Finish SE_Pair

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Yiyun Liu 2025-02-06 15:20:40 -05:00
parent 435c0e037e
commit 733e86c611
2 changed files with 78 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -1756,6 +1756,24 @@ Module REReds.
induction 1; hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc use:RERed.substing.
Lemma cong_up n m (ρ0 ρ1 : fin n -> PTm m) :
(forall i, rtc RERed.R (ρ0 i) (ρ1 i)) ->
(forall i, rtc RERed.R (up_PTm_PTm ρ0 i) (up_PTm_PTm ρ1 i)).
Proof. move => h i. destruct i as [i|].
simpl. rewrite /funcomp.
substify. by apply substing.
apply rtc_refl.
Lemma cong n m (a : PTm n) (ρ0 ρ1 : fin n -> PTm m) :
(forall i, rtc RERed.R (ρ0 i) (ρ1 i)) ->
rtc RERed.R (subst_PTm ρ0 a) (subst_PTm ρ1 a).
move : m ρ0 ρ1. elim : n / a;
eauto using AppCong, AbsCong, BindCong, ProjCong, PairCong, cong_up, rtc_refl.
End REReds.
Module LoRed.
@ -2259,4 +2277,12 @@ Module DJoin.
hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:rtc unfold:R use:REReds.substing.
Lemma cong n m (a : PTm (S n)) c d (ρ : fin n -> PTm m) :
R c d -> R (subst_PTm (scons c ρ) a) (subst_PTm (scons d ρ) a).
rewrite /R. move => [cd [h0 h1]].
exists (subst_PTm (scons cd ρ) a).
hauto q:on ctrs:rtc inv:option use:REReds.cong.
End DJoin.

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@ -350,14 +350,7 @@ Proof.
have ? : PA0 = PA by qauto l:on. subst.
have : forall a PB PB', PA a -> PF a PB -> PF0 a PB' -> PB = PB'.
move => a PB PB' ha hPB hPB'. apply : ihPF; eauto.
have hj0 : DJoin.R (PAbs B) (PAbs B0) by eauto using DJoin.AbsCong.
have {}hj0 : DJoin.R (PApp (PAbs B) a) (PApp (PAbs B0) a) by eauto using DJoin.AppCong, DJoin.refl.
have [? ?] : SN (PApp (PAbs B) a) /\ SN (PApp (PAbs B0) a) by
hauto lq:on rew:off use:N_Exp, N_β, adequacy.
have [? ?] : DJoin.R (PApp (PAbs B0) a) (subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B0) /\
DJoin.R (subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B) (PApp (PAbs B) a)
by hauto lq:on ctrs:RRed.R use:DJoin.FromRRed0, DJoin.FromRRed1.
eauto using DJoin.transitive.
by apply DJoin.substing.
move => h. extensionality b. apply propositional_extensionality.
hauto l:on use:bindspace_iff.
- move => i j jlti ih B PB hPB.
@ -744,20 +737,8 @@ Proof.
move : hPB. asimpl => hPB.
suff : DJoin.R (subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)) ρ) B) (subst_PTm (scons a0 ρ) B).
move : InterpUniv_Join hPB0 hPB; repeat move/[apply]. done.
suff : BJoin.R (subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)) ρ) B) (subst_PTm (scons a0 ρ) B)
by hauto q:on use:DJoin.FromBJoin.
have : BJoin.R (PApp (PAbs (subst_PTm (up_PTm_PTm ρ) B)) (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)))
(subst_PTm (scons (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)) ρ) B).
eexists. split. apply relations.rtc_once. apply RRed.AppAbs.
asimpl. apply rtc_refl.
have /BJoin.symmetric : BJoin.R (PApp (PAbs (subst_PTm (up_PTm_PTm ρ)B)) a0)
(subst_PTm (scons a0 ρ) B).
eexists. split. apply relations.rtc_once. apply RRed.AppAbs.
asimpl. apply rtc_refl.
suff : BJoin.R (PApp (PAbs (subst_PTm (up_PTm_PTm ρ) B)) (PProj PL (subst_PTm ρ a)))
(PApp (PAbs (subst_PTm (up_PTm_PTm ρ)B)) a0) by eauto using BJoin.transitive, BJoin.symmetric.
apply BJoin.AppCong. apply BJoin.refl.
move /RReds.FromRedSNs : hr'.
apply DJoin.cong.
apply DJoin.FromRedSNs.
hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc unfold:BJoin.R.
+ hauto lq:on use:@relations.rtc_r, InterpUniv_back_closs.
@ -853,3 +834,52 @@ Proof.
move : Γ_eq_ρ_ok hΓ' hρ; repeat move/[apply]. apply.
hauto lq:on use:Γ_eq_cons'.
Lemma SE_Abs n Γ (a b : PTm (S n)) A B i :
Γ PBind PPi A B (PUniv i) ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) a b B ->
Γ PAbs a PAbs b PBind PPi A B.
move => hPi /SemEq_SemWt [ha][hb]he.
apply SemWt_SemEq; eauto using DJoin.AbsCong, ST_Abs.
Lemma SE_Conv n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B i :
Γ a b A ->
Γ B PUniv i ->
DJoin.R A B ->
Γ a b B.
move /SemEq_SemWt => [ha][hb]he hB hAB.
apply SemWt_SemEq; eauto using ST_Conv.
Lemma SBind_inst n Γ p i (A : PTm n) B (a : PTm n) :
Γ a A ->
Γ PBind p A B PUniv i ->
Γ subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B PUniv i.
move => ha /SemWt_Univ hb.
apply SemWt_Univ.
move => ρ hρ.
have {}/hb := hρ.
asimpl. move => /= [S hS].
move /InterpUniv_Bind_inv_nopf : hS.
move => [PA][hPA][hPF]?. subst.
have {}/ha := hρ.
move => [k][PA0][hPA0]ha.
have ? : PA0 = PA by hauto l:on use:InterpUniv_Functional'. subst.
have {}/hPF := ha.
move => [PB]. asimpl.
hauto lq:on.
Lemma SE_Pair n Γ (a0 a1 b0 b1 : PTm n) A B i :
Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ a0 a1 A ->
Γ b0 b1 subst_PTm (scons a0 VarPTm) B ->
Γ PPair a0 b0 PPair a1 b1 PBind PSig A B.
move => h /SemEq_SemWt [ha0][ha1]hae /SemEq_SemWt [hb0][hb1]hbe.
apply SemWt_SemEq; eauto using ST_Pair, DJoin.PairCong, SBind_inst, DJoin.cong, ST_Conv, ST_Pair.