church #1

yiyunliu merged 5 commits from church into main 2025-01-20 20:20:55 -05:00
3 changed files with 74 additions and 130 deletions
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@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ Tm(VarTm) : Type
PTag : Type
TTag : Type
TPi : TTag
TSig : TTag
PL : PTag
PR : PTag
TPi : TTag
TSig : TTag
Abs : (bind Tm in Tm) -> Tm
App : Tm -> Tm -> Tm
Pair : Tm -> Tm -> Tm
Proj : PTag -> Tm -> Tm
TBind : TTag -> Tm -> (bind Tm in Tm) -> Tm
Bot : Tm
Const : TTag -> Tm
Univ : nat -> Tm

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@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Inductive Tm (n_Tm : nat) : Type :=
| Pair : Tm n_Tm -> Tm n_Tm -> Tm n_Tm
| Proj : PTag -> Tm n_Tm -> Tm n_Tm
| TBind : TTag -> Tm n_Tm -> Tm (S n_Tm) -> Tm n_Tm
| Bot : Tm n_Tm
| Const : TTag -> Tm n_Tm
| Univ : nat -> Tm n_Tm.
Lemma congr_Abs {m_Tm : nat} {s0 : Tm (S m_Tm)} {t0 : Tm (S m_Tm)}
@ -83,9 +83,10 @@ exact (eq_trans
(ap (fun x => TBind m_Tm t0 t1 x) H2)).
Lemma congr_Bot {m_Tm : nat} : Bot m_Tm = Bot m_Tm.
Lemma congr_Const {m_Tm : nat} {s0 : TTag} {t0 : TTag} (H0 : s0 = t0) :
Const m_Tm s0 = Const m_Tm t0.
exact (eq_refl).
exact (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun x => Const m_Tm x) H0)).
Lemma congr_Univ {m_Tm : nat} {s0 : nat} {t0 : nat} (H0 : s0 = t0) :
@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ Fixpoint ren_Tm {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat} (xi_Tm : fin m_Tm -> fin n_Tm)
| Proj _ s0 s1 => Proj n_Tm s0 (ren_Tm xi_Tm s1)
| TBind _ s0 s1 s2 =>
TBind n_Tm s0 (ren_Tm xi_Tm s1) (ren_Tm (upRen_Tm_Tm xi_Tm) s2)
| Bot _ => Bot n_Tm
| Const _ s0 => Const n_Tm s0
| Univ _ s0 => Univ n_Tm s0
@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ Fixpoint subst_Tm {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat} (sigma_Tm : fin m_Tm -> Tm n_Tm)
| Proj _ s0 s1 => Proj n_Tm s0 (subst_Tm sigma_Tm s1)
| TBind _ s0 s1 s2 =>
TBind n_Tm s0 (subst_Tm sigma_Tm s1) (subst_Tm (up_Tm_Tm sigma_Tm) s2)
| Bot _ => Bot n_Tm
| Const _ s0 => Const n_Tm s0
| Univ _ s0 => Univ n_Tm s0
@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ subst_Tm sigma_Tm s = s :=
| TBind _ s0 s1 s2 =>
congr_TBind (eq_refl s0) (idSubst_Tm sigma_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
(idSubst_Tm (up_Tm_Tm sigma_Tm) (upId_Tm_Tm _ Eq_Tm) s2)
| Bot _ => congr_Bot
| Const _ s0 => congr_Const (eq_refl s0)
| Univ _ s0 => congr_Univ (eq_refl s0)
@ -227,7 +228,7 @@ Fixpoint extRen_Tm {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat} (xi_Tm : fin m_Tm -> fin n_Tm)
congr_TBind (eq_refl s0) (extRen_Tm xi_Tm zeta_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
