Initial commit
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7 changed files with 1452 additions and 0 deletions
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# generated timing files
# generated coq files
# emacs temporary files
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$(MAKE) -f $(COQMAKEFILE) validate
$(COQMAKEFILE) : theories/Autosubst2/syntax.v theories/Autosubst2/core.v theories/Autosubst2/fintype.v
$(COQBIN)coq_makefile -f _CoqProject -o $(COQMAKEFILE)
install: $(COQMAKEFILE)
$(MAKE) -f $^ install
uninstall: $(COQMAKEFILE)
$(MAKE) -f $(COQMAKEFILE) uninstall
theories/Autosubst2/syntax.v theories/Autosubst2/core.v theories/Autosubst2/fintype.v : syntax.sig
autosubst -f -v ge813 -s coq -o theories/Autosubst2/syntax.v syntax.sig
test ! -f $(COQMAKEFILE) || ( $(MAKE) -f $(COQMAKEFILE) clean && rm $(COQMAKEFILE) )
rm -f theories/Autosubst2/syntax.v theories/Autosubst2/core.v theories/Autosubst2/fintype.v
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-R theories ImpredIrrel
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Tm(VarTm) : Type
-- nat : Type
Abs : (bind Tm in Tm) -> Tm
App : Tm -> Tm -> Tm
Pair : Tm -> Tm -> Tm
Proj1 : Tm -> Tm
Proj2 : Tm -> Tm
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@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
(* Function composition *)
Definition funcomp {X Y Z} (g : Y -> Z) (f : X -> Y) :=
fun x => g (f x).
Lemma funcomp_assoc {W X Y Z} (g: Y -> Z) (f: X -> Y) (h: W -> X) :
funcomp g (funcomp f h) = (funcomp (funcomp g f) h).
(** ** Functor Instances
Exemplary functor instances needed to make Autosubst's generation possible for functors.
Two things are important:
1. The names are fixed.
2. For Coq to check termination, also the proofs have to be closed with Defined.
(** *** List Instance *)
Require Import List.
Notation "'list_map'" := map.
Definition list_ext {A B} {f g : A -> B} :
(forall x, f x = g x) -> forall xs, list_map f xs = list_map g xs.
intros H. induction xs. reflexivity.
cbn. f_equal. apply H. apply IHxs.
Definition list_id {A} { f : A -> A} :
(forall x, f x = x) -> forall xs, list_map f xs = xs.
intros H. induction xs. reflexivity.
cbn. rewrite H. rewrite IHxs; eauto.
Definition list_comp {A B C} {f: A -> B} {g: B -> C} {h} :
(forall x, (funcomp g f) x = h x) -> forall xs, map g (map f xs) = map h xs.
induction xs. reflexivity.
cbn. rewrite <- H. f_equal. apply IHxs.
(** *** Prod Instance *)
Definition prod_map {A B C D} (f : A -> C) (g : B -> D) (p : A * B) :
C * D.
destruct p as [a b]. split.
exact (f a). exact (g b).
Definition prod_id {A B} {f : A -> A} {g : B -> B} :
(forall x, f x = x) -> (forall x, g x = x) -> forall p, prod_map f g p = p.
intros H0 H1. destruct p. cbn. f_equal; [ apply H0 | apply H1 ].
Definition prod_ext {A B C D} {f f' : A -> C} {g g': B -> D} :
(forall x, f x = f' x) -> (forall x, g x = g' x) -> forall p, prod_map f g p = prod_map f' g' p.
intros H0 H1. destruct p as [a b]. cbn. f_equal; [ apply H0 | apply H1 ].
Definition prod_comp {A B C D E F} {f1 : A -> C} {g1 : C -> E} {h1 : A -> E} {f2: B -> D} {g2: D -> F} {h2 : B -> F}:
(forall x, (funcomp g1 f1) x = h1 x) -> (forall x, (funcomp g2 f2) x = h2 x) -> forall p, prod_map g1 g2 (prod_map f1 f2 p) = prod_map h1 h2 p.
intros H0 H1. destruct p as [a b]. cbn. f_equal; [ apply H0 | apply H1 ].
(** *** Option Instance *)
Definition option_map {A B} (f : A -> B) (p : option A) :
option B :=
match p with
| Some a => Some (f a)
| None => None
Definition option_id {A} {f : A -> A} :
(forall x, f x = x) -> forall p, option_map f p = p.
intros H. destruct p ; cbn.
- f_equal. apply H.
- reflexivity.
Definition option_ext {A B} {f f' : A -> B} :
(forall x, f x = f' x) -> forall p, option_map f p = option_map f' p.
intros H. destruct p as [a|] ; cbn.
- f_equal. apply H.
- reflexivity.
Definition option_comp {A B C} {f : A -> B} {g : B -> C} {h : A -> C}:
(forall x, (funcomp g f) x = h x) ->
forall p, option_map g (option_map f p) = option_map h p.
intros H. destruct p as [a|]; cbn.
- f_equal. apply H.
- reflexivity.
#[export] Hint Rewrite in_map_iff : FunctorInstances.
(* Declaring the scopes that all our notations will live in *)
Declare Scope fscope.
Declare Scope subst_scope.
Ltac eta_reduce :=
repeat match goal with
| [|- context[fun x => ?f x]] => change (fun x => f x) with f (* eta reduction *)
Ltac minimize :=
repeat match goal with
| [|- context[fun x => ?f x]] => change (fun x => f x) with f (* eta reduction *)
| [|- context[fun x => ?g (?f x)]] => change (fun x => g (f x)) with (funcomp g f) (* funcomp folding *)
(* had to add this tactic abbreviation because I could not print a setoid_rewrite with the arrow *)
Ltac setoid_rewrite_left t := setoid_rewrite <- t.
Ltac check_no_evars :=
match goal with
| [|- ?x] => assert_fails (has_evar x)
Require Import Setoid Morphisms.
Lemma pointwise_forall {X Y:Type} (f g: X -> Y) :
(pointwise_relation _ eq f g) -> forall x, f x = g x.
#[export] Instance funcomp_morphism {X Y Z} :
Proper (@pointwise_relation Y Z eq ==> @pointwise_relation X Y eq ==> @pointwise_relation X Z eq) funcomp.
cbv - [funcomp].
intros g0 g1 Hg f0 f1 Hf x.
unfold funcomp. rewrite Hf, Hg.
#[export] Instance funcomp_morphism2 {X Y Z} :
Proper (@pointwise_relation Y Z eq ==> @pointwise_relation X Y eq ==> eq ==> eq) funcomp.
intros g0 g1 Hg f0 f1 Hf ? x ->.
unfold funcomp. rewrite Hf, Hg.
Ltac unfold_funcomp := match goal with
| |- context[(funcomp ?f ?g) ?s] => change ((funcomp f g) s) with (f (g s))
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(** * Autosubst Header for Scoped Syntax
Our development utilises well-scoped de Bruijn syntax. This means that the de Bruijn indices are taken from finite types. As a consequence, any kind of substitution or environment used in conjunction with well-scoped syntax takes the form of a mapping from some finite type _I^n_. In particular, _renamings_ are mappings _I^n -> I^m_. Here we develop the theory of how these parts interact.
Version: December 11, 2019.
Require Import core.
Require Import Setoid Morphisms Relation_Definitions.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Definition ap {X Y} (f : X -> Y) {x y : X} (p : x = y) : f x = f y :=
match p with eq_refl => eq_refl end.
Definition apc {X Y} {f g : X -> Y} {x y : X} (p : f = g) (q : x = y) : f x = g y :=
match q with eq_refl => match p with eq_refl => eq_refl end end.
(** ** Primitives of the Sigma Calculus
We implement the finite type with _n_ elements, _I^n_, as the _n_-fold iteration of the Option Type. _I^0_ is implemented as the empty type.
Fixpoint fin (n : nat) : Type :=
match n with
| 0 => False
| S m => option (fin m)
(** Renamings and Injective Renamings
_Renamings_ are mappings between finite types.
Definition ren (m n : nat) : Type := fin m -> fin n.
Definition id {X} := X.
Definition idren {k: nat} : ren k k := (fin k).
