Figured out

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Yiyun Liu 2025-01-25 23:06:38 -05:00
parent df62e3691c
commit 8463b4067f

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@ -22,36 +22,41 @@ Ltac spec_refl := ltac2:(spec_refl ()).
Module ERed.
Inductive R {n} : PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
(****************** Eta ***********************)
| AppEta A a :
R (PAbs A (PApp (ren_PTm shift a) (VarPTm var_zero))) a
| PairEta a :
R (PPair (PProj PL a) (PProj PR a)) a
| AppEta A a0 a1 :
R a0 a1 ->
R (PAbs A (PApp (ren_PTm shift a0) (VarPTm var_zero))) a1
| PairEta a0 a1 :
R a0 a1 ->
R (PPair (PProj PL a0) (PProj PR a0)) a1
(*************** Congruence ********************)
| AbsCong A a0 a1 :
R a0 a1 ->
R (PAbs A a0) (PAbs A a1)
| AppCong0 a0 a1 b :
| AppCong a0 a1 b0 b1 :
R a0 a1 ->
R (PApp a0 b) (PApp a1 b)
| AppCong1 a b0 b1 :
R b0 b1 ->
R (PApp a b0) (PApp a b1)
| PairCong0 a0 a1 b :
R (PApp a0 b0) (PApp a1 b1)
| PairCong a0 a1 b0 b1 :
R a0 a1 ->
R (PPair a0 b) (PPair a1 b)
| PairCong1 a b0 b1 :
R b0 b1 ->
R (PPair a b0) (PPair a b1)
R (PPair a0 b0) (PPair a1 b1)
| ProjCong p a0 a1 :
R a0 a1 ->
R (PProj p a0) (PProj p a1).
R (PProj p a0) (PProj p a1)
| VarTm i :
R (VarPTm i) (VarPTm i).
Lemma refl n (a : PTm n) : R a a.
elim : n / a; hauto lq:on ctrs:R.
Derive Dependent Inversion inv with (forall n (a b : PTm n), R a b) Sort Prop.
Lemma AppEta' n A a (u : PTm n) :
u = (PAbs A (PApp (ren_PTm shift a) (VarPTm var_zero))) ->
R u a.
Lemma AppEta' n A a0 a1 (u : PTm n) :
u = (PAbs A (PApp (ren_PTm shift a0) (VarPTm var_zero))) ->
R a0 a1 ->
R u a1.
Proof. move => ->. apply AppEta. Qed.
Lemma renaming n m (a b : PTm n) (ξ : fin n -> fin m) :
@ -60,23 +65,153 @@ Module ERed.
move => h. move : m ξ.
elim : n a b /h.
move => n A a m ξ /=.
apply AppEta' with (A := A). by asimpl.
move => n A a0 a1 ha iha m ξ /=.
eapply AppEta' with (A := A); eauto. by asimpl.
all : qauto ctrs:R.
Lemma morphing_ren n m p (ρ0 ρ1 : fin n -> PTm m) (ξ : fin m -> fin p) :
(forall i, R (ρ0 i) (ρ1 i)) ->
(forall i, R ((funcomp (ren_PTm ξ) ρ0) i) ((funcomp (ren_PTm ξ) ρ1) i)).
Proof. eauto using renaming. Qed.
Lemma morphing_ext n m (ρ0 ρ1 : fin n -> PTm m) a b :
R a b ->
(forall i, R (ρ0 i) (ρ1 i)) ->
(forall i, R ((scons a ρ0) i) ((scons b ρ1) i)).
Proof. hauto q:on inv:option. Qed.
Lemma morphing_up n m (ρ0 ρ1 : fin n -> PTm m) :
(forall i, R (ρ0 i) (ρ1 i)) ->
(forall i, R (up_PTm_PTm ρ0 i) (up_PTm_PTm ρ1 i)).
Proof. hauto l:on ctrs:R use:morphing_ext, morphing_ren unfold:up_PTm_PTm. Qed.
Lemma morphing n m (a b : PTm n) (ρ0 ρ1 : fin n -> PTm m) :
(forall i, R (ρ0 i) (ρ1 i)) ->
R a b -> R (subst_PTm ρ0 a) (subst_PTm ρ1 b).
move => + h. move : m ρ0 ρ1. elim : n a b / h => n.
move => A a0 a1 ha iha m ρ0 ρ1 hρ /=.
eapply AppEta' with (A := A); eauto. by asimpl.
all : hauto lq:on ctrs:R use:morphing_up.