(extRen_Tm (upRen_Tm_Tm xi_Tm) (upRen_Tm_Tm zeta_Tm)
(upExtRen_Tm_Tm _ _ Eq_Tm) s2)
| Bot _ => congr_Bot
| Const _ s0 => congr_Const (eq_refl s0)
| Univ _ s0 => congr_Univ (eq_refl s0)
@ -272,7 +273,7 @@ Fixpoint ext_Tm {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat} (sigma_Tm : fin m_Tm -> Tm n_Tm)
congr_TBind (eq_refl s0) (ext_Tm sigma_Tm tau_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
(ext_Tm (up_Tm_Tm sigma_Tm) (up_Tm_Tm tau_Tm) (upExt_Tm_Tm _ _ Eq_Tm)
| Bot _ => congr_Bot
| Const _ s0 => congr_Const (eq_refl s0)
| Univ _ s0 => congr_Univ (eq_refl s0)
@ -317,7 +318,7 @@ Fixpoint compRenRen_Tm {k_Tm : nat} {l_Tm : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
congr_TBind (eq_refl s0) (compRenRen_Tm xi_Tm zeta_Tm rho_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
(compRenRen_Tm (upRen_Tm_Tm xi_Tm) (upRen_Tm_Tm zeta_Tm)
(upRen_Tm_Tm rho_Tm) (up_ren_ren _ _ _ Eq_Tm) s2)
| Bot _ => congr_Bot
| Const _ s0 => congr_Const (eq_refl s0)
| Univ _ s0 => congr_Univ (eq_refl s0)
@ -373,7 +374,7 @@ Fixpoint compRenSubst_Tm {k_Tm : nat} {l_Tm : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
(compRenSubst_Tm xi_Tm tau_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
(compRenSubst_Tm (upRen_Tm_Tm xi_Tm) (up_Tm_Tm tau_Tm)
(up_Tm_Tm theta_Tm) (up_ren_subst_Tm_Tm _ _ _ Eq_Tm) s2)
| Bot _ => congr_Bot
| Const _ s0 => congr_Const (eq_refl s0)
| Univ _ s0 => congr_Univ (eq_refl s0)
@ -450,7 +451,7 @@ ren_Tm zeta_Tm (subst_Tm sigma_Tm s) = subst_Tm theta_Tm s :=
(compSubstRen_Tm sigma_Tm zeta_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
(compSubstRen_Tm (up_Tm_Tm sigma_Tm) (upRen_Tm_Tm zeta_Tm)
(up_Tm_Tm theta_Tm) (up_subst_ren_Tm_Tm _ _ _ Eq_Tm) s2)
| Bot _ => congr_Bot
| Const _ s0 => congr_Const (eq_refl s0)
| Univ _ s0 => congr_Univ (eq_refl s0)
@ -528,7 +529,7 @@ subst_Tm tau_Tm (subst_Tm sigma_Tm s) = subst_Tm theta_Tm s :=
(compSubstSubst_Tm sigma_Tm tau_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
(compSubstSubst_Tm (up_Tm_Tm sigma_Tm) (up_Tm_Tm tau_Tm)
(up_Tm_Tm theta_Tm) (up_subst_subst_Tm_Tm _ _ _ Eq_Tm) s2)
| Bot _ => congr_Bot
| Const _ s0 => congr_Const (eq_refl s0)
| Univ _ s0 => congr_Univ (eq_refl s0)
@ -644,7 +645,7 @@ Fixpoint rinst_inst_Tm {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat}
congr_TBind (eq_refl s0) (rinst_inst_Tm xi_Tm sigma_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
(rinst_inst_Tm (upRen_Tm_Tm xi_Tm) (up_Tm_Tm sigma_Tm)
(rinstInst_up_Tm_Tm _ _ Eq_Tm) s2)
| Bot _ => congr_Bot
| Const _ s0 => congr_Const (eq_refl s0)
| Univ _ s0 => congr_Univ (eq_refl s0)
@ -846,7 +847,7 @@ Arguments VarTm {n_Tm}.
Arguments Univ {n_Tm}.
Arguments Bot {n_Tm}.
Arguments Const {n_Tm}.
