n) i j :
Γ A PUniv i -> Γ B PUniv j -> Sub.R A B -> Γ A B.
move => ha hb heq. split => //.
exists (Nat.max i j).
have [? ?] : i <= Nat.max i j /\ j <= Nat.max i j by lia.
move => ρ hρ.
have {}/ha := hρ.
have {}/hb := hρ.
move => [k][PA][/= /InterpUniv_Univ_inv [? hPA]]hpb.
move => [k0][PA0][/= /InterpUniv_Univ_inv [? hPA0]]hpa. subst.
move : hpb => [PA]hPA'.
move : hpa => [PB]hPB'.
exists PB, PA.
split; apply : InterpUniv_cumulative; eauto.
(* Semantic context wellformedness *) (* Semantic context wellformedness *)
Definition SemWff {n} Γ := forall (i : fin n), exists j, Γ Γ i PUniv j. Definition SemWff {n} Γ := forall (i : fin n), exists j, Γ Γ i PUniv j.
Notation "⊨ Γ" := (SemWff Γ) (at level 70). Notation "⊨ Γ" := (SemWff Γ) (at level 70).
@ -599,12 +469,8 @@ Proof.
by subst. by subst.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma ρ_ok_cons' n i (Γ : fin n -> PTm n) ρ a PA A Δ : Definition renaming_ok {n m} (Γ : fin n -> PTm n) (Δ : fin m -> PTm m) (ξ : fin m -> fin n) :=
Δ = (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ)) -> forall (i : fin m), ren_PTm ξ (Δ i) = Γ (ξ i).
subst_PTm ρ A i PA -> PA a ->
ρ_ok Γ ρ ->
ρ_ok Δ (scons a ρ).
Proof. move => ->. apply ρ_ok_cons. Qed.
Lemma ρ_ok_renaming n m (Γ : fin n -> PTm n) ρ : Lemma ρ_ok_renaming n m (Γ : fin n -> PTm n) ρ :
forall (Δ : fin m -> PTm m) ξ, forall (Δ : fin m -> PTm m) ξ,
@ -654,15 +520,20 @@ Proof.
move {h}. hauto l:on use:sn_unmorphing. move {h}. hauto l:on use:sn_unmorphing.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma SemEq_SN_Join n Γ (a b A : PTm n) : Lemma SemWt_Univ n Γ (A : PTm n) i :
Γ a b A -> Γ A PUniv i <->
SN a /\ SN b /\ SN A /\ DJoin.R a b. forall ρ, ρ_ok Γ ρ -> exists S, subst_PTm ρ A i S.
Proof. hauto l:on use:SemEq_SemWt, SemWt_SN. Qed. Proof.
rewrite /SemWt.
Lemma SemLEq_SN_Sub n Γ (a b : PTm n) : split.
Γ a b -> - hauto lq:on rew:off use:InterpUniv_Univ_inv.
SN a /\ SN b /\ Sub.R a b. - move => /[swap] ρ /[apply].
Proof. hauto l:on use:SemLEq_SemWt, SemWt_SN. Qed. move => [PA hPA].
exists (S i). eexists.
+ simp InterpUniv. apply InterpExt_Univ. lia.
+ simpl. eauto.
(* Structural laws for Semantic context wellformedness *) (* Structural laws for Semantic context wellformedness *)
Lemma SemWff_nil : SemWff null. Lemma SemWff_nil : SemWff null.
@ -702,7 +573,7 @@ Proof.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma ST_Bind' n Γ i j p (A : PTm n) (B : PTm (S n)) : Lemma ST_Bind n Γ i j p (A : PTm n) (B : PTm (S n)) :
Γ A PUniv i -> Γ A PUniv i ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) B PUniv j -> funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) B PUniv j ->
Γ PBind p A B PUniv (max i j). Γ PBind p A B PUniv (max i j).
@ -717,17 +588,6 @@ Proof.
- move => *. asimpl. hauto l:on use:InterpUniv_cumulative, ρ_ok_cons. - move => *. asimpl. hauto l:on use:InterpUniv_cumulative, ρ_ok_cons.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma ST_Bind n Γ i p (A : PTm n) (B : PTm (S n)) :
Γ A PUniv i ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) B PUniv i ->
Γ PBind p A B PUniv i.
move => h0 h1.
replace i with (max i i) by lia.
move : h0 h1.
apply ST_Bind'.
Lemma ST_Abs n Γ (a : PTm (S n)) A B i : Lemma ST_Abs n Γ (a : PTm (S n)) A B i :
Γ PBind PPi A B (PUniv i) -> Γ PBind PPi A B (PUniv i) ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) a B -> funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) a B ->
@ -766,13 +626,6 @@ Proof.
asimpl. hauto lq:on. asimpl. hauto lq:on.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma ST_App' n Γ (b a : PTm n) A B U :
U = subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B ->
Γ b PBind PPi A B ->
Γ a A ->
Γ PApp b a U.
Proof. move => ->. apply ST_App. Qed.
Lemma ST_Pair n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B i : Lemma ST_Pair n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B i :
Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) -> Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ a A -> Γ a A ->
@ -865,471 +718,35 @@ Proof.
move : hPB. asimpl => hPB. move : hPB. asimpl => hPB.
suff : DJoin.R (subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)) ρ) B) (subst_PTm (scons a0 ρ) B). suff : DJoin.R (subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)) ρ) B) (subst_PTm (scons a0 ρ) B).
move : InterpUniv_Join hPB0 hPB; repeat move/[apply]. done. move : InterpUniv_Join hPB0 hPB; repeat move/[apply]. done.
apply DJoin.cong. suff : BJoin.R (subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)) ρ) B) (subst_PTm (scons a0 ρ) B)
apply DJoin.FromRedSNs. by hauto q:on use:DJoin.FromBJoin.
have : BJoin.R (PApp (PAbs (subst_PTm (up_PTm_PTm ρ) B)) (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)))
(subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)) ρ) B).
eexists. split. apply relations.rtc_once. apply RRed.AppAbs.
asimpl. apply rtc_refl.
have /BJoin.symmetric : BJoin.R (PApp (PAbs (subst_PTm (up_PTm_PTm ρ)B)) a0)
(subst_PTm (scons a0 ρ) B).
eexists. split. apply relations.rtc_once. apply RRed.AppAbs.
asimpl. apply rtc_refl.
suff : BJoin.R (PApp (PAbs (subst_PTm (up_PTm_PTm ρ) B)) (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)))
(PApp (PAbs (subst_PTm (up_PTm_PTm ρ)B)) a0) by eauto using BJoin.transitive, BJoin.symmetric.
apply BJoin.AppCong. apply BJoin.refl.
move /RReds.FromRedSNs : hr'.
hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc unfold:BJoin.R. hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc unfold:BJoin.R.
+ hauto lq:on use:@relations.rtc_r, InterpUniv_back_closs. + hauto lq:on use:@relations.rtc_r, InterpUniv_back_closs.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma ST_Conv' n Γ (a : PTm n) A B i : Lemma ST_Conv n Γ (a : PTm n) A B i :
Γ a A -> Γ a A ->
Γ B PUniv i -> Γ B PUniv i ->
Sub.R A B -> DJoin.R A B ->
Γ a B. Γ a B.
Proof. Proof.
move => ha /SemWt_Univ h h0. move => ha /SemWt_Univ h h0.
move => ρ hρ. move => ρ hρ.
have {}h0 : Sub.R (subst_PTm ρ A) (subst_PTm ρ B) by have {}h0 : DJoin.R (subst_PTm ρ A) (subst_PTm ρ B) by eauto using DJoin.substing.
eauto using Sub.substing.
move /ha : (hρ){ha} => [m [PA [h1 h2]]]. move /ha : (hρ){ha} => [m [PA [h1 h2]]].
move /h : (hρ){h} => [S hS]. move /h : (hρ){h} => [S hS].
have h3 : forall x, PA x -> S x. have ? : PA = S by eauto using InterpUniv_Join'. subst.
move : InterpUniv_Sub h0 h1 hS; by repeat move/[apply].
hauto lq:on.
Lemma ST_Conv_E n Γ (a : PTm n) A B i :
Γ a A ->
Γ B PUniv i ->
DJoin.R A B ->
Γ a B.
hauto l:on use:ST_Conv', Sub.FromJoin.
Lemma ST_Conv n Γ (a : PTm n) A B :
Γ a A ->
Γ A B ->
Γ a B.
Proof. hauto l:on use:ST_Conv', SemLEq_SemWt. Qed.
Lemma SE_Refl n Γ (a : PTm n) A :
Γ a A ->
Γ a a A.
Proof. hauto lq:on unfold:SemWt,SemEq use:DJoin.refl. Qed.
Lemma SE_Symmetric n Γ (a b : PTm n) A :
Γ a b A ->
Γ b a A.
Proof. hauto q:on unfold:SemEq. Qed.
Lemma SE_Transitive n Γ (a b c : PTm n) A :
Γ a b A ->
Γ b c A ->
Γ a c A.
move => ha hb.
apply SemEq_SemWt in ha, hb.
have ? : SN b by hauto l:on use:SemWt_SN.
apply SemWt_SemEq; try tauto.
hauto l:on use:DJoin.transitive.
Definition Γ_eq {n} (Γ Δ : fin n -> PTm n) := forall i, DJoin.R (Γ i) (Δ i).