(** We give a special name, to the newest element in a non-empty finite type, as it usually corresponds to a freshly bound variable. *)
Definition var_zero {n : nat} : fin (S n) := None.
Definition null {T} (i : fin 0) : T := match i with end.
Definition shift {n : nat} : ren n (S n) :=
(** Extension of Finite Mappings
Assume we are given a mapping _f_ from _I^n_ to some type _X_, then we can _extend_ this mapping with a new value from _x : X_ to a mapping from _I^n+1_ to _X_. We denote this operation by _x . f_ and define it as follows:
Definition scons {X : Type} {n : nat} (x : X) (f : fin n -> X) (m : fin (S n)) : X :=
match m with
| None => x
| Some i => f i
#[ export ]
Hint Opaque scons : rewrite.
(** ** Type Class Instances for Notation *)
(** *** Type classes for renamings. *)
Class Ren1 (X1 : Type) (Y Z : Type) :=
ren1 : X1 -> Y -> Z.
Class Ren2 (X1 X2 : Type) (Y Z : Type) :=
ren2 : X1 -> X2 -> Y -> Z.
Class Ren3 (X1 X2 X3 : Type) (Y Z : Type) :=
ren3 : X1 -> X2 -> X3 -> Y -> Z.
Class Ren4 (X1 X2 X3 X4 : Type) (Y Z : Type) :=
ren4 : X1 -> X2 -> X3 -> X4 -> Y -> Z.
Class Ren5 (X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 : Type) (Y Z : Type) :=
ren5 : X1 -> X2 -> X3 -> X4 -> X5 -> Y -> Z.
Module RenNotations.
Notation "s ⟨ xi1 ⟩" := (ren1 xi1 s) (at level 7, left associativity, format "s ⟨ xi1 ⟩") : subst_scope.
Notation "s ⟨ xi1 ; xi2 ⟩" := (ren2 xi1 xi2 s) (at level 7, left associativity, format "s ⟨ xi1 ; xi2 ⟩") : subst_scope.
Notation "s ⟨ xi1 ; xi2 ; xi3 ⟩" := (ren3 xi1 xi2 xi3 s) (at level 7, left associativity, format "s ⟨ xi1 ; xi2 ; xi3 ⟩") : subst_scope.
Notation "s ⟨ xi1 ; xi2 ; xi3 ; xi4 ⟩" := (ren4 xi1 xi2 xi3 xi4 s) (at level 7, left associativity, format "s ⟨ xi1 ; xi2 ; xi3 ; xi4 ⟩") : subst_scope.
Notation "s ⟨ xi1 ; xi2 ; xi3 ; xi4 ; xi5 ⟩" := (ren5 xi1 xi2 xi3 xi4 xi5 s) (at level 7, left associativity, format "s ⟨ xi1 ; xi2 ; xi3 ; xi4 ; xi5 ⟩") : subst_scope.
Notation "⟨ xi ⟩" := (ren1 xi) (at level 1, left associativity, format "⟨ xi ⟩") : fscope.
Notation "⟨ xi1 ; xi2 ⟩" := (ren2 xi1 xi2) (at level 1, left associativity, format "⟨ xi1 ; xi2 ⟩") : fscope.
End RenNotations.
(** *** Type Classes for Substiution *)
Class Subst1 (X1 : Type) (Y Z: Type) :=
subst1 : X1 -> Y -> Z.
Class Subst2 (X1 X2 : Type) (Y Z: Type) :=
subst2 : X1 -> X2 -> Y -> Z.
Class Subst3 (X1 X2 X3 : Type) (Y Z: Type) :=
subst3 : X1 -> X2 -> X3 -> Y -> Z.
Class Subst4 (X1 X2 X3 X4: Type) (Y Z: Type) :=
subst4 : X1 -> X2 -> X3 -> X4 -> Y -> Z.
Class Subst5 (X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 : Type) (Y Z: Type) :=
subst5 : X1 -> X2 -> X3 -> X4 -> X5 -> Y -> Z.
Module SubstNotations.
Notation "s [ sigma ]" := (subst1 sigma s) (at level 7, left associativity, format "s '/' [ sigma ]") : subst_scope.
Notation "s [ sigma ; tau ]" := (subst2 sigma tau s) (at level 7, left associativity, format "s '/' [ sigma ; '/' tau ]") : subst_scope.
End SubstNotations.
(** ** Type Class for Variables *)
Class Var X Y :=
ids : X -> Y.
(** ** Proofs for substitution primitives *)
(** Forward Function Composition
Substitutions represented as functions are ubiquitious in this development and we often have to compose them, without talking about their pointwise behaviour.
That is, we are interested in the forward compostion of functions, _f o g_, for which we introduce a convenient notation, "f >> g". The direction of the arrow serves as a reminder of the _forward_ nature of this composition, that is first apply _f_, then _g_. *)
Arguments funcomp {X Y Z} (g)%fscope (f)%fscope.
Module CombineNotations.
Notation "f >> g" := (funcomp g f) (at level 50) : fscope.
Notation "s .: sigma" := (scons s sigma) (at level 55, sigma at next level, right associativity) : subst_scope.
#[ global ]
Open Scope fscope.
#[ global ]
Open Scope subst_scope.
End CombineNotations.
Import CombineNotations.
(** Generic lifting operation for renamings *)
Definition up_ren {m n} (xi : ren m n) : ren (S m) (S n) :=
var_zero .: xi >> shift.
(** Generic proof that lifting of renamings composes. *)
Lemma up_ren_ren k l m (xi: ren k l) (zeta : ren l m) (rho: ren k m) (E: forall x, (xi >> zeta) x = rho x) :
forall x, (up_ren xi >> up_ren zeta) x = up_ren rho x.
intros [x|].
- cbn. unfold funcomp. now rewrite <- E.
- reflexivity.
Arguments up_ren_ren {k l m} xi zeta rho E.
Lemma fin_eta {X} (f g : fin 0 -> X) :
pointwise_relation _ eq f g.
Proof. intros []. Qed.
(** Eta laws *)
Lemma scons_eta' {T} {n : nat} (f : fin (S n) -> T) :
pointwise_relation _ eq (f var_zero .: (funcomp f shift)) f.
Proof. intros x. destruct x; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma scons_eta_id' {n : nat} :
pointwise_relation (fin (S n)) eq (var_zero .: shift) id.
Proof. intros x. destruct x; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma scons_comp' {T:Type} {U} {m} (s: T) (sigma: fin m -> T) (tau: T -> U) :
pointwise_relation _ eq (funcomp tau (s .: sigma)) ((tau s) .: (funcomp tau sigma)).
Proof. intros x. destruct x; reflexivity. Qed.
(* Lemma scons_tail'_pointwise {X} {n} (s : X) (f : fin n -> X) : *)
(* pointwise_relation _ eq (funcomp (scons s f) shift) f. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* reflexivity. *)
(* Qed. *)
(* Lemma scons_tail' {X} {n} (s : X) (f : fin n -> X) x : *)
(* (scons s f (shift x)) = f x. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* reflexivity. *)
(* Qed. *)
(* Morphism for Setoid Rewriting. The only morphism that can be defined statically. *)
#[export] Instance scons_morphism {X: Type} {n:nat} :
Proper (eq ==> pointwise_relation _ eq ==> pointwise_relation _ eq) (@scons X n).
intros t t' -> sigma tau H.
intros [x|].
cbn. apply H.
#[export] Instance scons_morphism2 {X: Type} {n: nat} :
Proper (eq ==> pointwise_relation _ eq ==> eq ==> eq) (@scons X n).
intros ? t -> sigma tau H ? x ->.
destruct x as [x|].
cbn. apply H.
(** ** Variadic Substitution Primitives *)
Fixpoint shift_p (p : nat) {n} : ren n (p + n) :=
fun n => match p with
| 0 => n
| S p => Some (shift_p p n)
Fixpoint scons_p {X: Type} {m : nat} : forall {n} (f : fin m -> X) (g : fin n -> X), fin (m + n) -> X.
destruct m.
- intros n f g. exact g.
- intros n f g. cbn. apply scons.