Arguments TBind {n_Tm}.

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@ -69,9 +69,8 @@ Module Par.
R A0 A1 ->
R B0 B1 ->
R (TBind p A0 B0) (TBind p A1 B1)
(* Bot is useful for making the prov function computable *)
| BotCong :
R Bot Bot
| ConstCong k :
R (Const k) (Const k)
| UnivCong i :
R (Univ i) (Univ i).
@ -212,7 +211,7 @@ Module Par.
move : ihB => [c0 [? ?]]. subst.
eexists. split. by apply BindCong; eauto.
by asimpl.
- move => n n0 ξ []//=. hauto l:on.
- move => n k m ξ []//=. hauto l:on.
- move => n i n0 ξ []//=. hauto l:on.
@ -275,10 +274,10 @@ Module Pars.
End Pars.
Definition var_or_bot {n} (a : Tm n) :=
Definition var_or_const {n} (a : Tm n) :=
match a with
| VarTm _ => true
| Bot => true
| Const _ => true
| _ => false
@ -324,8 +323,8 @@ Module RPar.
R A0 A1 ->
R B0 B1 ->
R (TBind p A0 B0) (TBind p A1 B1)
| BotCong :
R Bot Bot
| ConstCong k :
R (Const k) (Const k)
| UnivCong i :
R (Univ i) (Univ i).
@ -571,8 +570,8 @@ Module RPar'.
R A0 A1 ->
R B0 B1 ->
R (TBind p A0 B0) (TBind p A1 B1)
| BotCong :
R Bot Bot
| ConstCong k :
R (Const k) (Const k)
| UnivCong i :
R (Univ i) (Univ i).
@ -656,16 +655,16 @@ Module RPar'.
qauto l:on ctrs:R inv:option.
Lemma var_or_bot_imp {n} (a b : Tm n) :
var_or_bot a ->
a = b -> ~~ var_or_bot b -> False.
Lemma var_or_const_imp {n} (a b : Tm n) :
var_or_const a ->
a = b -> ~~ var_or_const b -> False.
hauto lq:on inv:Tm.
Lemma var_or_bot_up n m (ρ : fin n -> Tm m) :
(forall i, var_or_bot (ρ i)) ->
(forall i, var_or_bot (up_Tm_Tm ρ i)).
Lemma var_or_const_up n m (ρ : fin n -> Tm m) :
(forall i, var_or_const (ρ i)) ->
(forall i, var_or_const (up_Tm_Tm ρ i)).
move => h /= [i|].
- asimpl.
@ -676,10 +675,10 @@ Module RPar'.
- sfirstorder.
Local Ltac antiimp := qauto l:on use:var_or_bot_imp.
Local Ltac antiimp := qauto l:on use:var_or_const_imp.
Lemma antirenaming n m (a : Tm n) (b : Tm m) (ρ : fin n -> Tm m) :
(forall i, var_or_bot (ρ i)) ->
(forall i, var_or_const (ρ i)) ->
R (subst_Tm ρ a) b -> exists b0, R a b0 /\ subst_Tm ρ b0 = b.
move E : (subst_Tm ρ a) => u hρ h.
@ -690,7 +689,7 @@ Module RPar'.
case : c => //=; first by antiimp.
move => c [?]. subst.
have /var_or_bot_up hρ' := hρ.
have /var_or_const_up hρ' := hρ.
move : iha hρ' => /[apply] iha.
move : ihb hρ => /[apply] ihb.
@ -714,7 +713,7 @@ Module RPar'.
hauto l:on.
- move => n a0 a1 ha iha m ρ hρ []//=; first by antiimp.
move => t [*]. subst.
have /var_or_bot_up {}/iha := hρ => iha.
have /var_or_const_up {}/iha := hρ => iha.
move :iha => [b0 [? ?]]. subst.
eexists. split. by apply AbsCong; eauto.