Lemma Γ_eq_ρ_ok n Γ Δ (ρ : fin n -> PTm 0) : Γ_eq Γ Δ -> Γ -> ρ_ok Γ ρ -> ρ_ok Δ ρ.
move => hΓΔ h.
move => i k PA hPA.
move : . rewrite /SemWff. move /(_ i) => [j].
move => .
rewrite SemWt_Univ in .
have {}/ := h.
move => [S hS].
move /(_ i) in h. suff : PA = S by qauto l:on.
move : InterpUniv_Join' hPA hS. repeat move/[apply].
apply. move /(_ i) /DJoin.symmetric in hΓΔ.
hauto l:on use: DJoin.substing.
Definition Γ_sub {n} (Γ Δ : fin n -> PTm n) := forall i, Sub.R (Γ i) (Δ i).
Lemma Γ_sub_ρ_ok n Γ Δ (ρ : fin n -> PTm 0) : Γ_sub Γ Δ -> Γ -> ρ_ok Γ ρ -> ρ_ok Δ ρ.
move => hΓΔ h.
move => i k PA hPA.
move : . rewrite /SemWff. move /(_ i) => [j].
move => .
rewrite SemWt_Univ in .
have {}/ := h.
move => [S hS].
move /(_ i) in h. suff : forall x, S x -> PA x by qauto l:on.
move : InterpUniv_Sub hS hPA. repeat move/[apply].
apply. by apply Sub.substing.
Lemma Γ_sub_refl n (Γ : fin n -> PTm n) :
Γ_sub Γ Γ.
Proof. sfirstorder use:Sub.refl. Qed.
Lemma Γ_sub_cons n (Γ Δ : fin n -> PTm n) A B :
Sub.R A B ->
Γ_sub Γ Δ ->
Γ_sub (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ)) (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons B Δ)).
move => h h0.
move => i.
destruct i as [i|].
rewrite /funcomp. substify. apply Sub.substing. by asimpl.
rewrite /funcomp.
asimpl. substify. apply Sub.substing. by asimpl.
Lemma Γ_sub_cons' n (Γ : fin n -> PTm n) A B :
Sub.R A B ->
Γ_sub (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ)) (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons B Γ)).
Proof. eauto using Γ_sub_refl ,Γ_sub_cons. Qed.
Lemma Γ_eq_refl n (Γ : fin n -> PTm n) :
Γ_eq Γ Γ.
Proof. sfirstorder use:DJoin.refl. Qed.
Lemma Γ_eq_cons n (Γ Δ : fin n -> PTm n) A B :
DJoin.R A B ->
Γ_eq Γ Δ ->
Γ_eq (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ)) (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons B Δ)).
move => h h0.
move => i.
destruct i as [i|].
rewrite /funcomp. substify. apply DJoin.substing. by asimpl.
rewrite /funcomp.
asimpl. substify. apply DJoin.substing. by asimpl.
Lemma Γ_eq_cons' n (Γ : fin n -> PTm n) A B :
DJoin.R A B ->
Γ_eq (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ)) (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons B Γ)).
Proof. eauto using Γ_eq_refl ,Γ_eq_cons. Qed.
Lemma SE_Bind' n Γ i j p (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
Γ ->
Γ A0 A1 PUniv i ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A0 Γ) B0 B1 PUniv j ->
Γ PBind p A0 B0 PBind p A1 B1 PUniv (max i j).
move => hA hB.
apply SemEq_SemWt in hA, hB.
apply SemWt_SemEq; last by hauto l:on use:DJoin.BindCong.
hauto l:on use:ST_Bind'.
apply ST_Bind'; first by tauto.
have hΓ' : funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A1 Γ) by hauto l:on use:SemWff_cons.
move => ρ hρ.
suff : ρ_ok (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A0 Γ)) ρ by hauto l:on.
move : Γ_eq_ρ_ok hΓ' hρ; repeat move/[apply]. apply.
hauto lq:on use:Γ_eq_cons'.
Lemma SE_Bind n Γ i p (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
Γ ->
Γ A0 A1 PUniv i ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A0 Γ) B0 B1 PUniv i ->
Γ PBind p A0 B0 PBind p A1 B1 PUniv i.
move => *. replace i with (max i i) by lia. auto using SE_Bind'.
Lemma SE_Abs n Γ (a b : PTm (S n)) A B i :
Γ PBind PPi A B (PUniv i) ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) a b B ->
Γ PAbs a PAbs b PBind PPi A B.
move => hPi /SemEq_SemWt [ha][hb]he.
apply SemWt_SemEq; eauto using DJoin.AbsCong, ST_Abs.
Lemma SBind_inv1 n Γ i p (A : PTm n) B :
Γ PBind p A B PUniv i ->
Γ A PUniv i.
move /SemWt_Univ => h. apply SemWt_Univ.
hauto lq:on rew:off use:InterpUniv_Bind_inv.
Lemma SE_AppEta n Γ (b : PTm n) A B i :
Γ ->
Γ PBind PPi A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ b PBind PPi A B ->
Γ PAbs (PApp (ren_PTm shift b) (VarPTm var_zero)) b PBind PPi A B.
move => h0 h1. apply SemWt_SemEq; eauto.
apply : ST_Abs; eauto.
have hA : Γ A PUniv i by eauto using SBind_inv1.
eapply ST_App' with (A := ren_PTm shift A)(B:= ren_PTm (upRen_PTm_PTm shift) B). by asimpl.
2 : {
apply ST_Var.
eauto using SemWff_cons.
change (PBind PPi (ren_PTm shift A) (ren_PTm (upRen_PTm_PTm shift) B)) with
(ren_PTm shift (PBind PPi A B)).
apply : weakening_Sem; eauto.
hauto q:on ctrs:rtc,RERed.R.
Lemma SE_AppAbs n Γ (a : PTm (S n)) b A B i:
Γ PBind PPi A B PUniv i ->
Γ b A ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) a B ->
Γ PApp (PAbs a) b subst_PTm (scons b VarPTm) a subst_PTm (scons b VarPTm ) B.
move => h h0 h1. apply SemWt_SemEq; eauto using ST_App, ST_Abs.
move => ρ hρ.
have {}/h0 := hρ.
move => [k][PA][hPA]hb.
move : ρ_ok_cons hPA hb (hρ); repeat move/[apply].
move => {}/h1.
by asimpl.
apply DJoin.FromRRed0.
apply RRed.AppAbs.
Lemma SE_Conv' n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B i :
Γ a b A ->
Γ B PUniv i ->
Sub.R A B ->
Γ a b B.
move /SemEq_SemWt => [ha][hb]he hB hAB.
apply SemWt_SemEq; eauto using ST_Conv'.
Lemma SE_Conv n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B :
Γ a b A ->
Γ A B ->
Γ a b B.
move => h /SemLEq_SemWt [h0][h1][ha]hb.
eauto using SE_Conv'.
Lemma SBind_inst n Γ p i (A : PTm n) B (a : PTm n) :
Γ a A ->
Γ PBind p A B PUniv i ->
Γ subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B PUniv i.
move => ha /SemWt_Univ hb.
apply SemWt_Univ.
move => ρ hρ.
have {}/hb := hρ.
asimpl. move => /= [S hS].
move /InterpUniv_Bind_inv_nopf : hS.
move => [PA][hPA][hPF]?. subst.
have {}/ha := hρ.
move => [k][PA0][hPA0]ha.
have ? : PA0 = PA by hauto l:on use:InterpUniv_Functional'. subst.
have {}/hPF := ha.
move => [PB]. asimpl.
hauto lq:on.
Lemma SE_Pair n Γ (a0 a1 b0 b1 : PTm n) A B i :
Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ a0 a1 A ->
Γ b0 b1 subst_PTm (scons a0 VarPTm) B ->
Γ PPair a0 b0 PPair a1 b1 PBind PSig A B.
move => h /SemEq_SemWt [ha0][ha1]hae /SemEq_SemWt [hb0][hb1]hbe.
apply SemWt_SemEq; eauto using ST_Pair, DJoin.PairCong, SBind_inst, DJoin.cong, ST_Conv_E, ST_Pair.
Lemma SE_Proj1 n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B :
Γ a b PBind PSig A B ->
Γ PProj PL a PProj PL b A.
move => /SemEq_SemWt [ha][hb]he.
apply SemWt_SemEq; eauto using DJoin.ProjCong, ST_Proj1.
Lemma SE_Proj2 n Γ i (a b : PTm n) A B :
Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ a b PBind PSig A B ->
Γ PProj PR a PProj PR b subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL a) VarPTm) B.
move => hS.
move => /SemEq_SemWt [ha][hb]he.
apply SemWt_SemEq; eauto using DJoin.ProjCong, ST_Proj2.
have h : Γ PProj PR b subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL b) VarPTm) B by eauto using ST_Proj2.
apply : ST_Conv_E. apply h.
apply : SBind_inst. eauto using ST_Proj1.
eauto. eauto.
hauto lq:on use: DJoin.cong, DJoin.ProjCong.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma SE_ProjPair1 n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B i :
Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ a A ->
Γ b subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B ->
Γ PProj PL (PPair a b) a A.
move => h0 h1 h2.
apply SemWt_SemEq; eauto using ST_Proj1, ST_Pair.
apply DJoin.FromRRed0. apply RRed.ProjPair.