+ exact (f var_zero).
+ apply scons_p.
* intros z. exact (f (Some z)).
* exact g.
#[export] Hint Opaque scons_p : rewrite.
#[export] Instance scons_p_morphism {X: Type} {m n:nat} :
Proper (pointwise_relation _ eq ==> pointwise_relation _ eq ==> pointwise_relation _ eq) (@scons_p X m n).
intros sigma sigma' Hsigma tau tau' Htau.
intros x.
induction m.
- cbn. apply Htau.
- cbn. change (fin (S m + n)) with (fin (S (m + n))) in x.
destruct x as [x|].
+ cbn. apply IHm.
intros ?. apply Hsigma.
+ cbn. apply Hsigma.
#[export] Instance scons_p_morphism2 {X: Type} {m n:nat} :
Proper (pointwise_relation _ eq ==> pointwise_relation _ eq ==> eq ==> eq) (@scons_p X m n).
intros sigma sigma' Hsigma tau tau' Htau ? x ->.
induction m.
- cbn. apply Htau.
- cbn. change (fin (S m + n)) with (fin (S (m + n))) in x.
destruct x as [x|].
+ cbn. apply IHm.
intros ?. apply Hsigma.
+ cbn. apply Hsigma.
Definition zero_p {m : nat} {n} : fin m -> fin (m + n).
induction m.
- intros [].
- intros [x|].
+ exact (shift_p 1 (IHm x)).
+ exact var_zero.
Lemma scons_p_head' {X} {m n} (f : fin m -> X) (g : fin n -> X) z:
(scons_p f g) (zero_p z) = f z.
induction m.
- inversion z.
- destruct z.
+ simpl. simpl. now rewrite IHm.
+ reflexivity.
Lemma scons_p_head_pointwise {X} {m n} (f : fin m -> X) (g : fin n -> X) :
pointwise_relation _ eq (funcomp (scons_p f g) zero_p) f.
intros z.
unfold funcomp.
induction m.
- inversion z.
- destruct z.
+ simpl. now rewrite IHm.
+ reflexivity.
Lemma scons_p_tail' X m n (f : fin m -> X) (g : fin n -> X) z :
scons_p f g (shift_p m z) = g z.
Proof. induction m; cbn; eauto. Qed.
Lemma scons_p_tail_pointwise X m n (f : fin m -> X) (g : fin n -> X) :
pointwise_relation _ eq (funcomp (scons_p f g) (shift_p m)) g.
Proof. intros z. induction m; cbn; eauto. Qed.
Lemma destruct_fin {m n} (x : fin (m + n)):
(exists x', x = zero_p x') \/ exists x', x = shift_p m x'.
induction m; simpl in *.
- right. eauto.
- destruct x as [x|].
+ destruct (IHm x) as [[x' ->] |[x' ->]].
* left. now exists (Some x').
* right. eauto.
+ left. exists None. eauto.
Lemma scons_p_comp' X Y m n (f : fin m -> X) (g : fin n -> X) (h : X -> Y) :
pointwise_relation _ eq (funcomp h (scons_p f g)) (scons_p (f >> h) (g >> h)).
intros x.
destruct (destruct_fin x) as [[x' ->]|[x' ->]].
(* TODO better way to solve this? *)
- revert x'.
apply pointwise_forall.
change (fun x => (scons_p f g >> h) (zero_p x)) with (zero_p >> scons_p f g >> h).
now setoid_rewrite scons_p_head_pointwise.
- revert x'.
apply pointwise_forall.
change (fun x => (scons_p f g >> h) (shift_p m x)) with (shift_p m >> scons_p f g >> h).
change (fun x => scons_p (f >> h) (g >> h) (shift_p m x)) with (shift_p m >> scons_p (f >> h) (g >> h)).
now rewrite !scons_p_tail_pointwise.
Lemma scons_p_congr {X} {m n} (f f' : fin m -> X) (g g': fin n -> X) z:
(forall x, f x = f' x) -> (forall x, g x = g' x) -> scons_p f g z = scons_p f' g' z.
Proof. intros H1 H2. induction m; eauto. cbn. destruct z; eauto. Qed.
(** Generic n-ary lifting operation. *)
Definition upRen_p p { m : nat } { n : nat } (xi : (fin) (m) -> (fin) (n)) : fin (p + m) -> fin (p + n) :=
scons_p (zero_p ) (xi >> shift_p _).
Arguments upRen_p p {m n} xi.
(** Generic proof for composition of n-ary lifting. *)
Lemma up_ren_ren_p p k l m (xi: ren k l) (zeta : ren l m) (rho: ren k m) (E: forall x, (xi >> zeta) x = rho x) :
forall x, (upRen_p p xi >> upRen_p p zeta) x = upRen_p p rho x.
intros x. destruct (destruct_fin x) as [[? ->]|[? ->]].
- unfold upRen_p. unfold funcomp. now repeat rewrite scons_p_head'.
- unfold upRen_p. unfold funcomp. repeat rewrite scons_p_tail'.
now rewrite <- E.
Arguments zero_p m {n}.
Arguments scons_p {X} m {n} f g.
Lemma scons_p_eta {X} {m n} {f : fin m -> X}
{g : fin n -> X} (h: fin (m + n) -> X) {z: fin (m + n)}:
(forall x, g x = h (shift_p m x)) -> (forall x, f x = h (zero_p m x)) -> scons_p m f g z = h z.
intros H1 H2. destruct (destruct_fin z) as [[? ->] |[? ->]].
- rewrite scons_p_head'. eauto.
- rewrite scons_p_tail'. eauto.
Arguments scons_p_eta {X} {m n} {f g} h {z}.
Arguments scons_p_congr {X} {m n} {f f'} {g g'} {z}.
(** ** Notations for Scoped Syntax *)
Module ScopedNotations.
Include RenNotations.
Include SubstNotations.
Include CombineNotations.
(* Notation "s , sigma" := (scons s sigma) (at level 60, format "s , sigma", right associativity) : subst_scope. *)
Notation "s '..'" := (scons s ids) (at level 1, format "s ..") : subst_scope.
Notation "↑" := (shift) : subst_scope.
Open Scope fscope.
Open Scope subst_scope.
End ScopedNotations.
(** ** Tactics for Scoped Syntax *)
Tactic Notation "auto_case" tactic(t) := (match goal with
| [|- forall (i : fin 0), _] => intros []; t
| [|- forall (i : fin (S (S (S (S _))))), _] => intros [[[[|]|]|]|]; t
| [|- forall (i : fin (S (S (S _)))), _] => intros [[[|]|]|]; t
| [|- forall (i : fin (S (S _))), _] => intros [[?|]|]; t
| [|- forall (i : fin (S _)), _] => intros [?|]; t
#[export] Hint Rewrite @scons_p_head' @scons_p_tail' : FunctorInstances.
