"Finish" eta postponement proof

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Yiyun Liu 2025-01-25 16:26:55 -07:00
parent 2f04bcc75c
commit 8fcfa5dbf9

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@ -83,10 +83,8 @@ Module RRed.
| AppAbs A a b :
R (PApp (PAbs A a) b) (subst_PTm (scons b VarPTm) a)
| ProjPair p a0 a1 b0 b1 :
R a0 a1 ->
R b0 b1 ->
R (PProj p (PPair a0 b0)) (if p is PL then a1 else b1)
| ProjPair p a b :
R (PProj p (PPair a b)) (if p is PL then a else b)
(*************** Congruence ********************)
| AbsCong A a0 a1 :
@ -317,8 +315,38 @@ Proof.
exists (PPair a d).
split. admit.
sauto lq:on.
- move => n p a0 a1 ha iha Γ u A hu.
elim / RRed.inv => //=_.
+ move => p0 a2 b0 [*]. subst.
inversion ha; subst.
* exfalso.
move : hu. clear. hauto q:on inv:Wt.
* exists (match p with
| PL => a2
| PR => b0
split. apply : rtc_l.
apply RRed.ProjPair.
apply rtc_once. clear.
hauto lq:on use:RRed.ProjPair.
* eexists.
split. apply rtc_once.
apply RRed.ProjPair.
* eexists.
split. apply rtc_once.
apply RRed.ProjPair.
+ move => p0 a2 a3 ha0 [*]. subst.
have [? [? ]] : exists Γ A, @Wt n Γ a0 A by hauto lq:on inv:Wt.
move : iha ha0; repeat move/[apply].
move => [d [h0 h1]].
exists (PProj p d).
sauto lq:on.
(* Trying my best to not write C style module_funcname *)
Module Par.