Lemma SE_ProjPair2 n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B i :
Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ a A ->
Γ b subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B ->
Γ PProj PR (PPair a b) b subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B.
move => h0 h1 h2.
apply SemWt_SemEq; eauto using ST_Proj2, ST_Pair.
apply : ST_Conv_E. apply : ST_Proj2; eauto. apply : ST_Pair; eauto.
hauto l:on use:SBind_inst.
apply DJoin.cong. apply DJoin.FromRRed0. apply RRed.ProjPair.
apply DJoin.FromRRed0. apply RRed.ProjPair.
Lemma SE_PairEta n Γ (a : PTm n) A B i :
Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ a PBind PSig A B ->
Γ a PPair (PProj PL a) (PProj PR a) PBind PSig A B.
move => h0 h. apply SemWt_SemEq; eauto.
apply : ST_Pair; eauto using ST_Proj1, ST_Proj2.
rewrite /DJoin.R. hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc,RERed.R.
Lemma SE_App n Γ i (b0 b1 a0 a1 : PTm n) A B :
Γ PBind PPi A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ b0 b1 PBind PPi A B ->
Γ a0 a1 A ->
Γ PApp b0 a0 PApp b1 a1 subst_PTm (scons a0 VarPTm) B.
move => hPi.
move => /SemEq_SemWt [hb0][hb1]hb /SemEq_SemWt [ha0][ha1]ha.
apply SemWt_SemEq; eauto using DJoin.AppCong, ST_App.
apply : ST_Conv_E; eauto using ST_App, DJoin.cong, DJoin.symmetric, SBind_inst.
Lemma SSu_Eq n Γ (A B : PTm n) i :
Γ A B PUniv i ->
Γ A B.
Proof. move /SemEq_SemWt => h.
qauto l:on use:SemWt_SemLEq, Sub.FromJoin.
Lemma SSu_Transitive n Γ (A B C : PTm n) :
Γ A B ->
Γ B C ->
Γ A C.
move => ha hb.
apply SemLEq_SemWt in ha, hb.
have ? : SN B by hauto l:on use:SemWt_SN.
move : ha => [ha0 [i [ha1 ha2]]]. move : hb => [hb0 [j [hb1 hb2]]].
qauto l:on use:SemWt_SemLEq, Sub.transitive.
Lemma ST_Univ' n Γ i j :
i < j ->
Γ PUniv i : PTm n PUniv j.
move => ?.
apply SemWt_Univ. move => ρ hρ. eexists. by apply InterpUniv_Univ.
Lemma ST_Univ n Γ i :
Γ PUniv i : PTm n PUniv (S i).
apply ST_Univ'. lia.
Lemma SSu_Univ n Γ i j :
i <= j ->
Γ PUniv i : PTm n PUniv j.
move => h. apply : SemWt_SemLEq; eauto using ST_Univ.
sauto lq:on.
Lemma SSu_Pi n Γ (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
Γ ->
Γ A1 A0 ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A0 Γ) B0 B1 ->
Γ PBind PPi A0 B0 PBind PPi A1 B1.
move => hA hB.
have ? : SN A0 /\ SN A1 /\ SN B0 /\ SN B1
by hauto l:on use:SemLEq_SN_Sub.
apply SemLEq_SemWt in hA, hB.
move : hA => [hA0][i][hA1]hA2.
move : hB => [hB0][j][hB1]hB2.
apply : SemWt_SemLEq; last by hauto l:on use:Sub.PiCong.
hauto l:on use:ST_Bind'.
apply ST_Bind'; eauto.
have hΓ' : funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A1 Γ) by hauto l:on use:SemWff_cons.
move => ρ hρ.
suff : ρ_ok (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A0 Γ)) ρ by hauto l:on.
move : Γ_sub_ρ_ok hΓ' hρ; repeat move/[apply]. apply.
hauto lq:on use:Γ_sub_cons'.
Lemma SSu_Sig n Γ (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
Γ ->
Γ A0 A1 ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A1 Γ) B0 B1 ->
Γ PBind PSig A0 B0 PBind PSig A1 B1.
move => hA hB.
have ? : SN A0 /\ SN A1 /\ SN B0 /\ SN B1
by hauto l:on use:SemLEq_SN_Sub.
apply SemLEq_SemWt in hA, hB.
move : hA => [hA0][i][hA1]hA2.
move : hB => [hB0][j][hB1]hB2.
apply : SemWt_SemLEq; last by hauto l:on use:Sub.SigCong.
2 : { hauto l:on use:ST_Bind'. }
apply ST_Bind'; eauto.
have hΓ' : funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A1 Γ) by hauto l:on use:SemWff_cons.
have hΓ'' : funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A0 Γ) by hauto l:on use:SemWff_cons.
move => ρ hρ.
suff : ρ_ok (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A1 Γ)) ρ by hauto l:on.
apply : Γ_sub_ρ_ok; eauto.
hauto lq:on use:Γ_sub_cons'.
Lemma SSu_Pi_Proj1 n Γ (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
Γ PBind PPi A0 B0 PBind PPi A1 B1 ->
Γ A1 A0.
move /SemLEq_SemWt => [h0][h1][h2]he.
apply : SemWt_SemLEq; eauto using SBind_inv1.
hauto lq:on rew:off use:Sub.bind_inj.
Lemma SSu_Sig_Proj1 n Γ (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
Γ PBind PSig A0 B0 PBind PSig A1 B1 ->
Γ A0 A1.
move /SemLEq_SemWt => [h0][h1][h2]he.
apply : SemWt_SemLEq; eauto using SBind_inv1.
hauto lq:on rew:off use:Sub.bind_inj.
Lemma SSu_Pi_Proj2 n Γ (a0 a1 A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
Γ PBind PPi A0 B0 PBind PPi A1 B1 ->
Γ a0 a1 A1 ->
Γ subst_PTm (scons a0 VarPTm) B0 subst_PTm (scons a1 VarPTm) B1.
move /SemLEq_SemWt => [/Sub.bind_inj [_ [h1 h2]]].
move => [i][hP0]hP1 /SemEq_SemWt [ha0][ha1]ha.
apply : SemWt_SemLEq; eauto using SBind_inst;
last by hauto l:on use:Sub.cong.
apply SBind_inst with (p := PPi) (A := A0); eauto.
apply : ST_Conv'; eauto. hauto l:on use:SBind_inv1.
Lemma SSu_Sig_Proj2 n Γ (a0 a1 A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
Γ PBind PSig A0 B0 PBind PSig A1 B1 ->
Γ a0 a1 A0 ->
Γ subst_PTm (scons a0 VarPTm) B0 subst_PTm (scons a1 VarPTm) B1.
move /SemLEq_SemWt => [/Sub.bind_inj [_ [h1 h2]]].
move => [i][hP0]hP1 /SemEq_SemWt [ha0][ha1]ha.
apply : SemWt_SemLEq; eauto using SBind_inst;
last by hauto l:on use:Sub.cong.
apply SBind_inst with (p := PSig) (A := A1); eauto.
apply : ST_Conv'; eauto. hauto l:on use:SBind_inv1.
#[export]Hint Resolve ST_Var ST_Bind ST_Abs ST_App ST_Pair ST_Proj1 ST_Proj2 ST_Univ ST_Conv
SE_Refl SE_Symmetric SE_Transitive SE_Bind SE_Abs SE_App SE_Proj1 SE_Proj2
SE_Conv SSu_Pi_Proj1 SSu_Pi_Proj2 SSu_Sig_Proj1 SSu_Sig_Proj2 SSu_Eq SSu_Transitive SSu_Pi SSu_Sig SemWff_nil SemWff_cons SSu_Univ SE_AppAbs SE_ProjPair1 SE_ProjPair2 SE_AppEta SE_PairEta : sem.

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@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
Require Import Autosubst2.core Autosubst2.fintype Autosubst2.syntax common typing structural fp_red.
From Hammer Require Import Tactics.
Require Import ssreflect.
Require Import Psatz.
Require Import Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
Lemma App_Inv n Γ (b a : PTm n) U :
Γ PApp b a U ->
exists A B, Γ b PBind PPi A B /\ Γ a A /\ Γ subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B U.
move E : (PApp b a) => u hu.
move : b a E. elim : n Γ u U / hu => n //=.
- move => Γ b a A B hb _ ha _ b0 a0 [*]. subst.
exists A,B.
repeat split => //=.
have [i] : exists i, Γ PBind PPi A B PUniv i by sfirstorder use:regularity.
hauto lq:on use:bind_inst, E_Refl.
- hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:LEq.
Lemma Abs_Inv n Γ (a : PTm (S n)) U :
Γ PAbs a U ->
exists A B, funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) a B /\ Γ PBind PPi A B U.
move E : (PAbs a) => u hu.
move : a E. elim : n Γ u U / hu => n //=.
- move => Γ a A B i hP _ ha _ a0 [*]. subst.
exists A, B. repeat split => //=.
hauto lq:on use:E_Refl, Su_Eq.
- hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:LEq.
Lemma Proj1_Inv n Γ (a : PTm n) U :
Γ PProj PL a U ->
exists A B, Γ a PBind PSig A B /\ Γ A U.
move E : (PProj PL a) => u hu.
move :a E. elim : n Γ u U / hu => n //=.
- move => Γ a A B ha _ a0 [*]. subst.
exists A, B. split => //=.
eapply regularity in ha.
move : ha => [i].
move /Bind_Inv => [j][h _].
by move /E_Refl /Su_Eq in h.
- hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:LEq.
