Add beta and eta rules to syntactic typing

This commit is contained in:
Yiyun Liu 2025-02-09 16:33:43 -05:00
parent 133968dd23
commit 5b925e3fa1
2 changed files with 42 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1028,9 +1028,10 @@ Lemma SE_AppEta n Γ (b : PTm n) A B i :
Γ ->
Γ PBind PPi A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ b PBind PPi A B ->
Γ PAbs (PApp (ren_PTm shift b) (VarPTm var_zero)) PBind PPi A B.
Γ PAbs (PApp (ren_PTm shift b) (VarPTm var_zero)) b PBind PPi A B.
move => h0 h1. apply : ST_Abs; eauto.
move => h0 h1. apply SemWt_SemEq; eauto.
apply : ST_Abs; eauto.
have hA : Γ A PUniv i by eauto using SBind_inv1.
eapply ST_App' with (A := ren_PTm shift A)(B:= ren_PTm (upRen_PTm_PTm shift) B). by asimpl.
2 : {
@ -1040,6 +1041,7 @@ Proof.
change (PBind PPi (ren_PTm shift A) (ren_PTm (upRen_PTm_PTm shift) B)) with
(ren_PTm shift (PBind PPi A B)).
apply : weakening_Sem; eauto.
hauto q:on ctrs:rtc,RERed.R.
Lemma SE_AppAbs n Γ (a : PTm (S n)) b A B i:
@ -1310,4 +1312,4 @@ Qed.
#[export]Hint Resolve ST_Var ST_Bind ST_Abs ST_App ST_Pair ST_Proj1 ST_Proj2 ST_Univ ST_Conv
SE_Refl SE_Symmetric SE_Transitive SE_Bind SE_Abs SE_App SE_Proj1 SE_Proj2
SE_Conv SSu_Pi_Proj1 SSu_Pi_Proj2 SSu_Sig_Proj1 SSu_Sig_Proj2 SSu_Eq SSu_Transitive SSu_Pi SSu_Sig SemWff_nil SemWff_cons SSu_Univ : sem.
SE_Conv SSu_Pi_Proj1 SSu_Pi_Proj2 SSu_Sig_Proj1 SSu_Sig_Proj2 SSu_Eq SSu_Transitive SSu_Pi SSu_Sig SemWff_nil SemWff_cons SSu_Univ SE_AppAbs SE_ProjPair1 SE_ProjPair2 SE_AppEta SE_PairEta : sem.

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@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ Inductive Wt : forall {n}, (fin n -> PTm n) -> PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
Γ a B
with Eq : forall {n}, (fin n -> PTm n) -> PTm n -> PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
(* Structural *)
| E_Refl n Γ (a : PTm n) A :
Γ a A ->
Γ a a A
@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ with Eq : forall {n}, (fin n -> PTm n) -> PTm n -> PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
Γ b c A ->
Γ a c A
(* Congruence *)
| E_Bind n Γ i p (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
Γ ->
Γ A0 PUniv i ->
@ -99,12 +101,45 @@ with Eq : forall {n}, (fin n -> PTm n) -> PTm n -> PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
Γ A B ->
Γ a b B
(* Beta *)
| E_AppAbs n Γ (a : PTm (S n)) b A B i:
Γ PBind PPi A B PUniv i ->
Γ b A ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) a B ->
Γ PApp (PAbs a) b subst_PTm (scons b VarPTm) a subst_PTm (scons b VarPTm ) B
| E_ProjPair1 n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B i :
Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ a A ->
Γ b subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B ->
Γ PProj PL (PPair a b) a A
| E_ProjPair2 n Γ (a b : PTm n) A B i :
Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ a A ->
Γ b subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B ->
Γ PProj PR (PPair a b) b subst_PTm (scons a VarPTm) B
(* Eta *)
| E_AppEta n Γ (b : PTm n) A B i :
Γ ->
Γ PBind PPi A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ b PBind PPi A B ->
Γ PAbs (PApp (ren_PTm shift b) (VarPTm var_zero)) b PBind PPi A B
| E_PairEta n Γ (a : PTm n) A B i :
Γ PBind PSig A B (PUniv i) ->
Γ a PBind PSig A B ->
Γ a PPair (PProj PL a) (PProj PR a) PBind PSig A B
with LEq : forall {n}, (fin n -> PTm n) -> PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
(* Structural *)
| Su_Transitive n Γ (A B C : PTm n) :
Γ A B ->
Γ B C ->
(* Congruence *)
| Su_Univ n Γ i j :
Γ ->
i <= j ->
@ -122,10 +157,12 @@ with LEq : forall {n}, (fin n -> PTm n) -> PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A1 Γ) B0 B1 ->
Γ PBind PSig A0 B0 PBind PSig A1 B1
(* Injecting from equalities *)
| Su_Eq n Γ (A : PTm n) B i :
Γ A B PUniv i ->
(* Projection axioms *)
| Su_Pi_Proj1 n Γ (A0 A1 : PTm n) B0 B1 :
Γ PBind PPi A0 B0 PBind PPi A1 B1 ->
Γ A1 A0