@ -750,7 +749,7 @@ Module RPar'.
first by antiimp.
move => ? t t0 [*]. subst.
have {}/iha := (hρ) => iha.
have /var_or_bot_up {}/ihB := (hρ) => ihB.
have /var_or_const_up {}/ihB := (hρ) => ihB.
move : iha => [b0 [? ?]].
move : ihB => [c0 [? ?]]. subst.
@ -894,8 +893,8 @@ Module EPar.
R A0 A1 ->
R B0 B1 ->
R (TBind p A0 B0) (TBind p A1 B1)
| BotCong :
R Bot Bot
| ConstCong k :
R (Const k) (Const k)
| UnivCong i :
R (Univ i) (Univ i).
@ -1070,7 +1069,7 @@ Module RPars.
Proof. hauto lq:on use:morphing inv:option. Qed.
Lemma antirenaming n m (a : Tm n) (b : Tm m) (ρ : fin n -> Tm m) :
(forall i, var_or_bot (ρ i)) ->
(forall i, var_or_const (ρ i)) ->
rtc RPar.R (subst_Tm ρ a) b -> exists b0, rtc RPar.R a b0 /\ subst_Tm ρ b0 = b.
move E :(subst_Tm ρ a) => u hρ h.
@ -1157,7 +1156,7 @@ Module RPars'.
Proof. hauto lq:on use:morphing inv:option. Qed.
Lemma antirenaming n m (a : Tm n) (b : Tm m) (ρ : fin n -> Tm m) :
(forall i, var_or_bot (ρ i)) ->
(forall i, var_or_const (ρ i)) ->
rtc RPar'.R (subst_Tm ρ a) b -> exists b0, rtc RPar'.R a b0 /\ subst_Tm ρ b0 = b.
move E :(subst_Tm ρ a) => u hρ h.
@ -1444,15 +1443,15 @@ Proof.
- hauto l:on ctrs:OExp.R.
Lemma Bot_EPar' n (u : Tm n) :
EPar.R Bot u ->
rtc OExp.R Bot u.
move E : Bot => t h.
move : E. elim : n t u /h => //=.
- move => n a0 a1 h ih ?. subst.
Lemma Const_EPar' n k (u : Tm n) :
EPar.R (Const k) u ->
rtc OExp.R (Const k) u.
move E : (Const k) => t h.
move : k E. elim : n t u /h => //=.
- move => n a0 a1 h ih k ?. subst.
specialize ih with (1 := eq_refl).
hauto lq:on ctrs:OExp.R use:rtc_r.
- move => n a0 a1 h ih ?. subst.
- move => n a0 a1 h ih k ?. subst.
specialize ih with (1 := eq_refl).
hauto lq:on ctrs:OExp.R use:rtc_r.
- hauto l:on ctrs:OExp.R.
@ -1519,7 +1518,7 @@ Proof.
move : OExp.commutativity0 h2; repeat move/[apply].
move => [d h].
exists d. hauto lq:on rew:off ctrs:EPar.R use:OExp.merge.
- qauto use:Bot_EPar', EPar.refl.
- qauto use:Const_EPar', EPar.refl.
- qauto use:Univ_EPar', EPar.refl.
@ -1536,7 +1535,7 @@ Function tstar {n} (a : Tm n) :=
| Proj p (Abs a) => (Abs (Proj p (tstar a)))
| Proj p a => Proj p (tstar a)
| TBind p a b => TBind p (tstar a) (tstar b)
| Bot => Bot
| Const k => Const k
| Univ i => Univ i
@ -1568,7 +1567,7 @@ Function tstar' {n} (a : Tm n) :=
| Proj p (Pair a b) => if p is PL then (tstar' a) else (tstar' b)
| Proj p a => Proj p (tstar' a)
| TBind p a b => TBind p (tstar' a) (tstar' b)
| Bot => Bot
| Const k => Const k
| Univ i => Univ i
@ -1616,63 +1615,6 @@ Proof.
sfirstorder use:relations.diamond_confluent, EPar_diamond.
