Finish soundness for subtyping

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Yiyun Liu 2025-02-17 18:34:48 -05:00
parent ef3de3af3d
commit 067ae89b1d
2 changed files with 52 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -959,6 +959,16 @@ Lemma T_Univ_Raise n Γ (a : PTm n) i j :
Γ a PUniv j.
Proof. hauto lq:on rew:off use:T_Conv, Su_Univ, wff_mutual. Qed.
Lemma Bind_Univ_Inv n Γ p (A : PTm n) B i :
Γ PBind p A B PUniv i ->
Γ A PUniv i /\ funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) B PUniv i.
move /Bind_Inv.
move => [i0][hA][hB]h.
move /synsub_to_usub : h => [_ [_ /Sub.univ_inj ? ]].
sfirstorder use:T_Univ_Raise.
Lemma Abs_Pi_Inv n Γ (a : PTm (S n)) A B :
Γ PAbs a PBind PPi A B ->
funcomp (ren_PTm shift) (scons A Γ) a B.
@ -1378,3 +1388,41 @@ with CoqLEq_R {n} : PTm n -> PTm n -> Prop :=
(* ----------------------- *)
a b
where "a ≪ b" := (CoqLEq_R a b) and "a ⋖ b" := (CoqLEq a b).
Scheme coqleq_ind := Induction for CoqLEq Sort Prop
with coqleq_r_ind := Induction for CoqLEq_R Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme coqleq_mutual from coqleq_ind, coqleq_r_ind.
Definition salgo_metric {n} k (a b : PTm n) :=
exists i j va vb, nsteps LoRed.R i a va /\ nsteps LoRed.R j b vb /\ nf va /\ nf vb /\ ESub.R va vb /\ size_PTm va + size_PTm vb + i + j <= k.
Lemma coqleq_sound_mutual : forall n,
(forall (a b : PTm n), a b -> forall Γ i, Γ a PUniv i -> Γ b PUniv i -> Γ a b ) /\
(forall (a b : PTm n), a b -> forall Γ i, Γ a PUniv i -> Γ b PUniv i -> Γ a b ).
apply coqleq_mutual.
- hauto lq:on use:wff_mutual ctrs:LEq.
- move => n A0 A1 B0 B1 hA ihA hB ihB Γ i.
move /Bind_Univ_Inv => [hA0]hB0 /Bind_Univ_Inv [hA1]hB1.
have hlA : Γ A1 A0 by sfirstorder.
have : Γ by sfirstorder use:wff_mutual.
apply Su_Transitive with (B := PBind PPi A1 B0).
by apply : Su_Pi; eauto using E_Refl, Su_Eq.
apply : Su_Pi; eauto using E_Refl, Su_Eq.
apply : ihB; eauto using ctx_eq_subst_one.
- move => n A0 A1 B0 B1 hA ihA hB ihB Γ i.
move /Bind_Univ_Inv => [hA0]hB0 /Bind_Univ_Inv [hA1]hB1.
have hlA : Γ A0 A1 by sfirstorder.
have : Γ by sfirstorder use:wff_mutual.
apply Su_Transitive with (B := PBind PSig A0 B1).
apply : Su_Sig; eauto using E_Refl, Su_Eq.
apply : ihB; by eauto using ctx_eq_subst_one.
apply : Su_Sig; eauto using E_Refl, Su_Eq.
- sauto lq:on use:coqeq_sound_mutual, Su_Eq.
- move => n a a' b b' ? ? ? ih Γ i ha hb.
have /Su_Eq ? : Γ a a' PUniv i by sfirstorder use:HReds.ToEq.
have /E_Symmetric /Su_Eq ? : Γ b b' PUniv i by sfirstorder use:HReds.ToEq.
suff : Γ a' b' by eauto using Su_Transitive.
eauto using HReds.preservation.

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@ -2780,3 +2780,7 @@ Module Sub.
hauto ctrs:rtc use:REReds.cong', Sub1.substing.
End Sub.
Module ESub.
Definition R {n} (a b : PTm n) := exists c0 c1, rtc ERed.R a c0 /\ rtc ERed.R b c1 /\ Sub1.R c0 c1.
End ESub.