(** Generic fsimpl tactic: simplifies the above primitives in a goal. *)
Ltac fsimpl :=
repeat match goal with
| [|- context[id >> ?f]] => change (id >> f) with f (* AsimplCompIdL *)
| [|- context[?f >> id]] => change (f >> id) with f (* AsimplCompIdR *)
| [|- context [id ?s]] => change (id s) with s
| [|- context[(?f >> ?g) >> ?h]] => change ((f >> g) >> h) with (f >> (g >> h)) (* AsimplComp *)
(* | [|- zero_p >> scons_p ?f ?g] => rewrite scons_p_head *)
| [|- context[(?s .: ?sigma) var_zero]] => change ((s.:sigma) var_zero) with s
| [|- context[(?s .: ?sigma) (shift ?m)]] => change ((s.:sigma) (shift m)) with (sigma m)
(* first [progress setoid_rewrite scons_tail' | progress setoid_rewrite scons_tail'_pointwise ] *)
| [|- context[idren >> ?f]] => change (idren >> f) with f
| [|- context[?f >> idren]] => change (f >> idren) with f
| [|- context[?f >> (?x .: ?g)]] => change (f >> (x .: g)) with g (* f should evaluate to shift *)
| [|- context[?x2 .: (funcomp ?f shift)]] => change (scons x2 (funcomp f shift)) with (scons (f var_zero) (funcomp f shift)); setoid_rewrite (@scons_eta' _ _ f); eta_reduce
| [|- context[?f var_zero .: ?g]] => change (scons (f var_zero) g) with (scons (f var_zero) (funcomp f shift)); setoid_rewrite scons_eta'; eta_reduce
| [|- _ = ?h (?f ?s)] => change (h (f s)) with ((f >> h) s)
| [|- ?h (?f ?s) = _] => change (h (f s)) with ((f >> h) s)
| [|- context[funcomp _ (scons _ _)]] => setoid_rewrite scons_comp'; eta_reduce
| [|- context[funcomp _ (scons_p _ _ _)]] => setoid_rewrite scons_p_comp'; eta_reduce
| [|- context[scons (@var_zero _) shift]] => setoid_rewrite scons_eta_id'; eta_reduce
(* | _ => progress autorewrite with FunctorInstances *)
| [|- context[funcomp (scons_p _ _ _) (zero_p _)]] =>
first [progress setoid_rewrite scons_p_head_pointwise | progress setoid_rewrite scons_p_head' ]
| [|- context[scons_p _ _ _ (zero_p _ _)]] => setoid_rewrite scons_p_head'
| [|- context[funcomp (scons_p _ _ _) (shift_p _)]] =>
first [progress setoid_rewrite scons_p_tail_pointwise | progress setoid_rewrite scons_p_tail' ]
| [|- context[scons_p _ _ _ (shift_p _ _)]] => setoid_rewrite scons_p_tail'
| _ => first [progress minimize | progress cbn [shift scons scons_p] ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
Require Import core fintype.
Require Import Setoid Morphisms Relation_Definitions.
Module Core.
Inductive Tm (n_Tm : nat) : Type :=
| VarTm : fin n_Tm -> Tm n_Tm
| Abs : Tm (S n_Tm) -> Tm n_Tm
| App : Tm n_Tm -> Tm n_Tm -> Tm n_Tm
| Pair : Tm n_Tm -> Tm n_Tm -> Tm n_Tm
| Proj1 : Tm n_Tm -> Tm n_Tm
| Proj2 : Tm n_Tm -> Tm n_Tm.
Lemma congr_Abs {m_Tm : nat} {s0 : Tm (S m_Tm)} {t0 : Tm (S m_Tm)}
(H0 : s0 = t0) : Abs m_Tm s0 = Abs m_Tm t0.
exact (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun x => Abs m_Tm x) H0)).
Lemma congr_App {m_Tm : nat} {s0 : Tm m_Tm} {s1 : Tm m_Tm} {t0 : Tm m_Tm}
{t1 : Tm m_Tm} (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1) :
App m_Tm s0 s1 = App m_Tm t0 t1.
exact (eq_trans (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun x => App m_Tm x s1) H0))
(ap (fun x => App m_Tm t0 x) H1)).
Lemma congr_Pair {m_Tm : nat} {s0 : Tm m_Tm} {s1 : Tm m_Tm} {t0 : Tm m_Tm}
{t1 : Tm m_Tm} (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1) :
Pair m_Tm s0 s1 = Pair m_Tm t0 t1.
exact (eq_trans (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun x => Pair m_Tm x s1) H0))
(ap (fun x => Pair m_Tm t0 x) H1)).
Lemma congr_Proj1 {m_Tm : nat} {s0 : Tm m_Tm} {t0 : Tm m_Tm} (H0 : s0 = t0) :
Proj1 m_Tm s0 = Proj1 m_Tm t0.
exact (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun x => Proj1 m_Tm x) H0)).
Lemma congr_Proj2 {m_Tm : nat} {s0 : Tm m_Tm} {t0 : Tm m_Tm} (H0 : s0 = t0) :
Proj2 m_Tm s0 = Proj2 m_Tm t0.
exact (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun x => Proj2 m_Tm x) H0)).
Lemma upRen_Tm_Tm {m : nat} {n : nat} (xi : fin m -> fin n) :
fin (S m) -> fin (S n).
exact (up_ren xi).
Lemma upRen_list_Tm_Tm (p : nat) {m : nat} {n : nat} (xi : fin m -> fin n) :
fin (plus p m) -> fin (plus p n).
exact (upRen_p p xi).
Fixpoint ren_Tm {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat} (xi_Tm : fin m_Tm -> fin n_Tm)
(s : Tm m_Tm) {struct s} : Tm n_Tm :=
match s with
| VarTm _ s0 => VarTm n_Tm (xi_Tm s0)
| Abs _ s0 => Abs n_Tm (ren_Tm (upRen_Tm_Tm xi_Tm) s0)
| App _ s0 s1 => App n_Tm (ren_Tm xi_Tm s0) (ren_Tm xi_Tm s1)
| Pair _ s0 s1 => Pair n_Tm (ren_Tm xi_Tm s0) (ren_Tm xi_Tm s1)
| Proj1 _ s0 => Proj1 n_Tm (ren_Tm xi_Tm s0)
| Proj2 _ s0 => Proj2 n_Tm (ren_Tm xi_Tm s0)
Lemma up_Tm_Tm {m : nat} {n_Tm : nat} (sigma : fin m -> Tm n_Tm) :
fin (S m) -> Tm (S n_Tm).
exact (scons (VarTm (S n_Tm) var_zero) (funcomp (ren_Tm shift) sigma)).
Lemma up_list_Tm_Tm (p : nat) {m : nat} {n_Tm : nat}
(sigma : fin m -> Tm n_Tm) : fin (plus p m) -> Tm (plus p n_Tm).
exact (scons_p p (funcomp (VarTm (plus p n_Tm)) (zero_p p))
(funcomp (ren_Tm (shift_p p)) sigma)).
Fixpoint subst_Tm {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat} (sigma_Tm : fin m_Tm -> Tm n_Tm)
(s : Tm m_Tm) {struct s} : Tm n_Tm :=
match s with
| VarTm _ s0 => sigma_Tm s0
| Abs _ s0 => Abs n_Tm (subst_Tm (up_Tm_Tm sigma_Tm) s0)
| App _ s0 s1 => App n_Tm (subst_Tm sigma_Tm s0) (subst_Tm sigma_Tm s1)
| Pair _ s0 s1 => Pair n_Tm (subst_Tm sigma_Tm s0) (subst_Tm sigma_Tm s1)
| Proj1 _ s0 => Proj1 n_Tm (subst_Tm sigma_Tm s0)
| Proj2 _ s0 => Proj2 n_Tm (subst_Tm sigma_Tm s0)
Lemma upId_Tm_Tm {m_Tm : nat} (sigma : fin m_Tm -> Tm m_Tm)
(Eq : forall x, sigma x = VarTm m_Tm x) :
forall x, up_Tm_Tm sigma x = VarTm (S m_Tm) x.
exact (fun n =>
match n with
| Some fin_n => ap (ren_Tm shift) (Eq fin_n)
| None => eq_refl
Lemma upId_list_Tm_Tm {p : nat} {m_Tm : nat} (sigma : fin m_Tm -> Tm m_Tm)
(Eq : forall x, sigma x = VarTm m_Tm x) :
forall x, up_list_Tm_Tm p sigma x = VarTm (plus p m_Tm) x.
exact (fun n =>
scons_p_eta (VarTm (plus p m_Tm))
(fun n => ap (ren_Tm (shift_p p)) (Eq n)) (fun n => eq_refl)).