Lemma Proj2_Inv n Γ (a : PTm n) U :
Γ PProj PR a U ->
exists A B, Γ a PBind PSig A B /\ Γ subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL a) VarPTm) B U.
move E : (PProj PR a) => u hu.
move :a E. elim : n Γ u U / hu => n //=.
- move => Γ a A B ha _ a0 [*]. subst.
exists A, B. split => //=.
have ha' := ha.
eapply regularity in ha.
move : ha => [i ha].
move /T_Proj1 in ha'.
apply : bind_inst; eauto.
apply : E_Refl ha'.
- hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:LEq.
Lemma Pair_Inv n Γ (a b : PTm n) U :
Γ PPair a b U ->
exists A B, Γ a A /\
Γ b subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B /\
Γ PBind PSig A B U.
move E : (PPair a b) => u hu.
move : a b E. elim : n Γ u U / hu => n //=.
- move => Γ a b A B i hS _ ha _ hb _ a0 b0 [*]. subst.
exists A,B. repeat split => //=.
move /E_Refl /Su_Eq : hS. apply.
- hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:LEq.
Lemma E_AppAbs : forall n (a : PTm (S n)) (b : PTm n) (Γ : fin n -> PTm n) (A : PTm n),
Γ PApp (PAbs a) b A -> Γ PApp (PAbs a) b subst_PTm (scons b VarPTm) a A.
move => n a b Γ A ha.
move /App_Inv : ha.
move => [A0][B0][ha][hb]hS.
move /Abs_Inv : ha => [A1][B1][ha]hS0.
have hb' := hb.
move /E_Refl in hb.
have hS1 : Γ A0 A1 by sfirstorder use:Su_Pi_Proj1.
have [i hPi] : exists i, Γ PBind PPi A1 B1 PUniv i by sfirstorder use:regularity_sub0.
move : Su_Pi_Proj2 hS0 hb; repeat move/[apply].
move : hS => /[swap]. move : Su_Transitive. repeat move/[apply].
move => h.
apply : E_Conv; eauto.
apply : E_AppAbs; eauto.
eauto using T_Conv.
Lemma E_ProjPair1 : forall n (a b : PTm n) (Γ : fin n -> PTm n) (A : PTm n),
Γ PProj PL (PPair a b) A -> Γ PProj PL (PPair a b) a A.
move => n a b Γ A.
move /Proj1_Inv. move => [A0][B0][hab]hA0.
move /Pair_Inv : hab => [A1][B1][ha][hb]hS.
have [i ?] : exists i, Γ PBind PSig A1 B1 PUniv i by sfirstorder use:regularity_sub0.
move /Su_Sig_Proj1 in hS.
have {hA0} {}hS : Γ A1 A by eauto using Su_Transitive.
apply : E_Conv; eauto.
apply : E_ProjPair1; eauto.
Lemma RRed_Eq n Γ (a b : PTm n) A :
Γ a A ->
RRed.R a b ->
Γ a b A.
move => + h. move : Γ A. elim : n a b /h => n.
- apply E_AppAbs.
- move => p a b Γ A.
case : p => //=.
+ apply E_ProjPair1.
+ move /Proj2_Inv. move => [A0][B0][hab]hA0.
move /Pair_Inv : hab => [A1][B1][ha][hb]hS.
have [i ?] : exists i, Γ PBind PSig A1 B1 PUniv i by sfirstorder use:regularity_sub0.
have : Γ PPair a b PBind PSig A1 B1 by hauto lq:on ctrs:Wt.
move /T_Proj1.
move /E_ProjPair1 /E_Symmetric => h.
have /Su_Sig_Proj1 hSA := hS.
have : Γ subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B1 subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL (PPair a b)) VarPTm) B0 by
apply : Su_Sig_Proj2; eauto.
move : hA0 => /[swap]. move : Su_Transitive. repeat move/[apply].
move {hS}.
move => ?. apply : E_Conv; eauto. apply : E_ProjPair2; eauto.
- qauto l:on use:Abs_Inv, E_Conv, regularity_sub0, E_Abs.
- move => a0 a1 b ha iha Γ A /App_Inv [A0][B0][ih0][ih1]hU.
have {}/iha iha := ih0.
have [i hP] : exists i, Γ PBind PPi A0 B0 PUniv i by sfirstorder use:regularity.
apply : E_Conv; eauto.
apply : E_App; eauto using E_Refl.
- move => a0 b0 b1 ha iha Γ A /App_Inv [A0][B0][ih0][ih1]hU.
have {}/iha iha := ih1.
have [i hP] : exists i, Γ PBind PPi A0 B0 PUniv i by sfirstorder use:regularity.
apply : E_Conv; eauto.
apply : E_App; eauto.
sfirstorder use:E_Refl.
- move => a0 a1 b ha iha Γ A /Pair_Inv.
move => [A0][B0][h0][h1]hU.
have [i hP] : exists i, Γ PBind PSig A0 B0 PUniv i by eauto using regularity_sub0.
have {}/iha iha := h0.
apply : E_Conv; eauto.
apply : E_Pair; eauto using E_Refl.
- move => a b0 b1 ha iha Γ A /Pair_Inv.
move => [A0][B0][h0][h1]hU.
have [i hP] : exists i, Γ PBind PSig A0 B0 PUniv i by eauto using regularity_sub0.
have {}/iha iha := h1.
apply : E_Conv; eauto.
apply : E_Pair; eauto using E_Refl.
- case.
+ move => a0 a1 ha iha Γ A /Proj1_Inv [A0][B0][h0]hU.
apply : E_Conv; eauto.
qauto l:on ctrs:Eq,Wt.
+ move => a0 a1 ha iha Γ A /Proj2_Inv [A0][B0][h0]hU.
have [i hP] : exists i, Γ PBind PSig A0 B0 PUniv i by sfirstorder use:regularity.
apply : E_Conv; eauto.
apply : E_Proj2; eauto.
- move => p A0 A1 B hA ihA Γ U /Bind_Inv [i][h0][h1]hU.
have {}/ihA ihA := h0.
apply : E_Conv; eauto.
apply E_Bind'; eauto using E_Refl.
- move => p A0 A1 B hA ihA Γ U /Bind_Inv [i][h0][h1]hU.
have {}/ihA ihA := h1.
apply : E_Conv; eauto.
apply E_Bind'; eauto using E_Refl.
Theorem subject_reduction n Γ (a b A : PTm n) :
Γ a A ->
RRed.R a b ->
Γ b A.
Proof. hauto lq:on use:RRed_Eq, regularity. Qed.

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@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
Require Import Autosubst2.fintype Autosubst2.syntax.
Require Import fp_red logrel typing.
From Hammer Require Import Tactics.
Theorem fundamental_theorem :
(forall n (Γ : fin n -> PTm n), Γ -> Γ) /\
(forall n Γ (a A : PTm n), Γ a A -> Γ a A) /\
(forall n Γ (a b A : PTm n), Γ a b A -> Γ a b A) /\
(forall n Γ (a b : PTm n), Γ a b -> Γ a b).
apply wt_mutual; eauto with sem; [hauto l:on use:SE_Pair].
Unshelve. all : exact 0.
Lemma synsub_to_usub : forall n Γ (a b : PTm n), Γ a b -> SN a /\ SN b /\ Sub.R a b.
Proof. hauto lq:on rew:off use:fundamental_theorem, SemLEq_SN_Sub. Qed.

View file

@ -1,676 +0,0 @@
Require Import Autosubst2.core Autosubst2.fintype Autosubst2.syntax common typing.
From Hammer Require Import Tactics.
Require Import ssreflect.
Require Import Psatz.
Lemma wff_mutual :
(forall n (Γ : fin n -> PTm n), Γ -> True) /\
(forall n Γ (a A : PTm n), Γ a A -> Γ) /\
(forall n Γ (a b A : PTm n), Γ a b A -> Γ) /\
(forall n Γ (A B : PTm n), Γ A B -> Γ).
Proof. apply wt_mutual; eauto. Qed.
#[export]Hint Constructors Wt Wff Eq : wt.
Lemma renaming_up n m (ξ : fin n -> fin m) Δ Γ A :
renaming_ok Δ Γ ξ ->
renaming_ok (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons (ren_PTm ξ A) Δ)) (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ)) (upRen_PTm_PTm ξ) .
move => h i.
destruct i as [i|].
asimpl. rewrite /renaming_ok in h.
rewrite /funcomp. rewrite -h.
by asimpl.
by asimpl.
Lemma Su_Wt n Γ a i :
Γ a @PUniv n i ->
Γ a a.
Proof. hauto lq:on ctrs:LEq, Eq. Qed.
Lemma Wt_Univ n Γ a A i
(h : Γ a A) :
Γ @PUniv n i PUniv (S i).
hauto lq:on ctrs:Wt use:wff_mutual.
Lemma Bind_Inv n Γ p (A : PTm n) B U :
Γ PBind p A B U ->
exists i, Γ A PUniv i /\
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) B PUniv i /\
Γ PUniv i U.
move E :(PBind p A B) => T h.
move : p A B E.
elim : n Γ T U / h => //=.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:Wt,LEq,Eq use:Wt_Univ.
- hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:LEq.
