Finish the app neutral case

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Yiyun Liu 2025-02-12 19:27:42 -05:00
parent fa80294c5d
commit d053f93100

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@ -46,6 +46,37 @@ Module HReds.
End HReds.
Lemma T_Conv_E n Γ (a : PTm n) A B i :
Γ a A ->
Γ A B PUniv i \/ Γ B A PUniv i ->
Γ a B.
Proof. qauto use:T_Conv, Su_Eq, E_Symmetric. Qed.
Lemma E_Conv_E n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B i :
Γ a b A ->
Γ A B PUniv i \/ Γ B A PUniv i ->
Γ a b B.
Proof. qauto use:E_Conv, Su_Eq, E_Symmetric. Qed.
Lemma renaming_su' : forall n m Δ Γ (ξ : fin n -> fin m) (A B : PTm n) u U ,
u = ren_PTm ξ A ->
U = ren_PTm ξ B ->
Γ A B ->
Δ -> renaming_ok Δ Γ ξ ->
Δ u U.
Proof. move => > -> ->. hauto l:on use:renaming. Qed.
Lemma weakening_su : forall n Γ (A0 A1 B : PTm n) i,
Γ B PUniv i ->
Γ A0 A1 ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons B Γ) ren_PTm shift A0 ren_PTm shift A1.
move => n Γ A0 A1 B i hB hlt.
apply : renaming_su'; eauto.
apply : Wff_Cons'; eauto.
apply : renaming_shift; eauto.
(* Coquand's algorithm with subtyping *)
Reserved Notation "a b" (at level 70).
Reserved Notation "a ↔ b" (at level 70).
@ -168,13 +199,12 @@ Proof.
specialize ihu with (1 := hu0') (2 := hu1').
move : ihu.
move => [C][ih0][ih1]ih.
have [A2 [B2 [{}ih0 [{}ih1 {}ih]]]] : exists A2 B2, Γ PBind PSig A2 B2 PBind PSig A0 B0 /\ Γ PBind PSig A2 B2 PBind PSig A1 B1 /\ Γ u0 u1 PBind PSig A2 B2 by admit.
have /Su_Sig_Proj1 hs0 := ih0.
have /Su_Sig_Proj1 hs1 := ih1.
exists A2.
repeat split; eauto using Su_Transitive.
apply : E_Proj1; eauto.
have [i[A2[B2 h2]]] : exists i A2 B2, Γ PBind PSig A2 B2 C PUniv i by admit.
exists A2.
have [h3 h4] : Γ PBind PSig A2 B2 PBind PSig A0 B0 /\ Γ PBind PSig A2 B2 PBind PSig A1 B1 by qauto l:on use:Su_Eq, Su_Transitive.
repeat split;
eauto using Su_Sig_Proj1, Su_Transitive;[idtac].
apply E_Proj1 with (B := B2); eauto using E_Conv_E.
+ move /Proj2_Inv : hu0'.
move => [A0][B0][hu0']hu0''.
move /Proj2_Inv : hu1'.
@ -182,7 +212,9 @@ Proof.
specialize ihu with (1 := hu0') (2 := hu1').
move : ihu.
move => [C][ih0][ih1]ih.
have [A2 [B2 [{}ih0 [{}ih1 {}ih]]]] : exists A2 B2, Γ PBind PSig A2 B2 PBind PSig A0 B0 /\ Γ PBind PSig A2 B2 PBind PSig A1 B1 /\ Γ u0 u1 PBind PSig A2 B2 by admit.
have [A2 [B2 [i hi]]] : exists A2 B2 i, Γ PBind PSig A2 B2 C PUniv i by admit.
have [h3 h4] : Γ PBind PSig A2 B2 PBind PSig A0 B0 /\ Γ PBind PSig A2 B2 PBind PSig A1 B1 by qauto l:on use:Su_Eq, Su_Transitive.
have h5 : Γ u0 u1 PBind PSig A2 B2 by eauto using E_Conv_E.
exists (subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL u0) VarPTm) B2).
have [? ?] : Γ u0 PBind PSig A2 B2 /\ Γ u1 PBind PSig A2 B2 by hauto l:on use:regularity.
repeat split => //=.
@ -192,7 +224,6 @@ Proof.
apply : Su_Transitive ;eauto.
apply : Su_Sig_Proj2; eauto.
apply : E_Proj1; eauto.
move /regularity_sub0 : ih1 => [i ?].
apply : E_Proj2; eauto.
- move => n u0 u1 a0 a1 neu0 neu1 hu ihu ha iha Γ A B wta0 wta1.
move /App_Inv : wta0 => [A0][B0][hu0][ha0]hU.
@ -201,15 +232,21 @@ Proof.
move => [C][hC0][hC1]hu01.
have [i [A2 [B2 hPi]]] : exists i A2 B2, Γ PBind PPi A2 B2 C PUniv i by admit.
have ? : Γ PBind PPi A2 B2 PBind PPi A0 B0 by eauto using Su_Eq, Su_Transitive.
have ? : Γ PBind PPi A2 B2 PBind PPi A1 B1 by eauto using Su_Eq, Su_Transitive.
have h : Γ PBind PPi A2 B2 PBind PPi A1 B1 by eauto using Su_Eq, Su_Transitive.
have ha' : Γ a0 a1 A2 by
sauto lq:on use:Su_Transitive, Su_Pi_Proj1.
have hwf : Γ PBind PPi A2 B2 PUniv i by hauto l:on use:regularity.
have [j hj'] : exists j,Γ A2 PUniv j by hauto l:on use:regularity.
have ? : Γ by sfirstorder use:wff_mutual.
exists (subst_PTm (scons a0 VarPTm) B2).
repeat split. apply : Su_Transitive; eauto.
apply : Su_Pi_Proj2'; eauto using E_Refl.
apply : Su_Pi_Proj2'; eauto using E_Refl.
apply : Su_Transitive; eauto.
eapply Su_Pi_Proj2' with (A0 := A2) (A1 := A2); eauto using E_Refl. admit.
apply iha. admit. admit.
apply E_App with (A := A2); eauto.
admit. admit.
have ? : Γ A1 A2 by eauto using Su_Pi_Proj1.
apply Su_Transitive with (B := subst_PTm (scons a1 VarPTm) B2);
first by sfirstorder use:bind_inst.
apply : Su_Pi_Proj2'; eauto using E_Refl.
apply E_App with (A := A2); eauto using E_Conv_E.
- move => n a b ha iha Γ A h0 h1.
move /Abs_Inv : h0 => [A0][B0][h0]h0'.
move /Abs_Inv : h1 => [A1][B1][h1]h1'.