Fixpoint depth_tm {n} (a : Tm n) :=
match a with
| VarTm _ => 1
| TBind _ A B => 1 + max (depth_tm A) (depth_tm B)
| Abs a => 1 + depth_tm a
| App a b => 1 + max (depth_tm a) (depth_tm b)
| Proj p a => 1 + depth_tm a
| Pair a b => 1 + max (depth_tm a) (depth_tm b)
| Bot => 1
| Univ i => 1
Lemma depth_ren n m (ξ: fin n -> fin m) a :
depth_tm a = depth_tm (ren_Tm ξ a).
move : m ξ. elim : n / a; scongruence.
Lemma depth_subst n m (ρ : fin n -> Tm m) a :
(forall i, depth_tm (ρ i) = 1) ->
depth_tm a = depth_tm (subst_Tm ρ a).
move : m ρ. elim : n / a.
- sfirstorder.
- move => n a iha m ρ hρ.
f_equal. apply iha.
destruct i as [i|].
+ simpl.
by rewrite -depth_ren.
+ by simpl.
- hauto lq:on rew:off.
- hauto lq:on rew:off.
- hauto lq:on rew:off.
- move => n p a iha b ihb m ρ hρ.
simpl. f_equal.
by apply iha.
apply ihb.
destruct i as [i|].
+ simpl.
by rewrite -depth_ren.
+ by simpl.
- sfirstorder.
- sfirstorder.
Lemma depth_subst_bool n (a : Tm (S n)) :
depth_tm a = depth_tm (subst_Tm (scons Bot VarTm) a).
apply depth_subst.
destruct i as [i|] => //=.
Local Ltac prov_tac := sfirstorder use:depth_ren.
Local Ltac extract_tac := rewrite -?depth_subst_bool;hauto use:depth_subst_bool.
Definition prov_bind {n} p0 A0 B0 (a : Tm n) :=
match a with
| TBind p A B => p = p0 /\ rtc Par.R A A0 /\ rtc Par.R B B0
@ -1704,8 +1646,8 @@ Inductive prov {n} : Tm n -> Tm n -> Prop :=
| P_Proj h p a :
prov h a ->
prov h (Proj p a)
| P_Bot :
prov Bot Bot
| P_Const k :
prov (Const k) (Const k)
| P_Var i :
prov (VarTm i) (VarTm i)
| P_Univ i :
@ -1789,7 +1731,7 @@ Proof.
move => h. constructor. move => b. asimpl. by constructor.
inversion 1; subst.
specialize H2 with (b := Bot).
specialize H2 with (b := Const TPi).
move : H2. asimpl. inversion 1; subst. done.
@ -1845,11 +1787,11 @@ Qed.
Fixpoint extract {n} (a : Tm n) : Tm n :=
match a with
| TBind p A B => TBind p A B
| Abs a => subst_Tm (scons Bot VarTm) (extract a)
| Abs a => subst_Tm (scons (Const TPi) VarTm) (extract a)
| App a b => extract a
| Pair a b => extract a
| Proj p a => extract a
| Bot => Bot
| Const k => Const k
| VarTm i => VarTm i
| Univ i => Univ i
@ -1886,7 +1828,7 @@ Proof.
Lemma ren_subst_bot n (a : Tm (S n)) :
extract (subst_Tm (scons Bot VarTm) a) = subst_Tm (scons Bot VarTm) (extract a).
extract (subst_Tm (scons (Const TPi) VarTm) a) = subst_Tm (scons (Const TPi) VarTm) (extract a).
apply ren_morphing. destruct i as [i|] => //=.
@ -1896,7 +1838,7 @@ Definition prov_extract_spec {n} u (a : Tm n) :=
| TBind p A B => exists A0 B0, extract a = TBind p A0 B0 /\ rtc Par.R A A0 /\ rtc Par.R B B0
| Univ i => extract a = Univ i
| VarTm i => extract a = VarTm i
| Bot => extract a = Bot
| (Const TPi) => extract a = (Const TPi)
| _ => True
@ -1909,22 +1851,22 @@ Proof.