(* Lemma Pi_Inv n Γ (A : PTm n) B U : *)
(* Γ ⊢ PBind PPi A B ∈ U -> *)
(* exists i, Γ ⊢ A ∈ PUniv i /\ *)
(* funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) ⊢ B ∈ PUniv i /\ *)
(* Γ ⊢ PUniv i ≲ U. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* move E :(PBind PPi A B) => T h. *)
(* move : A B E. *)
(* elim : n Γ T U / h => //=. *)
(* - hauto lq:on ctrs:Wt,LEq,Eq use:Wt_Univ. *)
(* - hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:LEq. *)
(* Qed. *)
(* Lemma Bind_Inv n Γ (A : PTm n) B U : *)
(* Γ ⊢ PBind PSig A B ∈ U -> *)
(* exists i, Γ ⊢ A ∈ PUniv i /\ *)
(* funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) ⊢ B ∈ PUniv i /\ *)
(* Γ ⊢ PUniv i ≲ U. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* move E :(PBind PSig A B) => T h. *)
(* move : A B E. *)
(* elim : n Γ T U / h => //=. *)
(* - hauto lq:on ctrs:Wt,LEq,Eq use:Wt_Univ. *)
(* - hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:LEq. *)
(* Qed. *)
Lemma T_App' n Γ (b a : PTm n) A B U :
U = subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B ->
Γ b PBind PPi A B ->
Γ a A ->
Γ PApp b a U.
Proof. move => ->. apply T_App. Qed.
Lemma T_Pair' n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B i U :
U = subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B ->
Γ a A ->
Γ b U ->
Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ PPair a b PBind PSig A B.
move => ->. eauto using T_Pair.
Lemma T_Proj2' n Γ (a : PTm n) A B U :
U = subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL a) VarPTm) B ->
Γ a PBind PSig A B ->
Γ PProj PR a U.
Proof. move => ->. apply T_Proj2. Qed.
Lemma E_Proj2' n Γ i (a b : PTm n) A B U :
U = subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL a) VarPTm) B ->
Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ a b PBind PSig A B ->
Γ PProj PR a PProj PR b U.
move => ->. apply E_Proj2.
Lemma E_Bind' n Γ i p (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
Γ A0 PUniv i ->
Γ A0 A1 PUniv i ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A0 Γ) B0 B1 PUniv i ->
Γ PBind p A0 B0 PBind p A1 B1 PUniv i.
Proof. hauto lq:on use:E_Bind, wff_mutual. Qed.
Lemma E_App' n Γ i (b0 b1 a0 a1 : PTm n) A B U :
U = subst_PTm (scons a0 VarPTm) B ->
Γ PBind PPi A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ b0 b1 PBind PPi A B ->
Γ a0 a1 A ->
Γ PApp b0 a0 PApp b1 a1 U.
Proof. move => ->. apply E_App. Qed.
Lemma E_AppAbs' n Γ (a : PTm (S n)) b A B i u U :
u = subst_PTm (scons b VarPTm) a ->
U = subst_PTm (scons b VarPTm ) B ->
Γ PBind PPi A B PUniv i ->
Γ b A ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) a B ->
Γ PApp (PAbs a) b u U.
move => -> ->. apply E_AppAbs. Qed.
Lemma E_ProjPair2' n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B i U :
U = subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B ->
Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ a A ->
Γ b subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B ->
Γ PProj PR (PPair a b) b U.
Proof. move => ->. apply E_ProjPair2. Qed.
Lemma E_AppEta' n Γ (b : PTm n) A B i u :
u = (PApp (ren_PTm shift b) (VarPTm var_zero)) ->
Γ PBind PPi A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ b PBind PPi A B ->
Γ PAbs u b PBind PPi A B.
Proof. qauto l:on use:wff_mutual, E_AppEta. Qed.
Lemma Su_Pi_Proj2' n Γ (a0 a1 A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 U T :
U = subst_PTm (scons a0 VarPTm) B0 ->
T = subst_PTm (scons a1 VarPTm) B1 ->
Γ PBind PPi A0 B0 PBind PPi A1 B1 ->
Γ a0 a1 A1 ->
Γ U T.
Proof. move => -> ->. apply Su_Pi_Proj2. Qed.
Lemma Su_Sig_Proj2' n Γ (a0 a1 A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 U T :
U = subst_PTm (scons a0 VarPTm) B0 ->
T = subst_PTm (scons a1 VarPTm) B1 ->
Γ PBind PSig A0 B0 PBind PSig A1 B1 ->
Γ a0 a1 A0 ->
Γ U T.
Proof. move => -> ->. apply Su_Sig_Proj2. Qed.
Lemma renaming :
(forall n (Γ : fin n -> PTm n), Γ -> True) /\
(forall n Γ (a A : PTm n), Γ a A -> forall m Δ (ξ : fin n -> fin m), Δ -> renaming_ok Δ Γ ξ ->
Δ ren_PTm ξ a ren_PTm ξ A) /\
(forall n Γ (a b A : PTm n), Γ a b A -> forall m Δ (ξ : fin n -> fin m), Δ -> renaming_ok Δ Γ ξ ->
Δ ren_PTm ξ a ren_PTm ξ b ren_PTm ξ A) /\
(forall n Γ (A B : PTm n), Γ A B -> forall m Δ (ξ : fin n -> fin m), Δ -> renaming_ok Δ Γ ξ ->
Δ ren_PTm ξ A ren_PTm ξ B).
apply wt_mutual => //=; eauto 3 with wt.
- move => n Γ i _ m Δ ξ .
rewrite .
by apply T_Var.
- hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:Wt, Wff use:renaming_up.
- move => n Γ a A B i hP ihP ha iha m Δ ξ .
apply : T_Abs; eauto.
move : ihP() (); repeat move/[apply]. move/Bind_Inv.
hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:Wff,Wt use:renaming_up.
- move => *. apply : T_App'; eauto. by asimpl.
- move => n Γ a A b B i hA ihA hB ihB hS ihS m Δ ξ .
eapply T_Pair' with (U := ren_PTm ξ (subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B));eauto. by asimpl.
- move => n Γ a A B ha iha m Δ ξ . apply : T_Proj2'; eauto. by asimpl.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:Wt,LEq.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:Eq.
- hauto lq:on rew:off use:E_Bind', Wff_Cons, renaming_up.
- move => n Γ a b A B i hPi ihPi ha iha m Δ ξ .
move : ihPi () (). repeat move/[apply].
move => /Bind_Inv [j][h0][h1]h2.
have ? : Δ PBind PPi (ren_PTm ξ A) (ren_PTm (upRen_PTm_PTm ξ) B) PUniv j by qauto l:on ctrs:Wt.
move {hPi}.
apply : E_Abs; eauto. qauto l:on ctrs:Wff use:renaming_up.
- move => *. apply : E_App'; eauto. by asimpl.
- move => n Γ a0 a1 b0 b1 A B i hA ihA ha iha hb ihb m Δ ξ .
apply : E_Pair; eauto.
move : ihb . repeat move/[apply].
by asimpl.
- move => *. apply : E_Proj2'; eauto. by asimpl.
- qauto l:on ctrs:Eq, LEq.
- move => n Γ a b A B i hP ihP hb ihb ha iha m Δ ξ .
move : ihP () (). repeat move/[apply].
move /Bind_Inv.
move => [j][h0][h1]h2.
have ? : Δ PBind PPi (ren_PTm ξ A) (ren_PTm (upRen_PTm_PTm ξ) B) PUniv j by qauto l:on ctrs:Wt.
apply : E_AppAbs'; eauto. by asimpl. by asimpl.
hauto lq:on ctrs:Wff use:renaming_up.
- move => n Γ a b A B i hP ihP ha iha hb ihb m Δ ξ .
move : {hP} ihP () (). repeat move/[apply].
move /Bind_Inv => [i0][h0][h1]h2.
have ? : Δ PBind PSig (ren_PTm ξ A) (ren_PTm (upRen_PTm_PTm ξ) B) PUniv i0 by qauto l:on ctrs:Wt.
apply : E_ProjPair1; eauto.
move : ihb . repeat move/[apply]. by asimpl.
- move => n Γ a b A B i hP ihP ha iha hb ihb m Δ ξ .
apply : E_ProjPair2'; eauto. by asimpl.
move : ihb ; repeat move/[apply]. by asimpl.
- move => *.
apply : E_AppEta'; eauto. by asimpl.
- qauto l:on use:E_PairEta.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:LEq.
- qauto l:on ctrs:LEq.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:Wff use:renaming_up, Su_Pi.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:Wff use:Su_Sig, renaming_up.
- hauto q:on ctrs:LEq.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:LEq.
- qauto l:on ctrs:LEq.
- move => *; apply : Su_Pi_Proj2'; eauto; by asimpl.
- move => *. apply : Su_Sig_Proj2'; eauto; by asimpl.
Definition morphing_ok {n m} Δ Γ (ρ : fin n -> PTm m) :=
forall i, Δ ρ i subst_PTm ρ (Γ i).
Lemma morphing_ren n m p Ξ Δ Γ
(ρ : fin n -> PTm m) (ξ : fin m -> fin p) :
Ξ ->
renaming_ok Ξ Δ ξ -> morphing_ok Δ Γ ρ ->
morphing_ok Ξ Γ (funcomp (ren_PTm ξ) ρ).
move => hρ.
move => i.
rewrite {1}/funcomp.
have -> :
subst_PTm (funcomp (ren_PTm ξ) ρ) (Γ i) =
ren_PTm ξ (subst_PTm ρ (Γ i)) by asimpl.
eapply renaming; eauto.