Fixpoint idSubst_Tm {m_Tm : nat} (sigma_Tm : fin m_Tm -> Tm m_Tm)
(Eq_Tm : forall x, sigma_Tm x = VarTm m_Tm x) (s : Tm m_Tm) {struct s} :
subst_Tm sigma_Tm s = s :=
match s with
| VarTm _ s0 => Eq_Tm s0
| Abs _ s0 =>
congr_Abs (idSubst_Tm (up_Tm_Tm sigma_Tm) (upId_Tm_Tm _ Eq_Tm) s0)
| App _ s0 s1 =>
congr_App (idSubst_Tm sigma_Tm Eq_Tm s0) (idSubst_Tm sigma_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
| Pair _ s0 s1 =>
congr_Pair (idSubst_Tm sigma_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
(idSubst_Tm sigma_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
| Proj1 _ s0 => congr_Proj1 (idSubst_Tm sigma_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
| Proj2 _ s0 => congr_Proj2 (idSubst_Tm sigma_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
Lemma upExtRen_Tm_Tm {m : nat} {n : nat} (xi : fin m -> fin n)
(zeta : fin m -> fin n) (Eq : forall x, xi x = zeta x) :
forall x, upRen_Tm_Tm xi x = upRen_Tm_Tm zeta x.
exact (fun n =>
match n with
| Some fin_n => ap shift (Eq fin_n)
| None => eq_refl
Lemma upExtRen_list_Tm_Tm {p : nat} {m : nat} {n : nat} (xi : fin m -> fin n)
(zeta : fin m -> fin n) (Eq : forall x, xi x = zeta x) :
forall x, upRen_list_Tm_Tm p xi x = upRen_list_Tm_Tm p zeta x.
exact (fun n =>
scons_p_congr (fun n => eq_refl) (fun n => ap (shift_p p) (Eq n))).
Fixpoint extRen_Tm {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat} (xi_Tm : fin m_Tm -> fin n_Tm)
(zeta_Tm : fin m_Tm -> fin n_Tm) (Eq_Tm : forall x, xi_Tm x = zeta_Tm x)
(s : Tm m_Tm) {struct s} : ren_Tm xi_Tm s = ren_Tm zeta_Tm s :=
match s with
| VarTm _ s0 => ap (VarTm n_Tm) (Eq_Tm s0)
| Abs _ s0 =>
(extRen_Tm (upRen_Tm_Tm xi_Tm) (upRen_Tm_Tm zeta_Tm)
(upExtRen_Tm_Tm _ _ Eq_Tm) s0)
| App _ s0 s1 =>
congr_App (extRen_Tm xi_Tm zeta_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
(extRen_Tm xi_Tm zeta_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
| Pair _ s0 s1 =>
congr_Pair (extRen_Tm xi_Tm zeta_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
(extRen_Tm xi_Tm zeta_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
| Proj1 _ s0 => congr_Proj1 (extRen_Tm xi_Tm zeta_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
| Proj2 _ s0 => congr_Proj2 (extRen_Tm xi_Tm zeta_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
Lemma upExt_Tm_Tm {m : nat} {n_Tm : nat} (sigma : fin m -> Tm n_Tm)
(tau : fin m -> Tm n_Tm) (Eq : forall x, sigma x = tau x) :
forall x, up_Tm_Tm sigma x = up_Tm_Tm tau x.
exact (fun n =>
match n with
| Some fin_n => ap (ren_Tm shift) (Eq fin_n)
| None => eq_refl
Lemma upExt_list_Tm_Tm {p : nat} {m : nat} {n_Tm : nat}
(sigma : fin m -> Tm n_Tm) (tau : fin m -> Tm n_Tm)
(Eq : forall x, sigma x = tau x) :
forall x, up_list_Tm_Tm p sigma x = up_list_Tm_Tm p tau x.
exact (fun n =>
scons_p_congr (fun n => eq_refl)
(fun n => ap (ren_Tm (shift_p p)) (Eq n))).
Fixpoint ext_Tm {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat} (sigma_Tm : fin m_Tm -> Tm n_Tm)
(tau_Tm : fin m_Tm -> Tm n_Tm) (Eq_Tm : forall x, sigma_Tm x = tau_Tm x)
(s : Tm m_Tm) {struct s} : subst_Tm sigma_Tm s = subst_Tm tau_Tm s :=
match s with
| VarTm _ s0 => Eq_Tm s0
| Abs _ s0 =>
(ext_Tm (up_Tm_Tm sigma_Tm) (up_Tm_Tm tau_Tm) (upExt_Tm_Tm _ _ Eq_Tm)
| App _ s0 s1 =>
congr_App (ext_Tm sigma_Tm tau_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
(ext_Tm sigma_Tm tau_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
| Pair _ s0 s1 =>
congr_Pair (ext_Tm sigma_Tm tau_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
(ext_Tm sigma_Tm tau_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
| Proj1 _ s0 => congr_Proj1 (ext_Tm sigma_Tm tau_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
| Proj2 _ s0 => congr_Proj2 (ext_Tm sigma_Tm tau_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
Lemma up_ren_ren_Tm_Tm {k : nat} {l : nat} {m : nat} (xi : fin k -> fin l)
(zeta : fin l -> fin m) (rho : fin k -> fin m)
(Eq : forall x, funcomp zeta xi x = rho x) :
forall x, funcomp (upRen_Tm_Tm zeta) (upRen_Tm_Tm xi) x = upRen_Tm_Tm rho x.
exact (up_ren_ren xi zeta rho Eq).
Lemma up_ren_ren_list_Tm_Tm {p : nat} {k : nat} {l : nat} {m : nat}
(xi : fin k -> fin l) (zeta : fin l -> fin m) (rho : fin k -> fin m)
(Eq : forall x, funcomp zeta xi x = rho x) :
forall x,
funcomp (upRen_list_Tm_Tm p zeta) (upRen_list_Tm_Tm p xi) x =
upRen_list_Tm_Tm p rho x.
exact (up_ren_ren_p Eq).
Fixpoint compRenRen_Tm {k_Tm : nat} {l_Tm : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
(xi_Tm : fin m_Tm -> fin k_Tm) (zeta_Tm : fin k_Tm -> fin l_Tm)
(rho_Tm : fin m_Tm -> fin l_Tm)
(Eq_Tm : forall x, funcomp zeta_Tm xi_Tm x = rho_Tm x) (s : Tm m_Tm) {struct
s} : ren_Tm zeta_Tm (ren_Tm xi_Tm s) = ren_Tm rho_Tm s :=
match s with
| VarTm _ s0 => ap (VarTm l_Tm) (Eq_Tm s0)
| Abs _ s0 =>
(compRenRen_Tm (upRen_Tm_Tm xi_Tm) (upRen_Tm_Tm zeta_Tm)
(upRen_Tm_Tm rho_Tm) (up_ren_ren _ _ _ Eq_Tm) s0)
| App _ s0 s1 =>
congr_App (compRenRen_Tm xi_Tm zeta_Tm rho_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
(compRenRen_Tm xi_Tm zeta_Tm rho_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
| Pair _ s0 s1 =>
congr_Pair (compRenRen_Tm xi_Tm zeta_Tm rho_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
(compRenRen_Tm xi_Tm zeta_Tm rho_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
| Proj1 _ s0 => congr_Proj1 (compRenRen_Tm xi_Tm zeta_Tm rho_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
| Proj2 _ s0 => congr_Proj2 (compRenRen_Tm xi_Tm zeta_Tm rho_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
Lemma up_ren_subst_Tm_Tm {k : nat} {l : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
(xi : fin k -> fin l) (tau : fin l -> Tm m_Tm) (theta : fin k -> Tm m_Tm)
(Eq : forall x, funcomp tau xi x = theta x) :
forall x, funcomp (up_Tm_Tm tau) (upRen_Tm_Tm xi) x = up_Tm_Tm theta x.
exact (fun n =>
match n with
| Some fin_n => ap (ren_Tm shift) (Eq fin_n)
| None => eq_refl
Lemma up_ren_subst_list_Tm_Tm {p : nat} {k : nat} {l : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
(xi : fin k -> fin l) (tau : fin l -> Tm m_Tm) (theta : fin k -> Tm m_Tm)
(Eq : forall x, funcomp tau xi x = theta x) :
forall x,
funcomp (up_list_Tm_Tm p tau) (upRen_list_Tm_Tm p xi) x =
up_list_Tm_Tm p theta x.
exact (fun n =>
eq_trans (scons_p_comp' _ _ _ n)
(scons_p_congr (fun z => scons_p_head' _ _ z)
(fun z =>
eq_trans (scons_p_tail' _ _ (xi z))
(ap (ren_Tm (shift_p p)) (Eq z))))).
