Add subtyping

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Yiyun Liu 2025-02-06 23:41:38 -05:00
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commit cf2726be8d

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@ -1774,6 +1774,17 @@ Module REReds.
eauto using AppCong, AbsCong, BindCong, ProjCong, PairCong, cong_up, rtc_refl.
Lemma cong' n m (a b : PTm n) (ρ0 ρ1 : fin n -> PTm m) :
rtc RERed.R a b ->
(forall i, rtc RERed.R (ρ0 i) (ρ1 i)) ->
rtc RERed.R (subst_PTm ρ0 a) (subst_PTm ρ1 b).
move => h0 h1.
have : rtc RERed.R (subst_PTm ρ0 a) (subst_PTm ρ1 a) by eauto using cong.
move => ?. apply : relations.rtc_transitive; eauto.
hauto l:on use:substing.
End REReds.
Module LoRed.
@ -2286,3 +2297,148 @@ Module DJoin.
End DJoin.
Module Sub1.
Inductive R {n} : PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
| Refl a :
R a a
| Univ i j :
i <= j ->
R (PUniv i) (PUniv j)
| BindCong p A0 A1 B0 B1 :
R A1 A0 ->
R B0 B1 ->
R (PBind p A0 B0) (PBind p A1 B1).
Lemma transitive0 n (A B C : PTm n) :
R A B -> (R B C -> R A C) /\ (R C A -> R C B).
move => h. move : C.
elim : n A B /h; hauto lq:on ctrs:R inv:R solve+:lia.
Lemma transitive n (A B C : PTm n) :
R A B -> R B C -> R A C.
Proof. hauto q:on use:transitive0. Qed.
Lemma refl n (A : PTm n) : R A A.
Proof. sfirstorder. Qed.
Lemma commutativity0 n (A B C : PTm n) :
R A B ->
(RERed.R A C ->
exists D, RERed.R B D /\ R C D) /\
(RERed.R B C ->
exists D, RERed.R A D /\ R D C).
move => h. move : C.
elim : n A B / h.
- sfirstorder.
- hauto lq:on inv:RERed.R.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:RERed.R, R inv:RERed.R.
Lemma commutativity_Ls n (A B C : PTm n) :
R A B ->
rtc RERed.R A C ->
exists D, rtc RERed.R B D /\ R C D.
move => + h. move : B. induction h; sauto lq:on use:commutativity0.
Lemma commutativity_Rs n (A B C : PTm n) :
R A B ->
rtc RERed.R B C ->
exists D, rtc RERed.R A D /\ R D C.
move => + h. move : A. induction h; sauto lq:on use:commutativity0.
Lemma sn_preservation : forall n,
(forall (a : PTm n) (s : SNe a), forall b, R a b \/ R b a -> a = b) /\
(forall (a : PTm n) (s : SN a), forall b, R a b \/ R b a -> SN b) /\
(forall (a b : PTm n) (_ : TRedSN a b), forall c, R a c \/ R c a -> a = c).
apply sn_mutual; hauto lq:on inv:R ctrs:SN.
End Sub1.
(* Module Sub01. *)
(* Definition R {n} (a b : PTm n) := a = b \/ Sub1.R a b. *)
(* Lemma refl n (a : PTm n) : R a a. *)
(* Proof. sfirstorder. Qed. *)
(* Lemma sn_preservation0 : forall n (a b : PTm n), R a b -> SN a <-> SN b. *)
(* Proof. hauto lq:on use:Sub1.sn_preservation. Qed. *)
(* Lemma commutativity_Ls n (A B C : PTm n) : *)
(* R A B -> *)
(* rtc RERed.R A C -> *)
(* exists D, rtc RERed.R B D /\ R C D. *)
(* Proof. hauto q:on use:Sub1.commutativity_Ls. Qed. *)
(* Lemma commutativity_Rs n (A B C : PTm n) : *)
(* R A B -> *)
(* rtc RERed.R B C -> *)
(* exists D, rtc RERed.R A D /\ R D C. *)
(* Proof. hauto q:on use:Sub1.commutativity_Rs. Qed. *)
(* Lemma transitive0 n (A B C : PTm n) : *)
(* R A B -> (R B C -> R A C) /\ (R C A -> R C B). *)
(* Proof. hauto q:on use:Sub1.transitive. Qed. *)
(* Lemma transitive n (A B C : PTm n) : *)
(* R A B -> R B C -> R A C. *)
(* Proof. hauto q:on use:transitive0. Qed. *)
(* Lemma BindCong n p (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 : *)
(* R A1 A0 -> *)
(* R B0 B1 -> *)
(* R (PBind p A0 B0) (PBind p A1 B1). *)
(* Proof. *)
(* best use: *)
(* End Sub01. *)
Module Sub.
Definition R {n} (a b : PTm n) := exists c d, rtc RERed.R a c /\ rtc RERed.R b d /\ Sub1.R c d.
Lemma refl n (a : PTm n) : R a a.
Proof. sfirstorder use:@rtc_refl unfold:R. Qed.
Lemma transitive n (a b c : PTm n) : SN b -> R a b -> R b c -> R a c.
rewrite /R.
move => h [a0][b0][ha][hb]ha0b0 [b1][c0][hb'][hc]hb1c0.
move : hb hb'.
move : rered_confluence h. repeat move/[apply].
move => [b'][hb0]hb1.
have [a' ?] : exists a', rtc RERed.R a0 a' /\ Sub1.R a' b' by hauto l:on use:Sub1.commutativity_Rs.
have [c' ?] : exists a', rtc RERed.R c0 a' /\ Sub1.R b' a' by hauto l:on use:Sub1.commutativity_Ls.
exists a',c'; hauto l:on use:Sub1.transitive, @relations.rtc_transitive.
Lemma FromJoin n (a b : PTm n) : DJoin.R a b -> R a b.
Proof. sfirstorder. Qed.
Lemma BindCong n p (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
R A1 A0 ->
R B0 B1 ->
R (PBind p A0 B0) (PBind p A1 B1).
rewrite /R.
move => [A][A'][h0][h1]h2.
move => [B][B'][h3][h4]h5.
exists (PBind p A' B), (PBind p A B').
repeat split; eauto using REReds.BindCong, Sub1.BindCong.
Lemma UnivCong n i j :
i <= j ->
@R n (PUniv i) (PUniv j).
Proof. hauto lq:on ctrs:Sub1.R, rtc. Qed.
End Sub.