Prove some easy cases of completeness
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@ -146,6 +146,14 @@ with CoqEq_R {n} : PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
a ⇔ b
where "a ↔ b" := (CoqEq a b) and "a ⇔ b" := (CoqEq_R a b) and "a ∼ b" := (CoqEq_Neu a b).
Lemma CE_HRedL n (a a' b : PTm n) :
HRed.R a a' ->
a' ⇔ b ->
a ⇔ b.
hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc, CoqEq_R inv:CoqEq_R.
coqeq_neu_ind := Induction for CoqEq_Neu Sort Prop
with coqeq_ind := Induction for CoqEq Sort Prop
@ -387,7 +395,7 @@ Proof.
Definition algo_metric {n} k (a b : PTm n) :=
exists i j va vb, nsteps LoRed.R i a va /\ nsteps LoRed.R j b vb /\ nf va /\ nf vb /\ size_PTm va + size_PTm vb + i + j = k.
exists i j va vb v, nsteps LoRed.R i a va /\ nsteps LoRed.R j b vb /\ rtc ERed.R va v /\ rtc ERed.R vb v /\ nf va /\ nf vb /\ size_PTm va + size_PTm vb + i + j = k.
Lemma ne_hne n (a : PTm n) : ne a -> ishne a.
Proof. elim : a => //=; sfirstorder b:on. Qed.
@ -404,12 +412,11 @@ Proof.
- sfirstorder use:ne_hne.
- hauto lq:on ctrs:HRed.R.
Lemma algo_metric_case n k (a b : PTm n) :
algo_metric k a b ->
ishf a \/ ishne a \/ exists k' a', HRed.R a a' /\ algo_metric k' a' b /\ k' < k.
(ishf a \/ ishne a) \/ exists k' a', HRed.R a a' /\ algo_metric k' a' b /\ k' < k.
case : a h0 => //=; try firstorder.
- inversion h0 as [|A B C D E F]; subst.
hauto qb:on use:ne_hne.
@ -424,13 +431,63 @@ Proof.
+ hauto q:on ctrs:HRed.R use: hf_hred_lored unfold:algo_metric solve+:lia.
Lemma coqeq_complete n (a b : PTm n) :
algo_metric n a b -> DJoin.R a b ->
Lemma algo_metric_sym n k (a b : PTm n) :
algo_metric k a b -> algo_metric k b a.
Proof. hauto lq:on unfold:algo_metric solve+:lia. Qed.
Lemma hred_hne n (a b : PTm n) :
HRed.R a b ->
ishne a ->
Proof. induction 1; sfirstorder. Qed.
Lemma hf_not_hne n (a : PTm n) :
ishf a -> ishne a -> False.
Proof. case : a => //=. Qed.
(* Lemma algo_metric_hf_case n Γ k a b (A : PTm n) : *)
(* Γ ⊢ a ∈ A -> *)
(* Γ ⊢ b ∈ A -> *)
(* algo_metric k a b -> ishf a -> ishf b -> *)
(* (exists a' b' k', a = PAbs a' /\ b = PAbs b' /\ algo_metric k' a' b' /\ k' < k) \/ *)
(* (exists a0' a1' b0' b1' ka kb, a = PPair a0' a1' /\ b = PPair b0' b1' /\ algo_metric ka a0' b0' /\ algo_metric ) *)
Lemma T_AbsPair_Imp n Γ a (b0 b1 : PTm n) A :
Γ ⊢ PAbs a ∈ A ->
Γ ⊢ PPair b0 b1 ∈ A ->
move /Abs_Inv => [A0][B0][_]haU.
move /Pair_Inv => [A1][B1][_][_]hbU.
move /Sub_Bind_InvR : haU => [i][A2][B2]h2.
have : Γ ⊢ PBind PSig A1 B1 ≲ PBind PPi A2 B2 by eauto using Su_Transitive, Su_Eq.
Lemma coqeq_complete n k (a b : PTm n) :
algo_metric k a b ->
(forall Γ A, Γ ⊢ a ∈ A -> Γ ⊢ b ∈ A -> a ⇔ b) /\
(forall Γ A B, ishne a -> ishne b -> Γ ⊢ a ∈ A -> Γ ⊢ b ∈ B -> a ∼ b /\ exists C, Γ ⊢ C ≲ A /\ Γ ⊢ C ≲ B).
move : n a b.
move : k n a b.
elim /Wf_nat.lt_wf_ind.
move => n ih.
move => a.
case /orP : (orNb (ishf a || ishne a)).
move => k a b /[dup] h /algo_metric_case. move : k a b h => [:hstepL].
move => k a b h.
(* Cases where a and b can take steps *)
case; cycle 1.
move : k a b h.
abstract : hstepL. qauto l:on use:HRed.preservation, CE_HRedL, hred_hne.
move /algo_metric_sym /algo_metric_case : (h).
case; cycle 1.
move {ih}. move /algo_metric_sym : h.
move : hstepL => /[apply].
hauto lq:on use:coqeq_symmetric_mutual, algo_metric_sym.
(* Cases where a and b can't take wh steps *)
move {hstepL}.
move : k a b h. move => [:hAppNeu hProjNeu].
move => k a b h.
case => fb; case => fa.
- split; last by sfirstorder use:hf_not_hne.
case : a h fb fa => //=.
+ case : b => //=.
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