Fixpoint compRenSubst_Tm {k_Tm : nat} {l_Tm : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
(xi_Tm : fin m_Tm -> fin k_Tm) (tau_Tm : fin k_Tm -> Tm l_Tm)
(theta_Tm : fin m_Tm -> Tm l_Tm)
(Eq_Tm : forall x, funcomp tau_Tm xi_Tm x = theta_Tm x) (s : Tm m_Tm) {struct
s} : subst_Tm tau_Tm (ren_Tm xi_Tm s) = subst_Tm theta_Tm s :=
match s with
| VarTm _ s0 => Eq_Tm s0
| Abs _ s0 =>
(compRenSubst_Tm (upRen_Tm_Tm xi_Tm) (up_Tm_Tm tau_Tm)
(up_Tm_Tm theta_Tm) (up_ren_subst_Tm_Tm _ _ _ Eq_Tm) s0)
| App _ s0 s1 =>
congr_App (compRenSubst_Tm xi_Tm tau_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
(compRenSubst_Tm xi_Tm tau_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
| Pair _ s0 s1 =>
congr_Pair (compRenSubst_Tm xi_Tm tau_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
(compRenSubst_Tm xi_Tm tau_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
| Proj1 _ s0 =>
congr_Proj1 (compRenSubst_Tm xi_Tm tau_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
| Proj2 _ s0 =>
congr_Proj2 (compRenSubst_Tm xi_Tm tau_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
Lemma up_subst_ren_Tm_Tm {k : nat} {l_Tm : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
(sigma : fin k -> Tm l_Tm) (zeta_Tm : fin l_Tm -> fin m_Tm)
(theta : fin k -> Tm m_Tm)
(Eq : forall x, funcomp (ren_Tm zeta_Tm) sigma x = theta x) :
forall x,
funcomp (ren_Tm (upRen_Tm_Tm zeta_Tm)) (up_Tm_Tm sigma) x =
up_Tm_Tm theta x.
exact (fun n =>
match n with
| Some fin_n =>
(compRenRen_Tm shift (upRen_Tm_Tm zeta_Tm)
(funcomp shift zeta_Tm) (fun x => eq_refl) (sigma fin_n))
(compRenRen_Tm zeta_Tm shift (funcomp shift zeta_Tm)
(fun x => eq_refl) (sigma fin_n)))
(ap (ren_Tm shift) (Eq fin_n)))
| None => eq_refl
Lemma up_subst_ren_list_Tm_Tm {p : nat} {k : nat} {l_Tm : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
(sigma : fin k -> Tm l_Tm) (zeta_Tm : fin l_Tm -> fin m_Tm)
(theta : fin k -> Tm m_Tm)
(Eq : forall x, funcomp (ren_Tm zeta_Tm) sigma x = theta x) :
forall x,
funcomp (ren_Tm (upRen_list_Tm_Tm p zeta_Tm)) (up_list_Tm_Tm p sigma) x =
up_list_Tm_Tm p theta x.
exact (fun n =>
eq_trans (scons_p_comp' _ _ _ n)
(fun x => ap (VarTm (plus p m_Tm)) (scons_p_head' _ _ x))
(fun n =>
(compRenRen_Tm (shift_p p) (upRen_list_Tm_Tm p zeta_Tm)
(funcomp (shift_p p) zeta_Tm)
(fun x => scons_p_tail' _ _ x) (sigma n))
(compRenRen_Tm zeta_Tm (shift_p p)
(funcomp (shift_p p) zeta_Tm) (fun x => eq_refl)
(sigma n))) (ap (ren_Tm (shift_p p)) (Eq n)))))).
Fixpoint compSubstRen_Tm {k_Tm : nat} {l_Tm : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
(sigma_Tm : fin m_Tm -> Tm k_Tm) (zeta_Tm : fin k_Tm -> fin l_Tm)
(theta_Tm : fin m_Tm -> Tm l_Tm)
(Eq_Tm : forall x, funcomp (ren_Tm zeta_Tm) sigma_Tm x = theta_Tm x)
(s : Tm m_Tm) {struct s} :
ren_Tm zeta_Tm (subst_Tm sigma_Tm s) = subst_Tm theta_Tm s :=
match s with
| VarTm _ s0 => Eq_Tm s0
| Abs _ s0 =>
(compSubstRen_Tm (up_Tm_Tm sigma_Tm) (upRen_Tm_Tm zeta_Tm)
(up_Tm_Tm theta_Tm) (up_subst_ren_Tm_Tm _ _ _ Eq_Tm) s0)
| App _ s0 s1 =>
congr_App (compSubstRen_Tm sigma_Tm zeta_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
(compSubstRen_Tm sigma_Tm zeta_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
| Pair _ s0 s1 =>
congr_Pair (compSubstRen_Tm sigma_Tm zeta_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
(compSubstRen_Tm sigma_Tm zeta_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
| Proj1 _ s0 =>
congr_Proj1 (compSubstRen_Tm sigma_Tm zeta_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
| Proj2 _ s0 =>
congr_Proj2 (compSubstRen_Tm sigma_Tm zeta_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
Lemma up_subst_subst_Tm_Tm {k : nat} {l_Tm : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
(sigma : fin k -> Tm l_Tm) (tau_Tm : fin l_Tm -> Tm m_Tm)
(theta : fin k -> Tm m_Tm)
(Eq : forall x, funcomp (subst_Tm tau_Tm) sigma x = theta x) :
forall x,
funcomp (subst_Tm (up_Tm_Tm tau_Tm)) (up_Tm_Tm sigma) x = up_Tm_Tm theta x.
exact (fun n =>
match n with
| Some fin_n =>
(compRenSubst_Tm shift (up_Tm_Tm tau_Tm)
(funcomp (up_Tm_Tm tau_Tm) shift) (fun x => eq_refl)
(sigma fin_n))
(compSubstRen_Tm tau_Tm shift
(funcomp (ren_Tm shift) tau_Tm) (fun x => eq_refl)
(sigma fin_n))) (ap (ren_Tm shift) (Eq fin_n)))
| None => eq_refl
Lemma up_subst_subst_list_Tm_Tm {p : nat} {k : nat} {l_Tm : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
(sigma : fin k -> Tm l_Tm) (tau_Tm : fin l_Tm -> Tm m_Tm)
(theta : fin k -> Tm m_Tm)
(Eq : forall x, funcomp (subst_Tm tau_Tm) sigma x = theta x) :
forall x,
funcomp (subst_Tm (up_list_Tm_Tm p tau_Tm)) (up_list_Tm_Tm p sigma) x =
up_list_Tm_Tm p theta x.
exact (fun n =>
(scons_p_comp' (funcomp (VarTm (plus p l_Tm)) (zero_p p)) _ _ n)
(fun x => scons_p_head' _ (fun z => ren_Tm (shift_p p) _) x)
(fun n =>
(compRenSubst_Tm (shift_p p) (up_list_Tm_Tm p tau_Tm)
(funcomp (up_list_Tm_Tm p tau_Tm) (shift_p p))
(fun x => eq_refl) (sigma n))
(compSubstRen_Tm tau_Tm (shift_p p) _
(fun x => eq_sym (scons_p_tail' _ _ x)) (sigma n)))
(ap (ren_Tm (shift_p p)) (Eq n)))))).
