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@ -1204,15 +1204,21 @@ Proof.
move => h. elim : n a b /h; hauto lq:on ctrs:Par.R.
move => h. elim : n a b /h; hauto lq:on ctrs:Par.R.
Definition union {A : Type} (R0 R1 : A -> A -> Prop) a b :=
R0 a b \/ R1 a b.
Module ERPar.
Module ERPar.
Inductive R {n} (a b : Tm n) : Prop :=
Definition R {n} (a b : Tm n) := union RPar.R EPar.R a b.
| RPar : RPar.R a b -> R a b
Lemma RPar {n} (a b : Tm n) : RPar.R a b -> R a b.
| EPar : EPar.R a b -> R a b.
Proof. sfirstorder. Qed.
Lemma EPar {n} (a b : Tm n) : EPar.R a b -> R a b.
Proof. sfirstorder. Qed.
End ERPar.
End ERPar.
Lemma ERPar_Par n (a b : Tm n) : ERPar.R a b -> Par.R a b.
Lemma ERPar_Par n (a b : Tm n) : ERPar.R a b -> Par.R a b.
sfirstorder inv:ERPar.R use:EPar_Par, RPar_Par.
sfirstorder use:EPar_Par, RPar_Par.
Lemma rtc_idem n (a b : Tm n) : rtc (rtc EPar.R) a b -> rtc EPar.R a b.
Lemma rtc_idem n (a b : Tm n) : rtc (rtc EPar.R) a b -> rtc EPar.R a b.
@ -1267,9 +1273,139 @@ Proof.
sfirstorder use:ERPar_Par, @relations.rtc_subrel.
sfirstorder use:ERPar_Par, @relations.rtc_subrel.
Lemma Par_confluent n (c a1 b1 : Tm n) :
Lemma RPar_ERPar n (a b : Tm n) : rtc RPar.R a b -> rtc ERPar.R a b.
rtc Par.R c a1 ->
rtc Par.R c b1 ->
exists d2, rtc Par.R a1 d2 /\ rtc Par.R b1 d2.
sfirstorder use:@relations.rtc_subrel.
Lemma EPar_ERPar n (a b : Tm n) : rtc EPar.R a b -> rtc ERPar.R a b.
sfirstorder use:@relations.rtc_subrel.
Module Type HindleyRosen.
Parameter A : nat -> Type.
Parameter R0 R1 : forall n, A n -> A n -> Prop.
Axiom diamond_R0 : forall n, relations.diamond (R0 n).
Axiom diamond_R1 : forall n, relations.diamond (R1 n).
Axiom commutativity : forall n,
forall a b c, R0 n a b -> R1 n a c -> exists d, R1 n b d /\ R0 n c d.
End HindleyRosen.
Module HindleyRosenFacts (M : HindleyRosen).
Import M.
Lemma R0_comm :
forall n a b c, R0 n a b -> rtc (union (R0 n) (R1 n)) a c ->
exists d, rtc (union (R0 n) (R1 n)) b d /\ R0 n c d.
move => n a + c + h.
elim : a c /h.
- sfirstorder.
- move => a0 a1 a2 ha ha0 ih b h.
case : ha.
+ move : diamond_R0 h; repeat move/[apply].
hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc.
+ move : commutativity h; repeat move/[apply].
hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc.
Lemma R1_comm :
forall n a b c, R1 n a b -> rtc (union (R0 n) (R1 n)) a c ->
exists d, rtc (union (R0 n) (R1 n)) b d /\ R1 n c d.
move => n a + c + h.
elim : a c /h.
- sfirstorder.
- move => a0 a1 a2 ha ha0 ih b h.
case : ha.
+ move : commutativity h; repeat move/[apply].
hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc.
+ move : diamond_R1 h; repeat move/[apply].
hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc.
Lemma U_comm :
forall n a b c, (union (R0 n) (R1 n)) a b -> rtc (union (R0 n) (R1 n)) a c ->
exists d, rtc (union (R0 n) (R1 n)) b d /\ (union (R0 n) (R1 n)) c d.
hauto lq:on use:R0_comm, R1_comm.
Lemma U_comms :
forall n a b c, rtc (union (R0 n) (R1 n)) a b -> rtc (union (R0 n) (R1 n)) a c ->
exists d, rtc (union (R0 n) (R1 n)) b d /\ rtc (union (R0 n) (R1 n)) c d.
move => n a b + h.
elim : a b /h.
- sfirstorder.
- hecrush ctrs:rtc use:U_comm.
End HindleyRosenFacts.
Module HindleyRosenER <: HindleyRosen.
Definition A := Tm.
Definition R0 n := rtc (@RPar.R n).
Definition R1 n := rtc (@EPar.R n).
Lemma diamond_R0 : forall n, relations.diamond (R0 n).
sfirstorder use:RPar_confluent.
Lemma diamond_R1 : forall n, relations.diamond (R1 n).
sfirstorder use:EPar_confluent.
Lemma commutativity : forall n,
forall a b c, R0 n a b -> R1 n a c -> exists d, R1 n b d /\ R0 n c d.
hauto l:on use:commutativity.
End HindleyRosenER.
Module ERFacts := HindleyRosenFacts HindleyRosenER.
Lemma rtc_union n (a b : Tm n) :
rtc (union RPar.R EPar.R) a b <->
rtc (union (rtc RPar.R) (rtc EPar.R)) a b.
split; first by induction 1; hauto lq:on ctrs:rtc.
move => h.
elim :a b /h.
- sfirstorder.
- move => a0 a1 a2.
+ move => h0 h1 ih.
apply : relations.rtc_transitive; eauto.
move : h0.
apply relations.rtc_subrel.
+ move => h0 h1 ih.
apply : relations.rtc_transitive; eauto.
move : h0.
apply relations.rtc_subrel.
Lemma Par_confluent n (a b c : Tm n) :
rtc Par.R a b ->
rtc Par.R a c ->
exists d, rtc Par.R b d /\ rtc Par.R c d.
move : n a b c.
suff : forall (n : nat) (a b c : Tm n),
rtc ERPar.R a b ->
rtc ERPar.R a c -> exists d : Tm n, rtc ERPar.R b d /\ rtc ERPar.R c d.
move => h n a b c h0 h1.
apply Par_ERPar_iff in h0, h1.
move : h h0 h1; repeat move/[apply].
hauto lq:on use:Par_ERPar_iff.
have h := ERFacts.U_comms.
move => n a b c.
rewrite /HindleyRosenER.R0 /HindleyRosenER.R1 in h.
specialize h with (n := n).
rewrite /HindleyRosenER.A in h.
rewrite /ERPar.R.
have eq : (fun a0 b0 : Tm n => union RPar.R EPar.R a0 b0) = union RPar.R EPar.R by reflexivity.
rewrite !{}eq.
move /rtc_union => + /rtc_union.
move : h; repeat move/[apply].
hauto lq:on use:rtc_union.
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