- move => h a ha ih.
case : h ha ih => //=.
+ move => i ha ih.
move /(_ Bot) in ih.
move /(_ (Const TPi)) in ih.
rewrite -ih.
by rewrite ren_subst_bot.
+ move => p A B h ih.
move /(_ Bot) : ih => [A0][B0][h0][h1]h2.
move /(_ (Const TPi)) : ih => [A0][B0][h0][h1]h2.
rewrite ren_subst_bot in h0.
rewrite h0.
+ move => _ /(_ Bot).
+ move => p _ /(_ (Const TPi)).
by rewrite ren_subst_bot.
+ move => i h /(_ Bot).
+ move => i h /(_ (Const TPi)).
by rewrite ren_subst_bot => ->.
- hauto lq:on.
- hauto lq:on.
- hauto lq:on.
- sfirstorder.
- case => //=.
- sfirstorder.
- sfirstorder.
@ -2400,23 +2342,24 @@ Fixpoint ne {n} (a : Tm n) :=
match a with
| VarTm i => true
| TBind _ A B => false
| Bot => true
| App a b => ne a && nf b
| Abs a => false
| Univ _ => false
| Proj _ a => ne a
| Pair _ _ => false
| Const _ => false
with nf {n} (a : Tm n) :=
match a with
| VarTm i => true
| TBind _ A B => nf A && nf B
| Bot => true
| (Const TPi) => true
| App a b => ne a && nf b
| Abs a => nf a
| Univ _ => true
| Proj _ a => ne a
| Pair a b => nf a && nf b
| Const _ => true
Lemma ne_nf n a : @ne n a -> nf a.
@ -2482,15 +2425,15 @@ Create HintDb nfne.
#[export]Hint Resolve nf_wn ne_nf wne_wn nf_refl : nfne.
Lemma ne_nf_antiren n m (a : Tm n) (ρ : fin n -> Tm m) :
(forall i, var_or_bot (ρ i)) ->
(forall i, var_or_const (ρ i)) ->
(ne (subst_Tm ρ a) -> ne a) /\ (nf (subst_Tm ρ a) -> nf a).
move : m ρ. elim : n / a => //;
hauto b:on drew:off use:RPar.var_or_bot_up.
hauto b:on drew:off use:RPar.var_or_const_up.
Lemma wn_antirenaming n m a (ρ : fin n -> Tm m) :
(forall i, var_or_bot (ρ i)) ->
(forall i, var_or_const (ρ i)) ->
wn (subst_Tm ρ a) -> wn a.
rewrite /wn => hρ.
@ -2503,10 +2446,10 @@ Proof.
Lemma ext_wn n (a : Tm n) :
wn (App a Bot) ->
wn (App a (Const TPi)) ->
wn a.
move E : (App a Bot) => a0 [v [hr hv]].
move E : (App a (Const TPi)) => a0 [v [hr hv]].
move : a E.
move : hv.
elim : a0 v / hr.
@ -2517,9 +2460,9 @@ Proof.
case : a0 hr0=>// => b0 b1.
elim /RPar'.inv=>// _.
+ move => a0 a3 b2 b3 ? ? [? ?] ? [? ?]. subst.
have ? : b3 = Bot by hauto lq:on inv:RPar'.R. subst.
have ? : b3 = (Const TPi) by hauto lq:on inv:RPar'.R. subst.
suff : wn (Abs a3) by hauto lq:on ctrs:RPar'.R, rtc unfold:wn.
have : wn (subst_Tm (scons Bot VarTm) a3) by sfirstorder.
have : wn (subst_Tm (scons (Const TPi) VarTm) a3) by sfirstorder.
move => h. apply wn_abs.
move : h. apply wn_antirenaming.
hauto lq:on rew:off inv:option.