Fixpoint compSubstSubst_Tm {k_Tm : nat} {l_Tm : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
(sigma_Tm : fin m_Tm -> Tm k_Tm) (tau_Tm : fin k_Tm -> Tm l_Tm)
(theta_Tm : fin m_Tm -> Tm l_Tm)
(Eq_Tm : forall x, funcomp (subst_Tm tau_Tm) sigma_Tm x = theta_Tm x)
(s : Tm m_Tm) {struct s} :
subst_Tm tau_Tm (subst_Tm sigma_Tm s) = subst_Tm theta_Tm s :=
match s with
| VarTm _ s0 => Eq_Tm s0
| Abs _ s0 =>
(compSubstSubst_Tm (up_Tm_Tm sigma_Tm) (up_Tm_Tm tau_Tm)
(up_Tm_Tm theta_Tm) (up_subst_subst_Tm_Tm _ _ _ Eq_Tm) s0)
| App _ s0 s1 =>
congr_App (compSubstSubst_Tm sigma_Tm tau_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
(compSubstSubst_Tm sigma_Tm tau_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
| Pair _ s0 s1 =>
congr_Pair (compSubstSubst_Tm sigma_Tm tau_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
(compSubstSubst_Tm sigma_Tm tau_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
| Proj1 _ s0 =>
congr_Proj1 (compSubstSubst_Tm sigma_Tm tau_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
| Proj2 _ s0 =>
congr_Proj2 (compSubstSubst_Tm sigma_Tm tau_Tm theta_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
Lemma renRen_Tm {k_Tm : nat} {l_Tm : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
(xi_Tm : fin m_Tm -> fin k_Tm) (zeta_Tm : fin k_Tm -> fin l_Tm)
(s : Tm m_Tm) :
ren_Tm zeta_Tm (ren_Tm xi_Tm s) = ren_Tm (funcomp zeta_Tm xi_Tm) s.
exact (compRenRen_Tm xi_Tm zeta_Tm _ (fun n => eq_refl) s).
Lemma renRen'_Tm_pointwise {k_Tm : nat} {l_Tm : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
(xi_Tm : fin m_Tm -> fin k_Tm) (zeta_Tm : fin k_Tm -> fin l_Tm) :
pointwise_relation _ eq (funcomp (ren_Tm zeta_Tm) (ren_Tm xi_Tm))
(ren_Tm (funcomp zeta_Tm xi_Tm)).
exact (fun s => compRenRen_Tm xi_Tm zeta_Tm _ (fun n => eq_refl) s).
Lemma renSubst_Tm {k_Tm : nat} {l_Tm : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
(xi_Tm : fin m_Tm -> fin k_Tm) (tau_Tm : fin k_Tm -> Tm l_Tm) (s : Tm m_Tm)
: subst_Tm tau_Tm (ren_Tm xi_Tm s) = subst_Tm (funcomp tau_Tm xi_Tm) s.
exact (compRenSubst_Tm xi_Tm tau_Tm _ (fun n => eq_refl) s).
Lemma renSubst_Tm_pointwise {k_Tm : nat} {l_Tm : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
(xi_Tm : fin m_Tm -> fin k_Tm) (tau_Tm : fin k_Tm -> Tm l_Tm) :
pointwise_relation _ eq (funcomp (subst_Tm tau_Tm) (ren_Tm xi_Tm))
(subst_Tm (funcomp tau_Tm xi_Tm)).
exact (fun s => compRenSubst_Tm xi_Tm tau_Tm _ (fun n => eq_refl) s).
Lemma substRen_Tm {k_Tm : nat} {l_Tm : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
(sigma_Tm : fin m_Tm -> Tm k_Tm) (zeta_Tm : fin k_Tm -> fin l_Tm)
(s : Tm m_Tm) :
ren_Tm zeta_Tm (subst_Tm sigma_Tm s) =
subst_Tm (funcomp (ren_Tm zeta_Tm) sigma_Tm) s.
exact (compSubstRen_Tm sigma_Tm zeta_Tm _ (fun n => eq_refl) s).
Lemma substRen_Tm_pointwise {k_Tm : nat} {l_Tm : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
(sigma_Tm : fin m_Tm -> Tm k_Tm) (zeta_Tm : fin k_Tm -> fin l_Tm) :
pointwise_relation _ eq (funcomp (ren_Tm zeta_Tm) (subst_Tm sigma_Tm))
(subst_Tm (funcomp (ren_Tm zeta_Tm) sigma_Tm)).
exact (fun s => compSubstRen_Tm sigma_Tm zeta_Tm _ (fun n => eq_refl) s).
Lemma substSubst_Tm {k_Tm : nat} {l_Tm : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
(sigma_Tm : fin m_Tm -> Tm k_Tm) (tau_Tm : fin k_Tm -> Tm l_Tm)
(s : Tm m_Tm) :
subst_Tm tau_Tm (subst_Tm sigma_Tm s) =
subst_Tm (funcomp (subst_Tm tau_Tm) sigma_Tm) s.
exact (compSubstSubst_Tm sigma_Tm tau_Tm _ (fun n => eq_refl) s).
Lemma substSubst_Tm_pointwise {k_Tm : nat} {l_Tm : nat} {m_Tm : nat}
(sigma_Tm : fin m_Tm -> Tm k_Tm) (tau_Tm : fin k_Tm -> Tm l_Tm) :
pointwise_relation _ eq (funcomp (subst_Tm tau_Tm) (subst_Tm sigma_Tm))
(subst_Tm (funcomp (subst_Tm tau_Tm) sigma_Tm)).
exact (fun s => compSubstSubst_Tm sigma_Tm tau_Tm _ (fun n => eq_refl) s).
Lemma rinstInst_up_Tm_Tm {m : nat} {n_Tm : nat} (xi : fin m -> fin n_Tm)
(sigma : fin m -> Tm n_Tm)
(Eq : forall x, funcomp (VarTm n_Tm) xi x = sigma x) :
forall x, funcomp (VarTm (S n_Tm)) (upRen_Tm_Tm xi) x = up_Tm_Tm sigma x.
exact (fun n =>
match n with
| Some fin_n => ap (ren_Tm shift) (Eq fin_n)
| None => eq_refl
Lemma rinstInst_up_list_Tm_Tm {p : nat} {m : nat} {n_Tm : nat}
(xi : fin m -> fin n_Tm) (sigma : fin m -> Tm n_Tm)
(Eq : forall x, funcomp (VarTm n_Tm) xi x = sigma x) :
forall x,
funcomp (VarTm (plus p n_Tm)) (upRen_list_Tm_Tm p xi) x =
up_list_Tm_Tm p sigma x.
exact (fun n =>
eq_trans (scons_p_comp' _ _ (VarTm (plus p n_Tm)) n)
(scons_p_congr (fun z => eq_refl)
(fun n => ap (ren_Tm (shift_p p)) (Eq n)))).
Fixpoint rinst_inst_Tm {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat}
(xi_Tm : fin m_Tm -> fin n_Tm) (sigma_Tm : fin m_Tm -> Tm n_Tm)
(Eq_Tm : forall x, funcomp (VarTm n_Tm) xi_Tm x = sigma_Tm x) (s : Tm m_Tm)
{struct s} : ren_Tm xi_Tm s = subst_Tm sigma_Tm s :=
match s with
| VarTm _ s0 => Eq_Tm s0
| Abs _ s0 =>
(rinst_inst_Tm (upRen_Tm_Tm xi_Tm) (up_Tm_Tm sigma_Tm)
(rinstInst_up_Tm_Tm _ _ Eq_Tm) s0)
| App _ s0 s1 =>
congr_App (rinst_inst_Tm xi_Tm sigma_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
(rinst_inst_Tm xi_Tm sigma_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
| Pair _ s0 s1 =>
congr_Pair (rinst_inst_Tm xi_Tm sigma_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
(rinst_inst_Tm xi_Tm sigma_Tm Eq_Tm s1)
| Proj1 _ s0 => congr_Proj1 (rinst_inst_Tm xi_Tm sigma_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
| Proj2 _ s0 => congr_Proj2 (rinst_inst_Tm xi_Tm sigma_Tm Eq_Tm s0)
Lemma rinstInst'_Tm {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat} (xi_Tm : fin m_Tm -> fin n_Tm)
(s : Tm m_Tm) : ren_Tm xi_Tm s = subst_Tm (funcomp (VarTm n_Tm) xi_Tm) s.
exact (rinst_inst_Tm xi_Tm _ (fun n => eq_refl) s).
Lemma rinstInst'_Tm_pointwise {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat}
(xi_Tm : fin m_Tm -> fin n_Tm) :
pointwise_relation _ eq (ren_Tm xi_Tm)
(subst_Tm (funcomp (VarTm n_Tm) xi_Tm)).
exact (fun s => rinst_inst_Tm xi_Tm _ (fun n => eq_refl) s).
Lemma instId'_Tm {m_Tm : nat} (s : Tm m_Tm) : subst_Tm (VarTm m_Tm) s = s.
exact (idSubst_Tm (VarTm m_Tm) (fun n => eq_refl) s).