Lemma substing n m (a : PTm n) b (ρ : fin n -> PTm m) :
R a b ->
R (subst_PTm ρ a) (subst_PTm ρ b).
move => h. move : m ρ. elim : n a b / h => n.
move => A a m ρ /=.
apply AppEta' with (A := A); eauto. by asimpl.
all : hauto ctrs:R inv:option use:renaming.
hauto l:on use:morphing, refl.
End ERed.
Inductive SNe {n} : PTm n -> Prop :=
| N_Var i :
SNe (VarPTm i)
| N_App a b :
SNe a ->
SN b ->
SNe (PApp a b)
| N_Proj p a :
SNe a ->
SNe (PProj p a)
with SN {n} : PTm n -> Prop :=
| N_Pair a b :
SN a ->
SN b ->
SN (PPair a b)
| N_Abs A a :
SN a ->
SN (PAbs A a)
| N_SNe a :
SNe a ->
SN a
| N_Exp a b :
TRedSN a b ->
SN b ->
SN a
with TRedSN {n} : PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
| N_β A a b :
SN b ->
TRedSN (PApp (PAbs A a) b) (subst_PTm (scons b VarPTm) a)
| N_AppL a0 a1 b :
TRedSN a0 a1 ->
TRedSN (PApp a0 b) (PApp a1 b)
| N_ProjPairL a b :
SN b ->
TRedSN (PProj PL (PPair a b)) a
| N_ProjPairR a b :
SN a ->
TRedSN (PProj PR (PPair a b)) b
| N_ProjCong p a b :
TRedSN a b ->
TRedSN (PProj p a) (PProj p b).
Scheme sne_ind := Induction for SNe Sort Prop
with sn_ind := Induction for SN Sort Prop
with sred_ind := Induction for TRedSN Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme sn_mutual from sne_ind, sn_ind, sred_ind.
Check sn_mutual.
Lemma ered_sn_preservation n :
(forall (a : PTm n) (s : SNe a), forall b, ERed.R a b -> SNe b) /\
(forall (a : PTm n) (s : SN a), forall b, ERed.R a b -> SN b) /\
(forall (a b : PTm n) (_ : TRedSN a b), forall c, ERed.R a c -> exists d, TRedSN c d /\ ERed.R b d).
move : n. apply sn_mutual => n.
- sauto lq:on.
- sauto lq:on.
- sauto lq:on.
- move => a b ha iha hb ihb b0.
inversion 1; subst.
+ have /iha : (ERed.R (PProj PL a0) (PProj PL b0)) by sauto lq:on.
+ sauto lq:on.
- move => A a ha iha b.
inversion 1; subst.
+ have : ERed.R (PApp (ren_PTm shift a0) (VarPTm var_zero)) (PApp (ren_PTm shift b) (VarPTm var_zero)).
apply ERed.AppCong; eauto using ERed.refl.
sfirstorder use:ERed.renaming.
move /iha.
+ sauto lq:on.
- sauto lq:on.
- sauto lq:on.
- move => A a b ha iha c h0.
inversion h0; subst.
inversion H1; subst.
+ exists (PApp a1 b1). split. admit.
sauto lq:on.
+ have {}/iha := H3 => iha.
exists (subst_PTm (scons b1 VarPTm) a2).
sauto lq:on.
hauto lq:on use:ERed.morphing, ERed.refl inv:option.
- sauto lq:on.
- move => a b hb ihb c.
elim /ERed.inv => //= _.
move => p a0 a1 ha [*]. subst.
elim /ERed.inv : ha => //= _.
+ move => a0 a2 ha [*]. subst.
exists (PProj PL a1).
split. admit.
sauto lq:on.
+ sauto lq:on rew:off.
- move => a b ha iha c.
elim /ERed.inv => //=_.
move => p a0 a1 + [*]. subst.
elim /ERed.inv => //=_.
+ move => a0 a2 h [*]. subst.
exists (PProj PR a1).
split. admit.
sauto lq:on.
+ sauto lq:on.
- sauto lq:on.
Module RRed.
Inductive R {n} : PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
(****************** Eta ***********************)