Lemma morphing_ext n m Δ Γ (ρ : fin n -> PTm m) (a : PTm m) (A : PTm n) :
morphing_ok Δ Γ ρ ->
Δ a subst_PTm ρ A ->
Δ (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ)) (scons a ρ).
move => h ha i. destruct i as [i|]; by asimpl.
Lemma T_Var' n Γ (i : fin n) U :
U = Γ i ->
Γ ->
Γ VarPTm i U.
Proof. move => ->. apply T_Var. Qed.
Lemma renaming_wt : forall n Γ (a A : PTm n), Γ a A -> forall m Δ (ξ : fin n -> fin m), Δ -> renaming_ok Δ Γ ξ -> Δ ren_PTm ξ a ren_PTm ξ A.
Proof. sfirstorder use:renaming. Qed.
Lemma renaming_wt' : forall n m Δ Γ a A (ξ : fin n -> fin m) u U,
u = ren_PTm ξ a -> U = ren_PTm ξ A ->
Γ a A -> Δ ->
renaming_ok Δ Γ ξ -> Δ u U.
Proof. hauto use:renaming_wt. Qed.
Lemma renaming_shift n m Γ (ρ : fin n -> PTm m) A :
renaming_ok (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons (subst_PTm ρ A) Γ)) Γ shift.
Proof. sfirstorder. Qed.
Lemma morphing_up n m Γ Δ (ρ : fin n -> PTm m) (A : PTm n) k :
morphing_ok Γ Δ ρ ->
Γ subst_PTm ρ A PUniv k ->
morphing_ok (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons (subst_PTm ρ A) Γ)) (funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Δ)) (up_PTm_PTm ρ).
move => h h1 [:hp]. apply morphing_ext.
rewrite /morphing_ok.
move => i.
rewrite {2}/funcomp.
apply : renaming_wt'; eauto. by asimpl.
abstract : hp. qauto l:on ctrs:Wff use:wff_mutual.
eauto using renaming_shift.
apply : T_Var';eauto. rewrite /funcomp. by asimpl.
Lemma Wff_Cons' n Γ (A : PTm n) i :
Γ A PUniv i ->
(* -------------------------------- *)
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ).
Proof. hauto lq:on rew:off use:Wff_Cons, wff_mutual. Qed.
Lemma weakening_wt : forall n Γ (a A B : PTm n) i,
Γ B PUniv i ->
Γ a A ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons B Γ) ren_PTm shift a ren_PTm shift A.
move => n Γ a A B i hB ha.
apply : renaming_wt'; eauto.
apply : Wff_Cons'; eauto.
apply : renaming_shift; eauto.
Lemma weakening_wt' : forall n Γ (a A B : PTm n) i U u,
u = ren_PTm shift a ->
U = ren_PTm shift A ->
Γ B PUniv i ->
Γ a A ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons B Γ) u U.
Proof. move => > -> ->. apply weakening_wt. Qed.
Lemma morphing :
(forall n (Γ : fin n -> PTm n), Γ -> True) /\
(forall n Γ (a A : PTm n), Γ a A -> forall m Δ (ρ : fin n -> PTm m), Δ -> morphing_ok Δ Γ ρ ->
Δ subst_PTm ρ a subst_PTm ρ A) /\
(forall n Γ (a b A : PTm n), Γ a b A -> forall m Δ (ρ : fin n -> PTm m), Δ -> morphing_ok Δ Γ ρ ->
Δ subst_PTm ρ a subst_PTm ρ b subst_PTm ρ A) /\
(forall n Γ (A B : PTm n), Γ A B -> forall m Δ (ρ : fin n -> PTm m), Δ -> morphing_ok Δ Γ ρ ->
Δ subst_PTm ρ A subst_PTm ρ B).
apply wt_mutual => //=.
- hauto lq:on use:morphing_up, Wff_Cons', T_Bind.
- move => n Γ a A B i hP ihP ha iha m Δ ρ hρ.
move : ihP () (hρ); repeat move/[apply].
move /Bind_Inv => [j][h0][h1]h2. move {hP}.
have ? : Δ PBind PPi (subst_PTm ρ A) (subst_PTm (up_PTm_PTm ρ) B) PUniv i by hauto lq:on ctrs:Wt.
apply : T_Abs; eauto.
apply : iha.
hauto lq:on use:Wff_Cons', Bind_Inv.
apply : morphing_up; eauto.
- move => *; apply : T_App'; eauto; by asimpl.
- move => n Γ a A b B i hA ihA hB ihB hS ihS m Δ ρ hρ .
eapply T_Pair' with (U := subst_PTm ρ (subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B));eauto. by asimpl.
- hauto lq:on use:T_Proj1.
- move => *. apply : T_Proj2'; eauto. by asimpl.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:Wt,LEq.
- qauto l:on ctrs:Wt.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:Eq.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:Eq.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:Eq.
- hauto lq:on rew:off use:E_Bind', Wff_Cons, morphing_up.
- move => n Γ a b A B i hPi ihPi ha iha m Δ ρ hρ.
move : ihPi () (hρ). repeat move/[apply].
move => /Bind_Inv [j][h0][h1]h2.
have ? : Δ PBind PPi (subst_PTm ρ A) (subst_PTm (up_PTm_PTm ρ) B) PUniv j by qauto l:on ctrs:Wt.
move {hPi}.
apply : E_Abs; eauto. qauto l:on ctrs:Wff use:morphing_up.
- move => *. apply : E_App'; eauto. by asimpl.
- move => n Γ a0 a1 b0 b1 A B i hA ihA ha iha hb ihb m Δ ρ hρ.
apply : E_Pair; eauto.
move : ihb hρ. repeat move/[apply].
by asimpl.
- hauto q:on ctrs:Eq.
- move => *. apply : E_Proj2'; eauto. by asimpl.
- qauto l:on ctrs:Eq, LEq.
- move => n Γ a b A B i hP ihP hb ihb ha iha m Δ ρ hρ.
move : ihP (hρ) (). repeat move/[apply].
move /Bind_Inv.
move => [j][h0][h1]h2.
have ? : Δ PBind PPi (subst_PTm ρ A) (subst_PTm (up_PTm_PTm ρ) B) PUniv j by qauto l:on ctrs:Wt.
apply : E_AppAbs'; eauto. by asimpl. by asimpl.
hauto lq:on ctrs:Wff use:morphing_up.
- move => n Γ a b A B i hP ihP ha iha hb ihb m Δ ρ hρ.
move : {hP} ihP (hρ) (). repeat move/[apply].
move /Bind_Inv => [i0][h0][h1]h2.
have ? : Δ PBind PSig (subst_PTm ρ A) (subst_PTm (up_PTm_PTm ρ) B) PUniv i0 by qauto l:on ctrs:Wt.
apply : E_ProjPair1; eauto.
move : ihb hρ . repeat move/[apply]. by asimpl.
- move => n Γ a b A B i hP ihP ha iha hb ihb m Δ ρ hρ.
apply : E_ProjPair2'; eauto. by asimpl.
move : ihb hρ ; repeat move/[apply]. by asimpl.
- move => *.
apply : E_AppEta'; eauto. by asimpl.
- qauto l:on use:E_PairEta.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:LEq.
- qauto l:on ctrs:LEq.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:Wff use:morphing_up, Su_Pi.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:Wff use:Su_Sig, morphing_up.
- hauto q:on ctrs:LEq.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:LEq.
- qauto l:on ctrs:LEq.
- move => *; apply : Su_Pi_Proj2'; eauto; by asimpl.
- move => *. apply : Su_Sig_Proj2'; eauto; by asimpl.
Lemma morphing_wt : forall n Γ (a A : PTm n), Γ a A -> forall m Δ (ρ : fin n -> PTm m), Δ -> morphing_ok Δ Γ ρ -> Δ subst_PTm ρ a subst_PTm ρ A.
Proof. sfirstorder use:morphing. Qed.
Lemma morphing_wt' : forall n m Δ Γ a A (ρ : fin n -> PTm m) u U,
u = subst_PTm ρ a -> U = subst_PTm ρ A ->
Γ a A -> Δ ->
morphing_ok Δ Γ ρ -> Δ u U.
Proof. hauto use:morphing_wt. Qed.
Lemma morphing_id : forall n (Γ : fin n -> PTm n), Γ -> morphing_ok Γ Γ VarPTm.
move => n Γ .
rewrite /morphing_ok.
move => i. asimpl. by apply T_Var.
Lemma substing_wt : forall n Γ (a : PTm (S n)) (b A : PTm n) B,
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) a B ->
Γ b A ->
Γ subst_PTm (scons b VarPTm) a subst_PTm (scons b VarPTm) B.
move => n Γ a b A B ha hb [:]. apply : morphing_wt; eauto.
abstract : . sfirstorder use:wff_mutual.
apply morphing_ext; last by asimpl.
by apply morphing_id.
(* Could generalize to all equal contexts *)
Lemma ctx_eq_subst_one n (A0 A1 : PTm n) i j Γ a A :
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A0 Γ) a A ->
Γ A0 PUniv i ->
Γ A1 PUniv j ->
Γ A1 A0 ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A1 Γ) a A.
move => h0 h1 h2 h3.
replace a with (subst_PTm VarPTm a); last by asimpl.
replace A with (subst_PTm VarPTm A); last by asimpl.
have ? : Γ by sfirstorder use:wff_mutual.
apply : morphing_wt; eauto.
apply : Wff_Cons'; eauto.
move => k. destruct k as [k|].