Lemma instId'_Tm_pointwise {m_Tm : nat} :
pointwise_relation _ eq (subst_Tm (VarTm m_Tm)) id.
exact (fun s => idSubst_Tm (VarTm m_Tm) (fun n => eq_refl) s).
Lemma rinstId'_Tm {m_Tm : nat} (s : Tm m_Tm) : ren_Tm id s = s.
exact (eq_ind_r (fun t => t = s) (instId'_Tm s) (rinstInst'_Tm id s)).
Lemma rinstId'_Tm_pointwise {m_Tm : nat} :
pointwise_relation _ eq (@ren_Tm m_Tm m_Tm id) id.
exact (fun s => eq_ind_r (fun t => t = s) (instId'_Tm s) (rinstInst'_Tm id s)).
Lemma varL'_Tm {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat} (sigma_Tm : fin m_Tm -> Tm n_Tm)
(x : fin m_Tm) : subst_Tm sigma_Tm (VarTm m_Tm x) = sigma_Tm x.
exact (eq_refl).
Lemma varL'_Tm_pointwise {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat}
(sigma_Tm : fin m_Tm -> Tm n_Tm) :
pointwise_relation _ eq (funcomp (subst_Tm sigma_Tm) (VarTm m_Tm)) sigma_Tm.
exact (fun x => eq_refl).
Lemma varLRen'_Tm {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat} (xi_Tm : fin m_Tm -> fin n_Tm)
(x : fin m_Tm) : ren_Tm xi_Tm (VarTm m_Tm x) = VarTm n_Tm (xi_Tm x).
exact (eq_refl).
Lemma varLRen'_Tm_pointwise {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat}
(xi_Tm : fin m_Tm -> fin n_Tm) :
pointwise_relation _ eq (funcomp (ren_Tm xi_Tm) (VarTm m_Tm))
(funcomp (VarTm n_Tm) xi_Tm).
exact (fun x => eq_refl).
Class Up_Tm X Y :=
up_Tm : X -> Y.
Instance Subst_Tm {m_Tm n_Tm : nat}: (Subst1 _ _ _) := (@subst_Tm m_Tm n_Tm).
Instance Up_Tm_Tm {m n_Tm : nat}: (Up_Tm _ _) := (@up_Tm_Tm m n_Tm).
Instance Ren_Tm {m_Tm n_Tm : nat}: (Ren1 _ _ _) := (@ren_Tm m_Tm n_Tm).
Instance VarInstance_Tm {n_Tm : nat}: (Var _ _) := (@VarTm n_Tm).
Notation "[ sigma_Tm ]" := (subst_Tm sigma_Tm)
( at level 1, left associativity, only printing) : fscope.
Notation "s [ sigma_Tm ]" := (subst_Tm sigma_Tm s)
( at level 7, left associativity, only printing) : subst_scope.
Notation "↑__Tm" := up_Tm (only printing) : subst_scope.
Notation "↑__Tm" := up_Tm_Tm (only printing) : subst_scope.
Notation "⟨ xi_Tm ⟩" := (ren_Tm xi_Tm)
( at level 1, left associativity, only printing) : fscope.
Notation "s ⟨ xi_Tm ⟩" := (ren_Tm xi_Tm s)
( at level 7, left associativity, only printing) : subst_scope.
Notation "'var'" := VarTm ( at level 1, only printing) : subst_scope.
Notation "x '__Tm'" := (@ids _ _ VarInstance_Tm x)
( at level 5, format "x __Tm", only printing) : subst_scope.
Notation "x '__Tm'" := (VarTm x) ( at level 5, format "x __Tm") :
Instance subst_Tm_morphism {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat}:
(Proper (respectful (pointwise_relation _ eq) (respectful eq eq))
(@subst_Tm m_Tm n_Tm)).
exact (fun f_Tm g_Tm Eq_Tm s t Eq_st =>
eq_ind s (fun t' => subst_Tm f_Tm s = subst_Tm g_Tm t')
(ext_Tm f_Tm g_Tm Eq_Tm s) t Eq_st).
Instance subst_Tm_morphism2 {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat}:
(Proper (respectful (pointwise_relation _ eq) (pointwise_relation _ eq))
(@subst_Tm m_Tm n_Tm)).
exact (fun f_Tm g_Tm Eq_Tm s => ext_Tm f_Tm g_Tm Eq_Tm s).
Instance ren_Tm_morphism {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat}:
(Proper (respectful (pointwise_relation _ eq) (respectful eq eq))
(@ren_Tm m_Tm n_Tm)).
exact (fun f_Tm g_Tm Eq_Tm s t Eq_st =>
eq_ind s (fun t' => ren_Tm f_Tm s = ren_Tm g_Tm t')
(extRen_Tm f_Tm g_Tm Eq_Tm s) t Eq_st).
Instance ren_Tm_morphism2 {m_Tm : nat} {n_Tm : nat}:
(Proper (respectful (pointwise_relation _ eq) (pointwise_relation _ eq))
(@ren_Tm m_Tm n_Tm)).
exact (fun f_Tm g_Tm Eq_Tm s => extRen_Tm f_Tm g_Tm Eq_Tm s).
Ltac auto_unfold := repeat
unfold VarInstance_Tm, Var, ids, Ren_Tm, Ren1, ren1,
Up_Tm_Tm, Up_Tm, up_Tm, Subst_Tm, Subst1, subst1.
Tactic Notation "auto_unfold" "in" "*" := repeat
unfold VarInstance_Tm, Var, ids,
Ren_Tm, Ren1, ren1, Up_Tm_Tm,
Up_Tm, up_Tm, Subst_Tm, Subst1,
subst1 in *.
Ltac asimpl' := repeat (first
[ progress setoid_rewrite substSubst_Tm_pointwise
| progress setoid_rewrite substSubst_Tm
| progress setoid_rewrite substRen_Tm_pointwise
| progress setoid_rewrite substRen_Tm
| progress setoid_rewrite renSubst_Tm_pointwise
| progress setoid_rewrite renSubst_Tm
| progress setoid_rewrite renRen'_Tm_pointwise
| progress setoid_rewrite renRen_Tm
| progress setoid_rewrite varLRen'_Tm_pointwise
| progress setoid_rewrite varLRen'_Tm
| progress setoid_rewrite varL'_Tm_pointwise
| progress setoid_rewrite varL'_Tm
| progress setoid_rewrite rinstId'_Tm_pointwise
| progress setoid_rewrite rinstId'_Tm
| progress setoid_rewrite instId'_Tm_pointwise
| progress setoid_rewrite instId'_Tm
| progress
unfold up_list_Tm_Tm, up_Tm_Tm, upRen_list_Tm_Tm,
upRen_Tm_Tm, up_ren
| progress cbn[subst_Tm ren_Tm]
| progress fsimpl ]).
Ltac asimpl := check_no_evars;
unfold VarInstance_Tm, Var, ids, Ren_Tm, Ren1, ren1,
Up_Tm_Tm, Up_Tm, up_Tm, Subst_Tm, Subst1, subst1 in *;
asimpl'; minimize.
Tactic Notation "asimpl" "in" hyp(J) := revert J; asimpl; intros J.
Tactic Notation "auto_case" := auto_case ltac:(asimpl; cbn; eauto).
Ltac substify := auto_unfold; try setoid_rewrite rinstInst'_Tm_pointwise;
try setoid_rewrite rinstInst'_Tm.
Ltac renamify := auto_unfold; try setoid_rewrite_left rinstInst'_Tm_pointwise;
try setoid_rewrite_left rinstInst'_Tm.
End Core.
Module Extra.
Arguments VarTm {n_Tm}.
Arguments Proj2 {n_Tm}.
Arguments Proj1 {n_Tm}.
Arguments Pair {n_Tm}.
Arguments App {n_Tm}.
Arguments Abs {n_Tm}.
#[global]Hint Opaque subst_Tm: rewrite.
#[global]Hint Opaque ren_Tm: rewrite.
End Extra.
Module interface.
Export Core.
Export Extra.
End interface.
Export interface.
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