Fix the definition of semleq

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Yiyun Liu 2025-02-08 20:37:46 -05:00
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@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ Proof.
qauto l:on.
Lemma InterpUniv_Sub n i (A B : PTm n) PA PB :
Lemma InterpUniv_Sub0 n i (A B : PTm n) PA PB :
A i PA ->
B i PB ->
Sub.R A B -> forall x, PA x -> PB x.
@ -427,6 +427,19 @@ Proof.
move => [+ _]. apply.
Lemma InterpUniv_Sub n i j (A B : PTm n) PA PB :
A i PA ->
B j PB ->
Sub.R A B -> forall x, PA x -> PB x.
have [? ?] : i <= max i j /\ j <= max i j by lia.
move => hPA hPB.
have : B (max i j) PB by eauto using InterpUniv_cumulative.
have : A (max i j) PA by eauto using InterpUniv_cumulative.
move : InterpUniv_Sub0. repeat move/[apply].
Lemma InterpUniv_Join n i (A B : PTm n) PA PB :
A i PA ->
B i PB ->
@ -507,12 +520,30 @@ Notation "Γ ⊨ a ∈ A" := (SemWt Γ a A) (at level 70).
Definition SemEq {n} Γ (a b A : PTm n) := DJoin.R a b /\ forall ρ, ρ_ok Γ ρ -> exists k PA, subst_PTm ρ A k PA /\ PA (subst_PTm ρ a) /\ PA (subst_PTm ρ b).
Notation "Γ ⊨ a ≡ b ∈ A" := (SemEq Γ a b A) (at level 70).
Definition SemLEq {n} Γ (a b A : PTm n) := Sub.R a b /\ forall ρ, ρ_ok Γ ρ -> exists k PA, subst_PTm ρ A k PA /\ PA (subst_PTm ρ a) /\ PA (subst_PTm ρ b).
Notation "Γ ⊨ a ≲ b ∈ A" := (SemLEq Γ a b A) (at level 70).
Definition SemLEq {n} Γ (A B : PTm n) := Sub.R A B /\ exists i, forall ρ, ρ_ok Γ ρ -> exists S0 S1, subst_PTm ρ A i S0 /\ subst_PTm ρ B i S1.
Notation "Γ ⊨ a ≲ b" := (SemLEq Γ a b) (at level 70).
Lemma SemWt_Univ n Γ (A : PTm n) i :
Γ A PUniv i <->
forall ρ, ρ_ok Γ ρ -> exists S, subst_PTm ρ A i S.
rewrite /SemWt.
- hauto lq:on rew:off use:InterpUniv_Univ_inv.
- move => /[swap] ρ /[apply].
move => [PA hPA].
exists (S i). eexists.
+ simp InterpUniv. apply InterpExt_Univ. lia.
+ simpl. eauto.
Lemma SemEq_SemWt n Γ (a b A : PTm n) : Γ a b A -> Γ a A /\ Γ b A /\ DJoin.R a b.
Proof. hauto lq:on rew:off unfold:SemEq, SemWt. Qed.
Lemma SemLEq_SemWt n Γ (A B : PTm n) : Γ A B -> Sub.R A B /\ exists i, Γ A PUniv i /\ Γ B PUniv i.
Proof. hauto q:on use:SemWt_Univ. Qed.
Lemma SemWt_SemEq n Γ (a b A : PTm n) : Γ a A -> Γ b A -> (DJoin.R a b) -> Γ a b A.
move => ha hb heq. split => //= ρ hρ.
@ -524,7 +555,22 @@ Proof.
hauto lq:on.
Lemma SemEq_SemLEq n Γ
Lemma SemWt_SemLEq n Γ (A B : PTm n) i j :
Γ A PUniv i -> Γ B PUniv j -> Sub.R A B -> Γ A B.
move => ha hb heq. split => //.
exists (Nat.max i j).
have [? ?] : i <= Nat.max i j /\ j <= Nat.max i j by lia.
move => ρ hρ.
have {}/ha := hρ.
have {}/hb := hρ.
move => [k][PA][/= /InterpUniv_Univ_inv [? hPA]]hpb.
move => [k0][PA0][/= /InterpUniv_Univ_inv [? hPA0]]hpa. subst.
move : hpb => [PA]hPA'.
move : hpa => [PB]hPB'.
exists PB, PA.
split; apply : InterpUniv_cumulative; eauto.
(* Semantic context wellformedness *)
Definition SemWff {n} Γ := forall (i : fin n), exists j, Γ Γ i PUniv j.
@ -614,21 +660,6 @@ Lemma SemEq_SN_Join n Γ (a b A : PTm n) :
SN a /\ SN b /\ SN A /\ DJoin.R a b.
Proof. hauto l:on use:SemEq_SemWt, SemWt_SN. Qed.
Lemma SemWt_Univ n Γ (A : PTm n) i :
Γ A PUniv i <->
forall ρ, ρ_ok Γ ρ -> exists S, subst_PTm ρ A i S.
rewrite /SemWt.
- hauto lq:on rew:off use:InterpUniv_Univ_inv.
- move => /[swap] ρ /[apply].
move => [PA hPA].
exists (S i). eexists.
+ simp InterpUniv. apply InterpExt_Univ. lia.
+ simpl. eauto.
(* Structural laws for Semantic context wellformedness *)
Lemma SemWff_nil : SemWff null.
Proof. case. Qed.
@ -861,6 +892,20 @@ Proof.
hauto l:on use:DJoin.transitive.
Lemma SLEq_Transitive n Γ (A B C : PTm n) :
Γ A B ->
Γ B C ->
Γ A C.
move => h0 h1.
rewrite /SemLEq in h0 h1.
move : h0 => [hAB]h0.
move : h1 => [hBC]h1.
rewrite /SemLEq.
split. eauto using Sub.transitive.
Lemma Γ_eq_ρ_ok n Γ Δ (ρ : fin n -> PTm 0) : Γ_eq Γ Δ -> Γ -> ρ_ok Γ ρ -> ρ_ok Δ ρ.
move => hΓΔ h.