- asimpl.
eapply weakening_wt' with (a := VarPTm k);eauto using T_Var.
by substify.
- move => [:hΓ'].
apply : T_Conv.
apply T_Var.
abstract : hΓ'.
eauto using Wff_Cons'.
rewrite /funcomp. asimpl. substify. asimpl.
eapply renaming; eauto.
apply : renaming_shift; eauto.
Lemma bind_inst n Γ p (A : PTm n) B i a0 a1 :
Γ PBind p A B PUniv i ->
Γ a0 a1 A ->
Γ subst_PTm (scons a0 VarPTm) B subst_PTm (scons a1 VarPTm) B.
move => h h0.
have {}h : Γ PBind p A B PBind p A B by eauto using E_Refl, Su_Eq.
case : p h => //=; hauto l:on use:Su_Pi_Proj2, Su_Sig_Proj2.
Lemma Cumulativity n Γ (a : PTm n) i j :
i <= j ->
Γ a PUniv i ->
Γ a PUniv j.
move => h0 h1. apply : T_Conv; eauto.
apply Su_Univ => //=.
sfirstorder use:wff_mutual.
Lemma T_Bind' n Γ i j p (A : PTm n) (B : PTm (S n)) :
Γ A PUniv i ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) B PUniv j ->
Γ PBind p A B PUniv (max i j).
move => h0 h1.
have [*] : i <= max i j /\ j <= max i j by lia.
qauto l:on ctrs:Wt use:Cumulativity.
Hint Resolve T_Bind' : wt.
Lemma regularity :
(forall n (Γ : fin n -> PTm n), Γ -> forall i, exists j, Γ Γ i PUniv j) /\
(forall n Γ (a A : PTm n), Γ a A -> exists i, Γ A PUniv i) /\
(forall n Γ (a b A : PTm n), Γ a b A -> Γ a A /\ Γ b A /\ exists i, Γ A PUniv i) /\
(forall n Γ (A B : PTm n), Γ A B -> exists i, Γ A PUniv i /\ Γ B PUniv i).
apply wt_mutual => //=; eauto with wt.
- move => n Γ A i ihΓ hA _ j.
destruct j as [j|].
have := ihΓ j.
move => [j0 hj].
exists j0. apply : renaming_wt' => //=; eauto using renaming_shift.
reflexivity. econstructor; eauto.
exists i. rewrite {2}/funcomp. simpl.
apply : renaming_wt'; eauto. reflexivity.
econstructor; eauto.
apply : renaming_shift; eauto.
- move => n Γ b a A B hb [i ihb] ha [j iha].
move /Bind_Inv : ihb => [k][h0][h1]h2.
move : substing_wt ha h1; repeat move/[apply].
move => h. exists k.
move : h. by asimpl.
- hauto lq:on use:Bind_Inv.
- move => n Γ a A B ha [i /Bind_Inv[j][h0][h1]h2].
exists j. have : Γ PProj PL a A by qauto use:T_Proj1.
move : substing_wt h1; repeat move/[apply].
by asimpl.
- sfirstorder.
- sfirstorder.
- sfirstorder.
- move => n Γ i p A0 A1 B0 B1 ihΓ hA0
[i0 ihA0] hA [ihA [ihA' [i1 ihA'']]].
move => hB [ihB0 [ihB1 [i2 ihB2]]].
repeat split => //=.
qauto use:T_Bind.
apply T_Bind; eauto.
apply : ctx_eq_subst_one; eauto using Su_Eq, E_Symmetric.
eauto using T_Univ.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:Wt,Eq.
- move => n Γ i b0 b1 a0 a1 A B hP _ hb [ihb0 [ihb1 [i0 ihb2]]]
ha [iha0 [iha1 [i1 iha2]]].
repeat split.
qauto use:T_App.
apply : T_Conv; eauto.
qauto use:T_App.
move /E_Symmetric in ha.
by eauto using bind_inst.
hauto lq:on ctrs:Wt,Eq,LEq lq:on use:Bind_Inv, substing_wt.
- hauto lq:on use:bind_inst db:wt.
- hauto lq:on use:Bind_Inv db:wt.
- move => n Γ i a b A B hS _ hab [iha][ihb][j]ihs.
repeat split => //=; eauto with wt.
apply : T_Conv; eauto with wt.
move /E_Symmetric /E_Proj1 in hab.
eauto using bind_inst.
move /T_Proj1 in iha.
hauto lq:on ctrs:Wt,Eq,LEq use:Bind_Inv, substing_wt.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:Wt.
- hauto q:on use:substing_wt db:wt.
- hauto l:on use:bind_inst db:wt.
- move => n Γ b A B i ihΓ hP _ hb [i0 ihb].
repeat split => //=; eauto with wt.
have {}hb : funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) ren_PTm shift b ren_PTm shift (PBind PPi A B)
by hauto lq:on use:weakening_wt, Bind_Inv.
apply : T_Abs; eauto.
apply : T_App'; eauto; rewrite-/ren_PTm.
by asimpl.
apply T_Var. sfirstorder use:wff_mutual.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:Wt.
- move => n Γ A B C hA [i [ihA0 ihA1]] hC [j [ihC0 ihC1]].
have ? : Γ by sfirstorder use:wff_mutual.
exists (max i j).
have [? ?] : i <= Nat.max i j /\ j <= Nat.max i j by lia.
qauto l:on use:T_Conv, Su_Univ.
- move => n Γ i j *. exists (S (max i j)).
have [? ?] : S i <= S (Nat.max i j) /\ S j <= S (Nat.max i j) by lia.
hauto lq:on ctrs:Wt,LEq.
- move => n Γ A0 A1 B0 B1 i ihΓ hA0 _ hA1 [i0][ih0]ih1 hB[j0][ihB0]ihB1.
exists (max i0 j0).
split; eauto with wt.
apply T_Bind'; eauto.
sfirstorder use:ctx_eq_subst_one.
- move => n Γ A0 A1 B0 B1 i ihΓ hA1 _ hA0 [i0][ihA0]ihA1 hB[i1][ihB0]ihB1.
exists (max i0 i1). repeat split; eauto with wt.
apply T_Bind'; eauto.
sfirstorder use:ctx_eq_subst_one.
- sfirstorder.
- move => n Γ A0 A1 B0 B1 _ [i][ih0 ih1].
move /Bind_Inv : ih0 => [i0][h _].
move /Bind_Inv : ih1 => [i1][h' _].
exists (max i0 i1).
have [? ?] : i0 <= Nat.max i0 i1 /\ i1 <= Nat.max i0 i1 by lia.
eauto using Cumulativity.
- move => n Γ A0 A1 B0 B1 _ [i][ih0 ih1].
move /Bind_Inv : ih0 => [i0][h _].
move /Bind_Inv : ih1 => [i1][h' _].
exists (max i0 i1).
have [? ?] : i0 <= Nat.max i0 i1 /\ i1 <= Nat.max i0 i1 by lia.
eauto using Cumulativity.
- move => n Γ a0 a1 A0 A1 B0 B1 /Su_Pi_Proj1 hA1.
move => [i][ihP0]ihP1.
move => ha [iha0][iha1][j]ihA1.
move /Bind_Inv :ihP0 => [i0][ih0][ih0' _].
move /Bind_Inv :ihP1 => [i1][ih1][ih1' _].
have [*] : i0 <= max i0 i1 /\ i1 <= max i0 i1 by lia.
exists (max i0 i1).
+ apply Cumulativity with (i := i0); eauto.
have : Γ a0 A0 by eauto using T_Conv.
move : substing_wt ih0';repeat move/[apply]. by asimpl.
+ apply Cumulativity with (i := i1); eauto.
move : substing_wt ih1' iha1;repeat move/[apply]. by asimpl.
- move => n Γ a0 a1 A0 A1 B0 B1 /Su_Sig_Proj1 hA1.
move => [i][ihP0]ihP1.
move => ha [iha0][iha1][j]ihA1.
move /Bind_Inv :ihP0 => [i0][ih0][ih0' _].
move /Bind_Inv :ihP1 => [i1][ih1][ih1' _].
have [*] : i0 <= max i0 i1 /\ i1 <= max i0 i1 by lia.
exists (max i0 i1).
+ apply Cumulativity with (i := i0); eauto.
move : substing_wt iha0 ih0';repeat move/[apply]. by asimpl.
+ apply Cumulativity with (i := i1); eauto.
have : Γ a1 A1 by eauto using T_Conv.
move : substing_wt ih1';repeat move/[apply]. by asimpl.
Lemma Var_Inv n Γ (i : fin n) A :
Γ VarPTm i A ->
Γ /\ Γ Γ i A.
move E : (VarPTm i) => u hu.
move : i E.
elim : n Γ u A / hu=>//=.
- move => n Γ i i0 [?]. subst.
repeat split => //=.
have h : Γ VarPTm i Γ i by eauto using T_Var.
eapply regularity in h.
move : h => [i0]?.
apply : Su_Eq. apply E_Refl; eassumption.
- sfirstorder use:Su_Transitive.
Lemma renaming_su' : forall n m Δ Γ (ξ : fin n -> fin m) (A B : PTm n) u U ,
u = ren_PTm ξ A ->
U = ren_PTm ξ B ->
Γ A B ->
Δ -> renaming_ok Δ Γ ξ ->
Δ u U.
Proof. move => > -> ->. hauto l:on use:renaming. Qed.
Lemma weakening_su : forall n Γ (A0 A1 B : PTm n) i,
Γ B PUniv i ->
Γ A0 A1 ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons B Γ) ren_PTm shift A0 ren_PTm shift A1.
move => n Γ A0 A1 B i hB hlt.
apply : renaming_su'; eauto.
apply : Wff_Cons'; eauto.
apply : renaming_shift; eauto.
Lemma regularity_sub0 : forall n Γ (A B : PTm n), Γ A B -> exists i, Γ A PUniv i.
Proof. hauto lq:on use:regularity. Qed.
Lemma Su_Pi_Proj2_Var n Γ (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
Γ PBind PPi A0 B0 PBind PPi A1 B1 ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A1 Γ) B0 B1.
move => h.
have /Su_Pi_Proj1 h1 := h.
have /regularity_sub0 [i h2] := h1.
move /weakening_su : (h) h2. move => /[apply].
move => h2.
apply : Su_Pi_Proj2'; try eassumption; rewrite -?/ren_PTm; cycle 2.
apply E_Refl. apply T_Var' with (i := var_zero); eauto.
sfirstorder use:wff_mutual.
by asimpl.
by asimpl.
Lemma Su_Sig_Proj2_Var n Γ (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
Γ PBind PSig A0 B0 PBind PSig A1 B1 ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A0 Γ) B0 B1.
move => h.
have /Su_Sig_Proj1 h1 := h.
have /regularity_sub0 [i h2] := h1.
move /weakening_su : (h) h2. move => /[apply].
move => h2.
apply : Su_Sig_Proj2'; try eassumption; rewrite -?/ren_PTm; cycle 2.
apply E_Refl. apply T_Var' with (i := var_zero); eauto.
sfirstorder use:wff_mutual.
by asimpl.
by asimpl.

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@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
Require Import Autosubst2.core Autosubst2.fintype Autosubst2.syntax.
Reserved Notation "Γ ⊢ a ∈ A" (at level 70).
Reserved Notation "Γ ⊢ a ≡ b ∈ A" (at level 70).
Reserved Notation "Γ ⊢ A ≲ B" (at level 70).
Reserved Notation "⊢ Γ" (at level 70).
Inductive Wt : forall {n}, (fin n -> PTm n) -> PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
| T_Var n Γ (i : fin n) :
Γ ->
Γ VarPTm i Γ i
| T_Bind n Γ i p (A : PTm n) (B : PTm (S n)) :
Γ A PUniv i ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) B PUniv i ->
Γ PBind p A B PUniv i
| T_Abs n Γ (a : PTm (S n)) A B i :
Γ PBind PPi A B (PUniv i) ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) a B ->
Γ PAbs a PBind PPi A B
| T_App n Γ (b a : PTm n) A B :
Γ b PBind PPi A B ->
Γ a A ->
Γ PApp b a subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B
| T_Pair n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B i :
Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ a A ->
Γ b subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B ->
Γ PPair a b PBind PSig A B
| T_Proj1 n Γ (a : PTm n) A B :
Γ a PBind PSig A B ->
Γ PProj PL a A
| T_Proj2 n Γ (a : PTm n) A B :
Γ a PBind PSig A B ->
Γ PProj PR a subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL a) VarPTm) B
| T_Univ n Γ i :
Γ ->
Γ PUniv i : PTm n PUniv (S i)
| T_Conv n Γ (a : PTm n) A B :
Γ a A ->
Γ A B ->
Γ a B
with Eq : forall {n}, (fin n -> PTm n) -> PTm n -> PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
(* Structural *)
| E_Refl n Γ (a : PTm n) A :
Γ a A ->
Γ a a A
| E_Symmetric n Γ (a b : PTm n) A :
Γ a b A ->
Γ b a A
| E_Transitive n Γ (a b c : PTm n) A :
Γ a b A ->
Γ b c A ->
Γ a c A
(* Congruence *)
| E_Bind n Γ i p (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
Γ ->
Γ A0 PUniv i ->
Γ A0 A1 PUniv i ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A0 Γ) B0 B1 PUniv i ->
Γ PBind p A0 B0 PBind p A1 B1 PUniv i
| E_Abs n Γ (a b : PTm (S n)) A B i :
Γ PBind PPi A B (PUniv i) ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) a b B ->
Γ PAbs a PAbs b PBind PPi A B
| E_App n Γ i (b0 b1 a0 a1 : PTm n) A B :
Γ PBind PPi A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ b0 b1 PBind PPi A B ->
Γ a0 a1 A ->
Γ PApp b0 a0 PApp b1 a1 subst_PTm (scons a0 VarPTm) B
| E_Pair n Γ (a0 a1 b0 b1 : PTm n) A B i :
Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ a0 a1 A ->
Γ b0 b1 subst_PTm (scons a0 VarPTm) B ->
Γ PPair a0 b0 PPair a1 b1 PBind PSig A B
| E_Proj1 n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B :
Γ a b PBind PSig A B ->
Γ PProj PL a PProj PL b A
| E_Proj2 n Γ i (a b : PTm n) A B :
Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ a b PBind PSig A B ->
Γ PProj PR a PProj PR b subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL a) VarPTm) B
| E_Conv n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B :
Γ a b A ->
Γ A B ->
Γ a b B
(* Beta *)
| E_AppAbs n Γ (a : PTm (S n)) b A B i:
Γ PBind PPi A B PUniv i ->
Γ b A ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) a B ->
Γ PApp (PAbs a) b subst_PTm (scons b VarPTm) a subst_PTm (scons b VarPTm ) B
| E_ProjPair1 n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B i :
Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ a A ->
Γ b subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B ->
Γ PProj PL (PPair a b) a A
| E_ProjPair2 n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B i :
Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ a A ->
Γ b subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B ->
Γ PProj PR (PPair a b) b subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B
(* Eta *)
| E_AppEta n Γ (b : PTm n) A B i :
Γ ->
Γ PBind PPi A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ b PBind PPi A B ->
Γ PAbs (PApp (ren_PTm shift b) (VarPTm var_zero)) b PBind PPi A B
| E_PairEta n Γ (a : PTm n) A B i :
Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ a PBind PSig A B ->
Γ a PPair (PProj PL a) (PProj PR a) PBind PSig A B
with LEq : forall {n}, (fin n -> PTm n) -> PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
(* Structural *)
| Su_Transitive n Γ (A B C : PTm n) :
Γ A B ->
Γ B C ->
(* Congruence *)
| Su_Univ n Γ i j :
Γ ->
i <= j ->
Γ PUniv i : PTm n PUniv j
| Su_Pi n Γ (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 i :
Γ ->
Γ A0 PUniv i ->
Γ A1 A0 ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A0 Γ) B0 B1 ->
Γ PBind PPi A0 B0 PBind PPi A1 B1
| Su_Sig n Γ (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 i :
Γ ->
Γ A1 PUniv i ->
Γ A0 A1 ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A1 Γ) B0 B1 ->
Γ PBind PSig A0 B0 PBind PSig A1 B1
(* Injecting from equalities *)
| Su_Eq n Γ (A : PTm n) B i :
Γ A B PUniv i ->
(* Projection axioms *)
| Su_Pi_Proj1 n Γ (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
Γ PBind PPi A0 B0 PBind PPi A1 B1 ->
Γ A1 A0
| Su_Sig_Proj1 n Γ (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
Γ PBind PSig A0 B0 PBind PSig A1 B1 ->
Γ A0 A1
| Su_Pi_Proj2 n Γ (a0 a1 A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
Γ PBind PPi A0 B0 PBind PPi A1 B1 ->
Γ a0 a1 A1 ->
Γ subst_PTm (scons a0 VarPTm) B0 subst_PTm (scons a1 VarPTm) B1
| Su_Sig_Proj2 n Γ (a0 a1 A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
Γ PBind PSig A0 B0 PBind PSig A1 B1 ->
Γ a0 a1 A0 ->
Γ subst_PTm (scons a0 VarPTm) B0 subst_PTm (scons a1 VarPTm) B1
with Wff : forall {n}, (fin n -> PTm n) -> Prop :=
| Wff_Nil :
| Wff_Cons n Γ (A : PTm n) i :
Γ ->
Γ A PUniv i ->
(* -------------------------------- *)
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ)
"Γ ⊢ a ∈ A" := (Wt Γ a A) and "⊢ Γ" := (Wff Γ) and "Γ ⊢ a ≡ b ∈ A" := (Eq Γ a b A) and "Γ ⊢ A ≲ B" := (LEq Γ A B).
Scheme wf_ind := Induction for Wff Sort Prop
with wt_ind := Induction for Wt Sort Prop
with eq_ind := Induction for Eq Sort Prop
with le_ind := Induction for LEq Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme wt_mutual from wf_ind, wt_ind, eq_ind, le_ind.
(* Lemma lem : *)
(* (forall n (Γ : fin n -> PTm n), ⊢ Γ -> ...) /\ *)
(* (forall n Γ (a A : PTm n), Γ ⊢ a ∈ A -> ...) /\ *)
(* (forall n Γ (a b A : PTm n), Γ ⊢ a ≡ b ∈ A -> ...) /\ *)
(* (forall n Γ (A B : PTm n), Γ ⊢ A ≲ B -> ...). *)
(* Proof. apply wt_mutual. ... *)